Michael Sam, Missouri DE, Is Gay

Can't wait for the first polygamist, man married to a giraffe, man married to a dead person, etc. to declare for the NFL draft...

consenting adults shouldn't be limited. Trying to equate homosexuality with bestiality is the pinnacle of stupid
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As a Jew, do I need to educate you about The Holocaust? Where an uncountable amount of homosexuals were also murdered?

For the later half of your post, so you believe sexuality is a choice and that there is no chance that it is a chemical imbalance that can cause it? What about severe sexual trauma at a young age? Not forgivable either?

Also, the argument about making it public. You and I make our sexual orientation public all the time. Do I go to dinner in public with my wife? Do I hold her hand in public? Kiss her in public? Did I have a wedding? Do I tell people I'm married? Do I tell my friends my wife's name? Yes. Do you people? Yes. Can a closeted gay man do that? No.

This is a big story because everyone before him was too scared to reveal their sexuality. Why? Because of intolerant folk like the person I originally quoted.
Again I dont care about someone elses sexual preferences, but to compare this man to a hero and put him in the same category as Rosa Parks and Jackie Robinson is a complete insult to the two. This man has gotten nothing but love and support from everywhere while the two actual HEROS listed above were put through hell and noone acknowledged their accomplishments until decades later
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Again I dont care about someone elses sexual preferences, but to compare this man to a hero and put him in the same category as Rosa Parks and Jackie Robinson is a complete insult to the two. This man has gotten nothing but love and support from everywhere while the two actual HEROS listed above were put through hell and noone acknowledged their accomplishments until decades later

I didn't call him a hero. I didn't compare him to anybody. You did that, you did that so you can bring up those arguments to push your agenda. There will never be shrines erected to Sam like there are to Parks and Robinson. He won't be in text books. YOU stop comparing them. Nobody here is doing that and ESPN isn't doing that either.
Boy the ignorance is strong with this thread. Gay people aren't different from you, maybe that scares you, maybe you have religious convictions, but the fact is, they aren't different. I especially love the comparisons of homosexuality to beastiality, if you genuinely believe this you are not only wrong but incredibly ignorant. So often the Bible is used to justify an agenda, to justify prejudice and this video I have posted perfectly articulates that point, please watch it until the end and I hope you come away with a different perspective.

OFFICIAL Preacher Phil Snider gives interesting gay rights speech - YouTube
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That's because any media outlet is going to have it's share of gays on staff, and they purpose to use the media at any possible opportunity to propagandize their lifestyle...as being "normal" and OK.

Sorry, but it's not. Gay is NOT OK. It's repulsive and sickening...period. It's also full of pretense. Am I being a hater? Sure....why not? They don't mind forcing their lifestyle on others...like the military, now.

Folks in the military are commonly FORCED to be in very close quarters with with their fellow soldiers. They are now FORCED to be in those same close quarters with individuals that are mentally sick. Gender confusion and fake lisps is a sign of a mentally perverted state. Period. Glad I got out way before they imposed that mess on our Armed Services.

There...I said it.

You got beaten up by a gay dude when you were in high school, didn't you?
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That's because any media outlet is going to have it's share of gays on staff, and they purpose to use the media at any possible opportunity to propagandize their lifestyle...as being "normal" and OK.

Sorry, but it's not. Gay is NOT OK. It's repulsive and sickening...period. It's also full of pretense. Am I being a hater? Sure....why not? They don't mind forcing their lifestyle on others...like the military, now.

Folks in the military are commonly FORCED to be in very close quarters with with their fellow soldiers. They are now FORCED to be in those same close quarters with individuals that are mentally sick. Gender confusion and fake lisps is a sign of a mentally perverted state. Period. Glad I got out way before they imposed that mess on our Armed Services.

There...I said it.

