Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

Some people do that. That's only part of the equation. Some go get more skills and become better contributors to the economy.

The root problem is the welfare program and not immigration. Immigration is creating a solution....cheaper services. That's of good to us all.

Are we seriously going to blame American-brand welfare laziness on immigrants taking our jobs? This is the land of opportunity. No excuses.
The root problem is the welfare program. We agree on something. The problem is that illegal immigration creates a solution for a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place. Two wrongs don't make a right. It makes 2 wrongs.
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They are the same where it counts. They are willing to give up many of their friends and family, culture, traditions, etc. To go to an unknown land where they don't even speak the language. They are brave motivated people willing to make sacrifices, and that's what they share with my ancestors that I want to emulate.

:eek:lol: No they don't. And that is EXACTLY the problem not only here in America but in Europe right now.

THIS is how it works..Third worlder makes perilous journey because there is a HUGE payoff at the end. The payoff is keeping their language, keeping their ass backwards traditions, keeping their family and friends, and living off a new government funded by mostly white Europeans. They aren't even brave for making the journey, just stupid.

Immigrants that made America great came from the modern world at that time. Immigrants now..not so much.
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:eek:lol: No they don't. And that is EXACTLY the problem not only here in America but in Europe right now.

THIS is how it works..Third worlder makes perilous journey because there is a HUGE payoff at the end. The payoff is keeping their language, keeping their ass backwards traditions, keeping their family and friends, and living off a new government funded by mostly white Europeans. They aren't even brave for making the journey, just stupid.


I know immigrants that root for the US over Mexico in soccer. Your ignorant post about them as a whole is ignorant, and there may be people that hang onto their language and never adapt culturally to the US, but most that want to stay long term do adapt and learn the language. People I met 10 years ago that seemed like they would never adapt make facebook posts in English now. One lady in particular comes to mind. Her husband is the breadwinner, she stays home, and she was 35 when she came here. She still learned the language.
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I know immigrants that root for the US over Mexico in soccer. Your ignorant post about them as a whole is ignorant, and there may be people that hang onto their language and never adapt culturally to the US, but most that want to stay long term do adapt and learn the language. People I met 10 years ago that seemed like they would never adapt make facebook posts in English now.

I got two black friends who haven't been to jail and were fathers to their kids. I guess thats pretty representative of the rest of them right? Not at all.

In Europe these immigrants are doing exactly what I said, its a free ride on easy street. Do you live in poverty in Syria or Sweden? Ok so I gotta buy a coat but I still to hold onto my barbaric culture and traditions because the highly liberalized Swedes are too big of poosah's to do anything about it.

It's ignorant to think third world immigrants and especially hordes of muslim immigrants are a positive thing. Its ignorant to subscribe to the whole "the meek shall inherit the earth" mantra as well. Ain't going to happen. You don't let cancer spread throughout your body you stop it where you can, then nuke it or cut it out. Same philosophy should be applied in Europe with the current muslim invasion.

Harsh? Yep. Lacking empathy? Hell yes! Ignorant? Not at all.

And your immigrant friends rooting for the US over mexico..that's some straight bandwagon sh!t right thar.
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I got two black friends who haven't been to jail and were fathers to their kids. I guess thats pretty representative of the rest of them right? Not at all.

In Europe these immigrants are doing exactly what I said, its a free ride on easy street. Do you live in poverty in Syria or Sweden? Ok so I gotta buy a coat but I still to hold onto my barbaric culture and traditions because the highly liberalized Swedes are too big of poosah's to do anything about it.

It's ignorant to think third world immigrants and especially hordes of muslim immigrants are a positive thing. Its ignorant to subscribe to the whole "the meek shall inherit the earth" mantra as well. Ain't going to happen. You don't let cancer spread throughout your body you stop it where you can, then nuke it or cut it out. Same philosophy should be applied in Europe with the current muslim invasion.

Harsh? Yep. Lacking empathy? Hell yes! Ignorant? Not at all.

And your immigrant friends rooting for the US over mexico..that's some straight bandwagon sh!t right thar.
It is never a positive to flood your country with poorly educated, low skilled people. We are still paying a very high cost for bringing people out of Africa, and it isn't just because it was against their will. It is also a clash of European and African cultures.
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I got two black friends who haven't been to jail and were fathers to their kids. I guess thats pretty representative of the rest of them right? Not at all.

