Military struggling to meet quota.

I cannot believe that we still have Boomer clowns defending our military escapades in Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq (2X), Afghanistan, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, Iran, Ukraine, Angola, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, etc...

Just a ****ing clown.
I cannot believe that we still have Boomer clowns defending our military escapades in Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq (2X), Afghanistan, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, Iran, Ukraine, Angola, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, etc...

Just a ****ing clown.
Don’t forget Mexico and Philippines. CIA led the attack against Isis in Southern Mindinao. And they have been directly involved with DEA in dealing with Mexican Cartels.

Not going to say you’re wrong…
Not going to say what the United States has done was necessary either.

USA was isolated until they were needed in WW2 then we took control of the world with Atomic power and placed the Petro Dollar as the standard for energy trade. - this is the main reason for every conflict you mentioned

Now is the battle for digital currency supremacy, and that energy.
USA was isolated until they were needed in WW2 then we took control of the world with Atomic power and placed the Petro Dollar as the standard for energy trade. - this is the main reason for every conflict you mentioned
We didn't belong in WWI or WWII.
Unnecessary conscription doesn't have any real benefit.

The narrative that serving automatically makes someone a better person is a farce.

Military service doesn't guarantee someone will come out a better person, some come out as just better trained psychos others it does them a world of good. Outside of another WWII scenario military service should remain voluntary.
I cannot believe that we still have Boomer clowns defending our military escapades in Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq (2X), Afghanistan, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, Iran, Ukraine, Angola, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, etc...

Just a ****ing clown.
It doesn't take a boomer to continue America's stupidity of sticking our noses into other countries' business. Wasting our young lives and money on pointless wars. Your generation will do the same, mainly because of the underlying character of America. The nation is exploitive, greedy, predatory, hypocritically self-righteous, hypocritically judgmental, and simply doesn't practice what it purports to teach.

We also have elitist yokels doing the same thing. Sending YOUR children to fight over there, while helping their own kids to duck service. It goes way back to coveting the violated treaty agreements about land allotments with Native Americans. Which just became "All I want is a pretty little wife and big plantation, way down yonder in the Cherokee Nation." And the only good injun is a dead injun. Then on to the trumped-up excuse of "Remember the Maine!" Even before that, military expeditionary missions to forced one-sided trading with Korea, Japan, and China. We always, no matter what generation, find some dayum excuse to waste American live and money. Boomers at the moment, your generation later, it's the underlying nature of the nation, while trying to cloak ourselves in the lie that we are the good guys. It's not a Boomer thing, Raspie, it's an American thing. And eventually, it's going to cost us big time. Matter-of-fact, the costing has already started.
Unnecessary conscription doesn't have any real benefit.

The narrative that serving automatically makes someone a better person is a farce.
I'm not a fan either, I think the call comes because of the amount of people that hate the US while taking advantage of the freedom provided. They feel like we have a portion that's entitled and has no "skin" in the game so to speak.
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It doesn't take a boomer to continue America's stupidity of sticking our noses into other countries' business. Wasting our young lives and money on pointless wars. Your generation will do the same, mainly because of the underlying character of America. The nation is exploitive, greedy, predatory, hypocritically self-righteous, hypocritically judgmental, and simply doesn't practice what it purports to teach.

We also have elitist yokels doing the same thing. Sending YOUR children to fight over there, while helping their own kids to duck service. It goes way back to coveting the violated treaty agreements about land allotments with Native Americans. Which just became "All I want is a pretty little wife and big plantation, way down yonder in the Cherokee Nation." And the only good injun is a dead injun. Then on to the trumped-up excuse of "Remember the Maine!" Even before that, military expeditionary missions to forced one-sided trading with Korea, Japan, and China. We always, no matter what generation, find some dayum excuse to waste American live and money. Boomers at the moment, your generation later, it's the underlying nature of the nation, while trying to cloak ourselves in the lie that we are the good guys. It's not a Boomer thing, Raspie, it's an American thing. And eventually, it's going to cost us big time. Matter-of-fact, the costing has already started.
thats not an American thing. its a human thing. we all take advantage of those weaker than us. every nation is like this, government's are just a semi-formalized system of using peer pressure vs direct violence.

and its not a modern human issue either, roll it back to whatever time period and you will find different nations, different people's taking advantage of those weaker than them.

even our victims were similarly doing the same thing, just on a different scale. How did the Cherokee establish their nation? some of it was working with other local tribes, but the rest (most?) was violence. driving other natives out of their land.