If you think like a 12 year old and think gay sex is icky and gross just say so. I've known quite a few gay people in my life and your assertions about the LBGT community is not only wrong but so full of backwards thinking and ignorance that it's breathtaking. Not all gay people dress in drag and have a lisp, that's called a 'stereotype'. I'm guessing you saw "The Birdcage" once and decided that was representative of an entire group of people, it's not. In fact they are a lot like anyone else you meet on the street, because they aren't any different from you or I. One of the nicest, most caring individuals I have ever met was one of my friends mother. She raised a wonderful son who is now married (shocking that he's straight since apparently the gays want to turn everyone gay) and has a son of his own. The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me.

You also said something about their lifestyle is being forced on you... how? No one is telling you that you have to be gay or that you even have to associate with gay people. But I'm sure you are totally Ok with telling other people how they should live their life. Gay people are told they can't marry who they want, they can't visit their loved one in the hospital, why is that OK? You can't complain that a certain viewpoint is being forced on you while simultaneously advocating that your viewpoint be forced on others, that is the height of hypocracy.

Homosexuality isn't defined by sexual appetite either. A gay person's lebido isn't different from yours, they aren't some sex crazed monster anymore than you are. And by the way, remember how they were so worried that gay soldiers would reduce moral... it didn't. In fact as far as anyone can tell, the repeal of don't ask don't tell hasn't affected the military's ability to perform at expected levels at all. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, I wish I could change your mind because gay people aren't going away and they are just folk like anyone else, same hopes, dreams and faults as the rest of us.
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That's because any media outlet is going to have it's share of gays on staff, and they purpose to use the media at any possible opportunity to propagandize their lifestyle...as being "normal" and OK.

Sorry, but it's not. Gay is NOT OK. It's repulsive and sickening...period. It's also full of pretense. Am I being a hater? Sure....why not? They don't mind forcing their lifestyle on others...like the military, now.

Folks in the military are commonly FORCED to be in very close quarters with with their fellow soldiers. They are now FORCED to be in those same close quarters with individuals that are mentally sick. Gender confusion and fake lisps is a sign of a mentally perverted state. Period. Glad I got out way before they imposed that mess on our Armed Services.

There...I said it.

This is getting annoyng, its pretty damn sad when a 8 year old cant turn on the tv without having a grown man who is desperate for attention shoving his sexual preferences down everyones throat. I dont care that hes gay he will answer for his sins just as I will answer for mine but why does america have to celebrate with him?

Ah you poor things. It must be hard to hear an opinion that doesn't agree with yours. Don't worry, church is tomorrow night.
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I just read on the crawl screen where Michelle Obama said Sam was an inspiration....to whom? Give me a break.

I say that not in a gay/ pro-gay stance, but this so-called "freedom of choice" is being shoved down our throats. And if you don't agree with their choice then somehow you are wrong.

I don't know, maybe the other thousands of athletes in high school, college, or professional sports scared to come out because of what others would think of them?

I applaud Michael's Sam courage for being the first.
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I see the point but I see the NFL Commissioners brother is a open gay fellow. Comish has spoken at gay rights deal and this Open Gay player don't get drafted .
GOING to be something else.
Be like my daughter dressing out in a NFL locker room and getting a shower....What are they going to think when they see him. I bet he gets his own private shower where ever he/she/it is at. Fact he might be a cross dresser??

Just so much ignorance in this post :unsure:

So what if he cross-dresses? Fact is he told his Mizzou teammates before the season started and didn't jump them in the shower. Just because he is gay doesn't mean he is constantly thinking about poking another dude in the shower after a game.
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I don't know, maybe the other thousands of athletes in high school, college, or professional sports scared to come out because of what others would think of them?

I applaud Michael's Sam courage for being the first.

Why do they need to "come out" to begin with? I may be going out on a limb here, but I'd say most people don't really give a damn what your sexual preference is. How often is that topic discussed amongst two grown individuals?
Funny how bestiality is illegal in 37 states, and butt plugging another man isn't. Are people who are "fond" of animals any different than being gay? Were they born that way?Just a question folks.
Homosexuality isn't defined by sexual appetite either. A gay person's lebido isn't different from yours, they aren't some sex crazed monster anymore than you are.

