Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

One thing non-divine ethics/morality cannot demand is that a person sacrifice their life; i.e., no duties are so stringent that they remain duties when the only possible way to fulfill the duty entails that the person loses their life.

Thus, if I'm in a situation where the only possible outcomes are I die or I kill you, choosing to kill you is not murder, even though you do not benefit (obviously).

Try to apply analogous reasoning to property rights and 'invasion'. I mean, honestly, just try out this exercise, and think long and hard about when duties to respect the property of others might be problematic and questionable.

You have crawled way to far into your own mind.
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Asserting that the 'degentrification' of neighborhoods is something that is necessarily connected to immigration and at odds with the history of (sub)urban living in the US is absurd.

Americans are not alone in liking both nice, new shiny things and things that are old enough to convey some nostalgic sentiment. When (sub)urban residential areas are no longer 'nice, new, and shiny' and the persons who live in those areas have the means to move to places more desirable, they do so. The results that follows are, more often than not, a replacement of socio-economic demographics. A shift back to middle and upper class residents in that area does not occur unless, at a later time, these houses are now viewed as somehow classic, quaint, etc, as well as viewed as being incredibly cheap to defray both the opportunity costs of perceived safety and the costs of refurbishing.

The thing is, so long as there exist low-income persons in your country, there will exist low-income areas. These areas will have all the characteristics of low-income areas, but they will also always remain as pockets.

Actually, that last assertion is not exactly true. So long as low-income laborers are allowed to work low-income jobs, then low-income areas will always remain as pockets. However, if we try to eradicate low-income laborers and low-income jobs, then over the course of a generation or two most of the US will resemble these low-income areas now because everything will fall apart.

And, at the end of the day, this entire line of argument is irrelevant, because who the **** cares about whether or not something is sightly or unsightly? Oh, wait, idiots care about that ****.

You live in a ****hole?
You live in a ****hole?

I'd imagine that plenty of the posters in here would probably think of the area I live in as a latrine.

Personally, I love living in lower-income areas. If one can get over the 'unsightly appearance', one will find that such areas offer better food, better and cheaper activities/events, more social engagement with persons on the street, etc.
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I'd imagine that plenty of the posters in here would probably think of the area I live in as a latrine.

Personally, I love living in lower-income areas. If one can get over the 'unsightly appearance', one will find that such areas offer better food, better and cheaper activities/events, more social engagement with persons on the street, etc.

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Uncomfortable? You're not understanding the point I'm making. That area used to be a nice middle class type community. Then waves of illegals started flooding into the area. Long time residents moved away, property values dropped and more illegals continued to move in. Now what was once a very "American" area is now a crime-ridden "Mexican" area. Huff says there's no way illegals will affect the Anerican culture, but he's full of **** because I've seen it happen with my own eyes. It will continue to grow as long as their allowed to flow in without consequence.

Neighborhoods change with or without immigration.

"No way they'll affect American culture" is not what i said. They will not overrun our culture. The fact that you can get authentic tacos anywhere is an effect, and it's a delicious effect.
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I'd imagine that plenty of the posters in here would probably think of the area I live in as a latrine.

Personally, I love living in lower-income areas. If one can get over the 'unsightly appearance', one will find that such areas offer better food, better and cheaper activities/events, more social engagement with persons on the street, etc.

It probably strokes your arrogant ass ego too..... You can proudly proclaim to be the most educated philosophizer in the hood.
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Neighborhoods change with or without immigration.

"No way they'll affect American culture" is not what i said. They will not overrun our culture. The fact that you can get authentic tacos anywhere is an effect, and it's a delicious effect.

All one needs to do is look at the schools in that area..... They've overrun them. I not saying all if this will happen over night, but they don't seem to have the same views on birth control and tend to reproduce on a higher level.
I don't have a problem with immigration..... I just want it controlled and limited as it was in the past..... The days you and the other pro illegals continually refer to. Back then the numbers were limited to assist with assimilation. Now it's a crime to display the American flag in many school systems in CA because it's viewed as offensive.... Really ? Wtf?
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All one needs to do is look at the schools in that area..... They've overrun them. I not saying all if this will happen over night, but they don't seem to have the same views on birth control and tend to reproduce on a higher level.
I don't have a problem with immigration..... I just want it controlled and limited as it was in the past..... The days you and the other pro illegals continually refer to. Back then the numbers were limited to assist with assimilation. Now it's a crime to display the American flag in many school systems in CA because it's viewed as offensive.... Really ? Wtf?

We need them to keep havimg babies, IMO. Our working population is too small to support retiring baby boomers.

Nobody is having babies in Europe and they are majorly ****ed
We need them to keep havimg babies, IMO. Our working population is too small to support retiring baby boomers.

Nobody is having babies in Europe and they are majorly ****ed
How about if I forego my future Social Security benefits, and pay back what I have already received?
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We need them to keep havimg babies, IMO. Our working population is too small to support retiring baby boomers.

Nobody is having babies in Europe and they are majorly ****ed

This is probably the reason we're seeing more Indian and Asian immigrants. They tend to come legally and have more technical experience and education.
You must be going senile.

Actually, CP is coming off as such in this scenario. I don't refer to socioeconomically limited neighborhoods as latrines. I lived and worked out of one for years.

But let's go ahead and perpetuate language that serves no other purpose than to dehumanize the lower class.
Sorry, but I don't believe that you grew up in an economically challenged family.
This is probably the reason we're seeing more Indian and Asian immigrants. They tend to come legally and have more technical experience and education.

They come legally because of geography and they are technical because that is what we accept.

What i don't get is why we give preference to immigrants that are going to take the best jobs.
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damn it Dink.... It's not about dehumanizing the lower class.its about how the area became lower class.

Some people don't see it that way though. Let's talk about Frasier TN. When my parents bought there 35 years ago it was a nice middle class neighborhood. Not.... any.... more. Thank goodness they don't live there now, but at least their house was worth about the same as it was when they bought it.

It's all about badmouthing the poor downtrodden unemployed drug dealers that can't... won't find honest jobs.
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All one needs to do is look at the schools in that area..... They've overrun them. I not saying all if this will happen over night, but they don't seem to have the same views on birth control and tend to reproduce on a higher level.
I don't have a problem with immigration..... I just want it controlled and limited as it was in the past..... The days you and the other pro illegals continually refer to. Back then the numbers were limited to assist with assimilation. Now it's a crime to display the American flag in many school systems in CA because it's viewed as offensive.... Really ? Wtf?

So, you just want unlimited white immigration, like it was in the past, to the exclusion of yellow and brown persons?

European immigration to the US was unrestricted until the 1920s.
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