Miami vs Florida

I hope we beat florida by as much as possible.

Probably been discussed but i just got back...

1) Whoever #11 is should've been called for a penalty on Harvin's TD run after miami stood strong at the goal line, after the interference, after the 'catch' to put them that close. A little bit BS in my opinion. They might as well have put 7 points on the board because the refs were getting them in the endzone.
2) I understand that Tebow is an amazing person, i get that.. He's as talented as people get, and a greatttt kid... But he gets treated by ESPN like he is THE only good person on this earth. I know, i'm jealous.. whatever. Terribly jealous. He's not the only person who has talent and goes on mission trips or is willing to give back. ESPN can sit there and try to date him all they want.. i'm annoyed by it.
3) You are up 23-3.. Don't chuck a deep ball. I know you're classless, i know you like to rub it in, i know you haven't beaten miami since 1985. Take your win with class ONE time.
4)Miami is a good team. Sean spence is for real, Cooper is, Harris is good and Marve is a player. Young receivers (dropped passes) hurt them a bunch, and heck Florida was the better team, they sure did fight there for awhile though. one big play away.
5) We can beat Florida. Plain and simple. And should.
I just want to end this thread by saying, Florida could have ran it 3 straight times to run out the clock at the end, but instead they were going for the points. don't care if you're a Florida homer or whoever, that's not the right way to play the game
I have no qualms about acknowledging that Tebow is an excellent person and player. But it gets a little over the top sometimes, especially when they literally refer to UF as "Tim Tebow and the Gators"
I think we did have an off-week before UF but had to surrender it to play Monday night against UCLA.

A poor trade-off in retrospect.
I keep hearing so much about the "talent" on this team, but I'm just not convinced. Sorry. I respect y'all's opinion and hope you are right, but talent is as talent does, regardless of what it is coached to do.

i mean i get what you're saying.. i was riled up from the intensity of my annoyed post and got pumped :D

But i think we can. Wouldn't shock me to death if we did.

i mean i get what you're saying.. i was riled up from the intensity of my annoyed post and got pumped :D

But i think we can. Wouldn't shock me to death if we did.

If we do I am dedicating a thread to your genius and declaring it Dbake005 Day from henceforth.

I have been having this argument with FU fans all night. I asked them why they can't just win and be done with it. They really see no problem with the FG, or the fact that the starters were in with 2 minutes left. This is their culture here. When they are good, they want you to know it. If Jacksonville ever loses the Jaguars, I'll have to change career's and move. I couldn't take anymore of the Gator fluffing going on around here.:mad:

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