I would further argue its just a "life" thing, we are just supposed to be the only life advanced enough to make those type of distinction, but across the board we don't. the weak always claim they wouldn't do it if they were in power, but history shows they are just as corrupt, just with less money and power.
thats not an American thing. its a human thing. we all take advantage of those weaker than us. every nation is like this, government's are just a semi-formalized system of using peer pressure vs direct violence.

and its not a modern human issue either, roll it back to whatever time period and you will find different nations, different people's taking advantage of those weaker than them.

even our victims were similarly doing the same thing, just on a different scale. How did the Cherokee establish their nation? some of it was working with other local tribes, but the rest (most?) was violence. driving other natives out of their land.

I would further argue its just a "life" thing, we are just supposed to be the only life advanced enough to make those type of distinction, but across the board we don't. the weak always claim they wouldn't do it if they were in power, but history shows they are just as corrupt, just with less money and power.
I can buy that. However, I was speaking to an American about American behavior. BECAUSE, Raspie was posting about Boomers putting Americans into Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq (2X), Afghanistan, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, Iran, Ukraine, Angola, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, etc... Therefore, I stand by every word I posted. And thus, will not wiggle and jiggle around the matter for an excuse or justification for it.
I can buy that. However, I was speaking to an American about American behavior. BECAUSE, Raspie was posting about Boomers putting Americans into Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq (2X), Afghanistan, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, Iran, Ukraine, Angola, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, etc... Therefore, I stand by every word I posted. And thus, will not wiggle and jiggle around the matter for an excuse or justification for it.
your greater point of us not practicing what we preach and us generally being in the wrong is true. its just that the source/cause of that problem is not a localized specific issue. and to me its an important distinction to make because the source of the problem will determine what the fix is.

just going back to the generality of you have to know and admit what the problem is if you actually want to fix it. we see the cracks in the wall of America, and if we try to fix those cracks based on it being a wall/America issue, we may not address the real issue. the real issue is that wall is sitting on bad foundations, and any fix for the wall/America will be short lived and need to be redone after the next crack. and maybe the foundation is fine but the soil is bad, maybe the soil is fine but there is a sinkhole. etc etc. if you want the problem fixed for real you have to identify the real issue and fix that first before you work your way back to the specifics of the American problem.
your greater point of us not practicing what we preach and us generally being in the wrong is true. its just that the source/cause of that problem is not a localized specific issue. and to me its an important distinction to make because the source of the problem will determine what the fix is.

just going back to the generality of you have to know and admit what the problem is if you actually want to fix it. we see the cracks in the wall of America, and if we try to fix those cracks based on it being a wall/America issue, we may not address the real issue. the real issue is that wall is sitting on bad foundations, and any fix for the wall/America will be short lived and need to be redone after the next crack. and maybe the foundation is fine but the soil is bad, maybe the soil is fine but there is a sinkhole. etc etc. if you want the problem fixed for real you have to identify the real issue and fix that first before you work your way back to the specifics of the American problem.
Do you want it fixed? Or you prefer the status quo? If so, of course, means we as individuals and a nation prefer the Alfred reality.
Active backlash has already begun, and will get worse. Mainstream America has no idea the degree, or how widespread, she has created utter hatred towards itself. Only a matter of time before it exhibits itself explosively on our soil. It has already begun.

Now, for the other folks here, note the typical MAGA tactic, that I call drag and drop. My original response was to Rasp who wanted to blame Boomers for the past and current policies and foreign intervention messes. I was telling him it isn't a Boomer matter, but in a nutshell, typical history of American bullying and nosey behavior. The common MAGA tactic of dragging the issue away from the original foci, into other areas. What this does, is make you move away from the original into engaging into defending areas you weren't actually talking about. People who don't listen and recognize this tactic get their attention dragged and dropped into the same rabbit hole. Expect Trump to employ the same tactic during the debate. If Biden isn't as sharp as he claims, this will reveal it big time.

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Unnecessary conscription doesn't have any real benefit.

