Military struggling to meet quota.

I disagree that it doesn't have any benefit, and I am not talking about military conscription. I'm talking about service. You want your student loan paid off? Join the ****ing Peace Corp if you are too much of a coward to join the army.

"Ask not what your country....." - A famous Democrat once said that.
Now you are shifting the goalposts a bit because your original comment was to just have them serve two years whether they had student debt or none at all.

And It doesn't matter if they "serve" in the military or Peace Corps, it is still slavery.
Yes I did cite JFK because he was absolutely right. I'm not as tribal as you might think.

And it's not conscription if you have a choice of how to serve. If you are sent into the army then you are right. But you can do many other things. I would even accept volunteering at a homeless shelter or God forbid a veterans center.
Still slavery
Right up @SpaceCoastVol's alley...

Rishi Sunak floats sanctions on young people for refusing national service

Asked during a BBC Question Time special what sanctions people could face for declining to take part in the Conservative policy of compulsory national service for all 18-year-olds, the prime minister pointed to “driving licences, or the access to finance, all sorts of other things”.

Questioned on whether this could mean denying young people bank cards, he replied: “There’s lot of different models around Europe.”
Robots are supposedly the future of warfare.

That’s part of what General Papro was talking about in turning the Taiwan Strait into a
Ministry of National Defense's response to US threats and intimidation: Never work on us

Question: Commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command said that the US military has a plan called "hellscape" to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hell using a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles, surface vessels and underwater systems in response to "attacks from the Chinese mainland". The US Naval News website also detailed the plan recently. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: Those who clamor for turning others' homeland into hell should get ready for burning in hell themselves. In order to contain China with Taiwan, some individuals in the US are making crazy and inhumane plans to turn the Taiwan Strait into a hell. This once again shows that the separatists who are delusional about using US support for "Taiwan independence" will ultimately be abandoned as a useless pawn.

Taiwan belongs to China and China brooks no division. The PLA is able to fight and win in thwarting external interference and safeguarding our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Threats and intimidation never work on us.

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