In Europe these immigrants are doing exactly what I said, its a free ride on easy street. Do you live in poverty in Syria or Sweden? Ok so I gotta buy a coat but I still to hold onto my barbaric culture and traditions because the highly liberalized Swedes are too big of poosah's to do anything about it.

It's ignorant to think third world immigrants and especially hordes of muslim immigrants are a positive thing. Its ignorant to subscribe to the whole "the meek shall inherit the earth" mantra as well. Ain't going to happen. You don't let cancer spread throughout your body you stop it where you can, then nuke it or cut it out. Same philosophy should be applied in Europe with the current muslim invasion.

Harsh? Yep. Lacking empathy? Hell yes! Ignorant? Not at all.

And your immigrant friends rooting for the US over mexico..that's some straight bandwagon sh!t right thar.

Holy ****, dude.
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Let's just be clear, abandoning open immigration is abandoning what made America great in the first place.

"No more please. Thanks. We're plenty good enough." {proceeds to cut off nose}
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Let's just be clear, abandoning open immigration is abandoning what made America great in the first place.

"No more please. Thanks. We're plenty good enough." {proceeds to cut off nose}

Until we get a handle on **** that's exactly what needs to happen.
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I'd like to see a 1 for 1 program. Let the ones who want to come here and work come and expel the Americans who wont work.
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Let's just be clear, abandoning open immigration is abandoning what made America great in the first place.

"No more please. Thanks. We're plenty good enough." {proceeds to cut off nose}

You realize that we haven't had legal open immigration in 100 or more years?
Why does that make a difference? If we had the same laws, then they would be legal.

This is another **** argument.

Do you guys get how debate works?

Laws change and adapt over time. Even in the late 1800s early 1900s people coming through Ellis Island had to go through a screening process and yes many were turned away.
Laws change and adapt over time. Even in the late 1800s early 1900s people coming through Ellis Island had to go through a screening process and yes many were turned away.

Nobody is advocating we have a process that doesn't screen.

Laws adapt over time, but some laws do so for bad reasons.

The market demands their labor. If we want to be prosperous, we should not deny the market what it demands. Bottom line. The worst government policies **** with the market, and this is a big one. Huge one. I mean....if the market naturally demands 25 million more immigrants, think about what we are denying ourselves?...
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Nobody is advocating we have a process that doesn't screen.

Laws adapt over time, but some laws do so for bad reasons.

The market demands their labor. If we want to be prosperous, we should not deny the market what it demands. Bottom line. The worst government policies **** with the market, and this is a big one. Huge one. I mean....if the market naturally demands 25 million more immigrants, think about what we are denying ourselves?...

I'm for immigration. I'm for immigration reform, I could even support amnesty.
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"Religious considerations have stirred controversy in other nations, such as the government of Slovakia announcing that it will take in only Christian refugees, instead of Muslims.

Slovakian interior ministry spokesman Ivan Metik argued in August that the policy is not discriminatory.

"We want to help Europe with the migration issue. We could take 800 Muslims but we don't have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here?" Metik asked.

"We want to really help Europe with this migration wave, but … we are only a transit country and the people don't want to stay in Slovakia," he added."

You're stretching really far.

America wasn't built in the last 100 years, it's just been built upon, and immigrants and the children of immigrants have been helping to build it the last 100 years, regardless of how the law has changed.
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:eek:lol: No they don't. And that is EXACTLY the problem not only here in America but in Europe right now.

THIS is how it works..Third worlder makes perilous journey because there is a HUGE payoff at the end. The payoff is keeping their language, keeping their ass backwards traditions, keeping their family and friends, and living off a new government funded by mostly white Europeans. They aren't even brave for making the journey, just stupid.

Immigrants that made America great came from the modern world at that time. Immigrants now..not so much.

Xenophobia manifested in an unfounded superiority complex based in cartoonish stereotypes and ignorant generalizations. No wonder the knuckle draggers ate this up. It appeals to their "us vs. them" attitude, and blaming everything on those damn Mexicans instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Sad.
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