Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

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Migrant Shelter Volunteer: Women and Children Were Brought in For the Cameras​

Former student volunteer at a Europe Migrant Crisis-era refugee centre relates how the reality on the ground was carefully stage managed for the cameras and how the scales fell from her eyes in 2015.

Caroline Bosbach, a former volunteer at a large Berlin migrant shelter and now a candidate for election in the 2025 Federal votes has told a major German newspaper that she witnessed first-hand manipulation of the media during the 2015 migrant crisis. Describing her own political awakening — after she had previously sworn off a political career, believing it to be antithetical to a happy family life — Bosbach described the shelter where she worked and how it arrived on the day a camera crew arrived.

It’s a serious issue, but liberals are all f’ed up over cats and dogs

You blame liberals for the pet stuff? What a reality you live in, my guy.

Syrian Migrant Arrested as Alleged Arson Rampage Leaves over 30 Injured in Germany​

A 41-year-old Syrian man has been arrested in Essen, Germany after allegedly ramming a van into storefronts Saturday and setting two fires that injured over 30 people, including two small children.

The suspected migrant attacker is due to appear before a judge on Sunday facing charges of aggravated arson and attempted murder.

The Syrian national is accused of driving a van into two stores and starting two fires, which left two children in critical condition due to smoke inhalation and dozens more injured as exits were blocked off, broadcaster NTV reports.

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Record Number of Illegal Migrants Caught Pretending to Be Children This Year​


The number of adult migrants claiming to be child asylum seekers has climbed to a record high in Britain this year, with more than 1,300 fraudulent cases discovered by authorities.

At least 1,317 migrants have falsely claimed to be minors from the start of the year to the end of June, the highest figure on record and more than all cases reported in 2017, 2018, and 2019 combined, according to a report from The Sun.

The increasing practice is often used by illegal migrants to better their chances of being granted the right to stay in the UK, as children are often given special dispensation during asylum claim decisions.


Ex-French President Sarkozy Says Immigration a ‘Problem’, Country Needs to ‘Change Everything’​


In the wake of yet another horrific murder allegedly committed in Paris by a foreigner, former President Nicolas Sarkozy declared that France needs to “change everything” in how it handles the “problem” of immigration.

There are growing demands for drastic immigration reforms following the murder of a young female student this month in an affluent neighbourhood of the French capital at the suspected hands of an illegal migrant, who was previously jailed in France for rape, released early from prison, and remained in the country despite having a deportation order.

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Migrants to Be Housed in UK Hotels for Another Three Years as Gov’t Struggles to Clear Backlog: Report​


The government scheme to put up migrants in hotels across Britain will reportedly continue for another three years despite Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s vow to end the practice.

The new leftist Labour Party government in Westminster has conceded that its campaign promise to “end asylum hotels” will likely take up to three years to fulfil as a result of the asylum backlog taking much longer to go through than the party had anticipated, according to a report from The Times of London.

At present, around 30,000 foreigners are being housed in over 250 hotels throughout the country, at a cost to the taxpayer of £4.2 million per day.

There are currently around 87,217 asylum claims from migrants — many of whom entered the country illegally — awaiting their first decision. Meanwhile, there are also 137,525 cases in the process of appeal or pending removal from the country.


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