The narrative that serving automatically makes someone a better person is a farce.
I disagree that it doesn't have any benefit, and I am not talking about military conscription. I'm talking about service. You want your student loan paid off? Join the ****ing Peace Corp if you are too much of a coward to join the army.

"Ask not what your country....." - A famous Democrat once said that.
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I disagree that it doesn't have any benefit, and I am not talking about military conscription. I'm talking about service.

"Ask not what your country....." - A famous Democrat once said that.
I didn't say it wasn't beneficial. If those two years are mandatory, then that's conscription, man.

Are you citing a Democrat to back up your point? Interesting,
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I disagree that it doesn't have any benefit, and I am not talking about military conscription. I'm talking about service. You want your student loan paid off? Join the ****ing Peace Corp if you are too much of a coward to join the army.

"Ask not what your country....." - A famous Democrat once said that.
Why are we paying anything off? No. Conscription is a terrible idea.
Unnecessary conscription doesn't have any real benefit.

The narrative that serving automatically makes someone a better person is a farce.
A take from you I actually agree with. Forcing people (especially this generation) to go do something they dont want to do or in believe in only ends badly in the long run.
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It doesn't take a boomer to continue America's stupidity of sticking our noses into other countries' business. Wasting our young lives and money on pointless wars. Your generation will do the same, mainly because of the underlying character of America. The nation is exploitive, greedy, predatory, hypocritically self-righteous, hypocritically judgmental, and simply doesn't practice what it purports to teach.

We also have elitist yokels doing the same thing. Sending YOUR children to fight over there, while helping their own kids to duck service. It goes way back to coveting the violated treaty agreements about land allotments with Native Americans. Which just became "All I want is a pretty little wife and big plantation, way down yonder in the Cherokee Nation." And the only good injun is a dead injun. Then on to the trumped-up excuse of "Remember the Maine!" Even before that, military expeditionary missions to forced one-sided trading with Korea, Japan, and China. We always, no matter what generation, find some dayum excuse to waste American live and money. Boomers at the moment, your generation later, it's the underlying nature of the nation, while trying to cloak ourselves in the lie that we are the good guys. It's not a Boomer thing, Raspie, it's an American thing. And eventually, it's going to cost us big time. Matter-of-fact, the costing has already started.
I disagree that it doesn't have any benefit, and I am not talking about military conscription. I'm talking about service. You want your student loan paid off? Join the ****ing Peace Corp if you are too much of a coward to join the army.

"Ask not what your country....." - A famous Democrat once said that.
So you're in favor of Biden's current push to reform and expand PSLF?
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Why did we need to get involved in WWI? Let's start there before we move into why we should have inserted ourselves in WWII...
With regards to WW1, I agree there is a good argument we had no compelling business there.

With WW2, not sure on that. I know the discussions about we egged the Japanese into attacking us, etc, but they still made the fateful decision to sink a chunk of the Pacific Fleet, invade a number of places that didn't belong to them including some of ours. Not sure ignoring that would have been a good solution.

Hitler did Roosevelt and the British Empire a huge favor by declaring war on the US. We had no reason to declare war on Germany until he did it first. Probably would have manufactured a reason to do it later, but if not, it was one of his top two mistakes. Invading Russia and declaring war on the US. Germany might have recovered from the Russian mistake if war with the US could have been avoided. That tied down a lot of divisions that would have been better served in the East, plus the US suppling Russian with Lend Lease.

Side note: my maternal grandfather served in Persia delivering those supplies in WW2
I didn't say it wasn't beneficial. If those two years are mandatory, then that's conscription, man.

Are you citing a Democrat to back up your point? Interesting,
Yes I did cite JFK because he was absolutely right. I'm not as tribal as you might think.

And it's not conscription if you have a choice of how to serve. If you are sent into the army then you are right. But you can do many other things. I would even accept volunteering at a homeless shelter or God forbid a veterans center.
Yes I did cite JFK because he was absolutely right. I'm not as tribal as you might think.

And it's not conscription if you have a choice of how to serve. If you are sent into the army then you are right. But you can do many other things. I would even accept volunteering at a homeless shelter or God forbid a veterans center.

I personally believe Western society would benefit from 2 years of working in a kitchen or customer service job but I wouldn't mandate it.

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