Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Manchin on Border: ‘Democrats Let This Happen’ and Biden Can Declare Emergency​

On Friday’s “CNN News Central,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated that “the Democrats let” the crisis at the border happen and urged President Joe Biden to declare a national emergency on the border if Congress can’t pass legislation to fix the problem.

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Tar and freaking feathers. If the rest of Congress turns traitor and passes this garbage in any shape or form...we gotta take a stand man. I will protest.

25 states....half of them...just publicly pledged to support the Natl Guard of texas as they take a stand. Many of them saying they will send their own NG to the border if needed. These traitors in Congress need to know that they WILL NOT get reelected if they cave now.

This government is an abject failure by EVERY single metric. They are an embarrassing clump of dogsheit stuck to the heels of American society.... and we need to throw this raggedy old pair of fake Jordans we call Congress in the trash immediately. Fire ALL of them who are either unable or unwilling to do their jobs.
According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, between 2011 and 2023, “297,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 509,000 criminal offenses.”

Those included “940 homicide charges; 64,127 assault charges; 9,246 burglary charges; 59,936 drug charges; 1128 kidnapping charges; 25,441 theft charges; 39,694 obstructing police charges; 2,912 robbery charges; 6,422 sexual assault charges; 7,410 sexual offense charges; and 6,193 weapon charges.”

Just think of the ones they didn't catch who committed a heinous crime.

Migrant Parents, Baby Rescued After Near-Drowning at Eagle Pass on US-Mexico Border: Sources​

EAGLE PASS, Texas — A migrant couple and their baby nearly drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande river into Texas early Monday, The Post has learned.

The mother and baby were rescued shortly before 7 a.m. by the Texas National Guard after being almost “swept away” as they attempted to cross the “swift water” in the hotly disputed border area, a National Guard source said.

The infant was in a critical condition and had to be “stabilized” at the scene in the wake of the near-tragedy, another source added.

The conditions of the baby’s parents weren’t immediately known.

Just hours later, another child and three adults were also rescued after they, too, got swept up in the strong current, sources said.


The Senate had agreed on a bipartisan border deal, with at least tentative thumbs up from the House and the WH.

But Trumpilstilskin was worried that would make Biden look good, or at least would lessen the effect of the issue for him in the upcoming election. So the fat f*** started making calls and told GOP Senators to kill it.

All for his own glorification. Face it, he's a menace.
The house passed HR2 back in June and Schumer has been sitting on it.... if the DNC really wanted tio pass legislation... it's ready and waiting
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imagine millions just like her with no allegiance.
and don’t really even like America.. we are seeing it in real time, I’m afraid.. a lot of people are afraid to say anything because we have programmed that everything is racist.. I personally don’t give two craps what anyone thinks about me.. the truth is the truth

EXCLUSIVE Thousands of Migrants Pour In As Extraordinary Stand-Off Erupts between Federal Border Patrol And Local Forces who don't trust Biden's White House to keep out the masses: TOM LEONARD sees troubling echoes of the American Civil War in small-town Texas​

Clutching assault rifles, and surrounded by Humvee armoured cars and state police, a group of National Guardsmen in full combat gear stand menacingly next to a gate under a 20ft-high reinforced steel fence.

Given the endless strife along America's southern frontier a few hundred yards away, it's not an unexpected sight in this rough-and-ready border town.

But these troops are not facing Mexico. Instead, they're staring back towards the Texan town of Eagle Pass — and the rest of America.

For this particular display of military muscle isn't meant to send a signal to the hordes of asylum seekers pouring into the country week after week. Instead, it's to stop the federal law-enforcement agents of the Biden administration from coming anywhere near.


National Guard soldiers stand guard on the banks of the Rio Grande river at Shelby Park

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Stupid is as Stupid does. This moron doesn't understand the question he's answering.
He needs to have an EO to reverse all the Trump border policies he killed on day one.
He's too stupid to know it & have balls to do it going against the radical mob wishes.
All these illegals coming across the southern border, America can't handle the impact.

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From the article:

“If rumors about the contents of the draft proposal are true, it would have been dead on arrival in the House anyway. Nine months have now passed since we sent our Secure the Border Act (HR 2) to the Senate. As we have explained repeatedly, that bill contains the core legislative reforms that are necessary to actually compel the Biden administration to resolve the border catastrophe,” he continued.

“Many of our constituents have asked an important question: ‘What is the point of negotiating new laws with an administration that will not enforce the laws already on the books?’” wrote Johnson.

The Speaker explained, “If President Biden wants us to believe he is serious about protecting our national sovereignty, he needs to demonstrate his good faith by taking immediate actions to secure it. He should sign an order right now to end the mass release of illegals and dangerous persons into our country. If he wants our conference to view him as a good faith negotiator, he can start with the stroke of a pen.”


Rep. Ilhan Omar Represents Everything Wrong With America’s Immigration System​


Immigration and border policy should first serve the interests of Americans, to the exclusion of all other peoples and nations.

There’s a clip going around of Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar talking to a group of Somalians about her allegiances and priorities as a U.S. congresswoman. What Omar says is instructive, not just about her general worldview but mostly (and more importantly) about how backward and destructive our immigration system is.

Omar is a woman of the left, but her speech over the weekend was pure blood-and-soil nationalism — for Somalia, not America.

She tells them she’s a Somalian first and a Muslim second. She doesn’t even mention the United States or her citizenship here. She promises to use her power and influence in Congress to protect her nation’s interests. (Again, that nation being Somalia, not America.)

Speaking in Somali, Omar tells the cheering crowd that her “top priority” is to expand Somalia’s territory. “As Somalis, one day we will go after our missing territories,” she says, referencing disputed regions in Kenya and Ethiopia.

She brags that the U.S. government “will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders, and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia. We Somalians must have the confidence in ourselves that we call the shots in the U.S.”

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From the article:

“If rumors about the contents of the draft proposal are true, it would have been dead on arrival in the House anyway. Nine months have now passed since we sent our Secure the Border Act (HR 2) to the Senate. As we have explained repeatedly, that bill contains the core legislative reforms that are necessary to actually compel the Biden administration to resolve the border catastrophe,” he continued.

“Many of our constituents have asked an important question: ‘What is the point of negotiating new laws with an administration that will not enforce the laws already on the books?’” wrote Johnson.

The Speaker explained, “If President Biden wants us to believe he is serious about protecting our national sovereignty, he needs to demonstrate his good faith by taking immediate actions to secure it. He should sign an order right now to end the mass release of illegals and dangerous persons into our country. If he wants our conference to view him as a good faith negotiator, he can start with the stroke of a pen.”

This is what I've said all along: You don't get any more money or laws passed until you secure the border with what you have
hell no..

Does not justify Trump killing the Senate bill for his own political advantage.

You guys just don't get it: whatever argument you can make about how things could have been done differently in the past, no matter how right you might be that things should have been done differently yesterday or last week, does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

And even if you were right that the bill could be better, or different, or improved upon, that does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

For all of your bellyaching that Biden just acts weakly and out of political opportunism, it is staring you straight in the face right now from Trump, and you need to admit it and admit Trump is wrong to have done so. Heck, throw it in with bashing both Dems and Reps for so far not having addressed this when they could. I am on board.

But stop, just plain stop, trying to defend the indefensible from Trump with these utterly irrelevant whataboutisms.

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