I'm really glad you made this point. This subject matter gets defined by the first word in the term "sexual preference", as if being gay is simply about who one wants to have sex with. But I know that my heterosexuality is not just about sex. If I never had sex again for the rest of my life, I would still be straight.

By nature, I need a woman to share my life with. Sex is awesome, but my wife means way more than that to me.

Most gay men are looking for the same fulfillment, but their nature calls for them to find it with another man.
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Funny how bestiality is illegal in 37 states, and butt plugging another man isn't. Are people who are "fond" of animals any different than being gay? Were they born that way?Just a question folks.

Animals can't consent.
Funny how bestiality is illegal in 37 states, and butt plugging another man isn't. Are people who are "fond" of animals any different than being gay? Were they born that way?Just a question folks.

Well aside from that fact that an animal isn't a consenting human and is essentially being raped, I suppose someone could make the argument that people 'fond' of animals are 'born that way' just as f**ked up people who are fond of little boys (Sandusky) could be 'born that way.'

Definitely doesn't make it right. Again, the difference is you have two consenting adults when speaking of gays.
Why do they need to "come out" to begin with? I may be going out on a limb here, but I'd say most people don't really give a damn what your sexual preference is. How often is that topic discussed amongst two grown individuals?

You've never had a discussion about sex with another person, gay or straight? You've never had a conversation about relationships or marriage? And I mean with someone other than a girlfriend.
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Why do they need to "come out" to begin with? I may be going out on a limb here, but I'd say most people don't really give a damn what your sexual preference is. How often is that topic discussed amongst two grown individuals?

How many times have you held your significant other's hand out in public? Kissed her in public? Introduced her to your family? Go on dates?

We straights don't want to admit it, but we unknowingly announce our sexuality every day. For gay people, it's a completely different world.

In the case of Michael Sam, he's gay AND in the public spotlight. It could affect his job status, his relationship with teammates, and his mental healthy by not being public with it.

Add the fact he will be the first active professional sports player in America out of the big four sports, and it's a huge deal.
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You've never had a discussion about sex with another person, gay or straight? You've never had a conversation about relationships or marriage? And I mean with someone other than a girlfriend.

With family members and close friends I've discussed the prospect of becoming engaged with my girlfriend, so in that sense I can see where one would want to "come out."

I don't discuss sexual things with anyone other than my girlfriend, it's just not anyone else's business IMO, though some are more open and willing to discuss their private affairs.

My point is that sexual preference, much like race/skin color/religion, does not matter to me. I see and deal with a person for who they are to me, be it a coworker, friend, etc. To constantly bring it up furthers the divide between this group and that group. I wish we lived in a world where sexual preference was as bland and trivial as the coffee you drank this morning, or something else so trivial it enters and leaves your mind in the same instance. It just doesn't matter or have any affect on my life or day. Seriously. Maybe that's the libertarian in me.
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With family members and close friends I've discussed the prospect of becoming engaged with my girlfriend, so in that sense I can see where one would want to "come out."

I don't discuss sexual things with anyone other than my girlfriend, it's just not anyone else's business IMO, though some are more open and willing to discuss their private affairs.

My point is that sexual preference, much like race/skin color/religion, does not matter to me. I see and deal with a person for who they are to me, be it a coworker, friend, etc. To constantly bring it up furthers the divide between this group and that group. I wish we lived in a world where sexual preference was as bland and trivial as the coffee you drank this morning, or something else so trivial it enters and leaves your mind in the same instance. It just doesn't matter or have any affect on my life or day. Seriously. Maybe that's the libertarian in me.

I get that. I'm also libertarian. I wish I lived in a United States where Michael Sam's sexuality means nothing.

That's not the American we live in today however.

And again, Michael Same isn't really stating his sexual preferences. We think of gay people as just "they like sex with men" but it's much deeper than that.
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Funny how bestiality is illegal in 37 states, and butt plugging another man isn't. Are people who are "fond" of animals any different than being gay? Were they born that way?Just a question folks.

So, again, we are back to comparing consensual gay sex to beastiality?

Rape among humans is illegal. Humans raping animals is illegal.
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