Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Does not justify Trump killing the Senate bill for his own political advantage.

You guys just don't get it: whatever argument you can make about how things could have been done differently in the past, no matter how right you might be that things should have been done differently yesterday or last week, does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

And even if you were right that the bill could be better, or different, or improved upon, that does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

For all of your bellyaching that Biden just acts weakly and out of political opportunism, it is staring you straight in the face right now from Trump, and you need to admit it and admit Trump is wrong to have done so. Heck, throw it in with bashing both Dems and Reps for so far not having addressed this when they could. I am on board.

But stop, just plain stop, trying to defend the indefensible from Trump with these utterly irrelevant whataboutisms.

Why can't Biden enforce current immigration laws without funding Ukraine? Until that question is answered I see no reason why new legislation is needed.
Does not justify Trump killing the Senate bill for his own political advantage.

You guys just don't get it: whatever argument you can make about how things could have been done differently in the past, no matter how right you might be that things should have been done differently yesterday or last week, does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

And even if you were right that the bill could be better, or different, or improved upon, that does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

For all of your bellyaching that Biden just acts weakly and out of political opportunism, it is staring you straight in the face right now from Trump, and you need to admit it and admit Trump is wrong to have done so. Heck, throw it in with bashing both Dems and Reps for so far not having addressed this when they could. I am on board.

But stop, just plain stop, trying to defend the indefensible from Trump with these utterly irrelevant whataboutisms.
If what is being reported to be in the Senate bill is true, nobody that wants to END the invasion will vote for it.

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with Trump.

The Senate bill is so bad, that they won't release the details. They will likely publish the bill text about 24 hours before the vote for passage.
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Why can't Biden enforce current immigration laws without funding Ukraine? Until that question is answered I see no reason why new legislation is needed.

The Senate GOP seems to think it will help and Biden says he will use the authorizations provided to act. Trump doesn't want the GOP to give Biden the authority to do so because it would weaken Trump's contention that the border is all Biden's fault.

Yet again, for the 50th time, whatever argument you offer that Biden could do something differently or should have in the past is irrelevant to the fact that Trump is blocking progress -- backed by GOP Senators, until Trump put his fat arse into the equation.
If what is being reported to be in the Senate bill is true, nobody that wants to END the invasion will vote for it.

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with Trump.

The Senate bill is so bad, that they won't release the details. They will likely publish the bill text about 24 hours before the vote for passage.

All irrelevant.
Does not justify Trump killing the Senate bill for his own political advantage.

You guys just don't get it: whatever argument you can make about how things could have been done differently in the past, no matter how right you might be that things should have been done differently yesterday or last week, does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

And even if you were right that the bill could be better, or different, or improved upon, that does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

For all of your bellyaching that Biden just acts weakly and out of political opportunism, it is staring you straight in the face right now from Trump, and you need to admit it and admit Trump is wrong to have done so. Heck, throw it in with bashing both Dems and Reps for so far not having addressed this when they could. I am on board.

But stop, just plain stop, trying to defend the indefensible from Trump with these utterly irrelevant whataboutisms.
Joe has everything he NO. Reagan gave amnesty and you guys lied, so no deal, you own this bitch.
The Senate GOP seems to think it will help and Biden says he will use the authorizations provided to act. Trump doesn't want the GOP to give Biden the authority to do so because it would weaken Trump's contention that the border is all Biden's fault.

Yet again, for the 50th time, whatever argument you offer that Biden could do something differently or should have in the past is irrelevant to the fact that Trump is blocking progress -- backed by GOP Senators, until Trump put his fat arse into the equation.

What additional authorizations above what he is authorized to do now are included in this bill?

Biden should have continued Trumps remain in Mexico policy instead of opening up the border.

ANND Biden is playing election politics just as much (even more) than Trump, Biden opens up the floodgates for 3 years causing massive problems and suddenly during an election year he can fix it only if we give Ukraine more money. Come on LG!
Does not justify Trump killing the Senate bill for his own political advantage.

You guys just don't get it: whatever argument you can make about how things could have been done differently in the past, no matter how right you might be that things should have been done differently yesterday or last week, does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

And even if you were right that the bill could be better, or different, or improved upon, that does not in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, justify Trump preventing a path forward in the future, just to keep this as a wedge issue.

For all of your bellyaching that Biden just acts weakly and out of political opportunism, it is staring you straight in the face right now from Trump, and you need to admit it and admit Trump is wrong to have done so. Heck, throw it in with bashing both Dems and Reps for so far not having addressed this when they could. I am on board.

But stop, just plain stop, trying to defend the indefensible from Trump with these utterly irrelevant whataboutisms.
Trump has more power than the sitting president? That's a real interesting argument to make. Biden is in the commander's seat, it's literally his job. He could shut Trump and the GOP down in a second by pushing what the GOP/Trump want, dare them to reject what they actually. He isnt he is trying to sell nothing as if its change. Biden is sitting there and letting Trump take him for a ride
What additional authorizations above what he is authorized to do now are included in this bill?

Biden should have continued Trumps remain in Mexico policy instead of opening up the border.

ANND Biden is playing election politics just as much (even more) than Trump, Biden opens up the floodgates for 3 years causing massive problems and suddenly during an election year he can fix it only if we give Ukraine more money. Come on LG!

All irrelevant. Trump is blocking a GOP proposal ro keep the issue going for the campaign
Trump has more power than the sitting president? That's a real interesting argument to make. Biden is in the commander's seat, it's literally his job. He could shut Trump and the GOP down in a second by pushing what the GOP/Trump want, dare them to reject what they actually. He isnt he is trying to sell nothing as if its change. Biden is sitting there and letting Trump take him for a ride

He has enough power to tell enough Senators to get in the way. That's all he needs.

Senators Lobby for More Immigration Despite Objections from GOP Voters​

The group of Republican senators lobbying for more legal immigration to the United States is increasingly among the party’s fringe, a survey released Friday revealed.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as well as Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), John Thune (R-SD), and Mitt Romney (R-UT) are currently negotiating a deal with Senate Democrats to increase legal immigration levels by 50,000 green card admissions annually.

Some of those new green cards would go to foreign nationals solely because of their ties to family members already living in the U.S. while the rest would help businesses import more foreign workers for white-collar American jobs.

Already, the U.S. imports more than a million legal immigrants every year on green cards — 70 percent of whom arrive through the process known as “chain migration” where newly naturalized citizens can sponsor an unlimited number of foreign relatives for green cards.

Imagine if Trump got into office..all the illegals would flee to sanctuary about overload. They would have open arms I am sure.
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All irrelevant. Trump is blocking a GOP proposal ro keep the issue going for the campaign
The president either has the authority to issue Executive Orders regarding border security and immigration policy, or he doesn’t.

According to Biden's history of EO's revoking or revising EO's pertaining to the border and immigration, he certainly believes he has that authority.

"Well, if you can't get the votes, by executive order you're going to do something.' Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator. We're a democracy. We need consensus." - Joe Biden.

Biden needs to quit contradicting himself. He has an unprecedented immigration crisis along the border that has escalated to state national guardsmen at contradictory instructions with feds. Now it's actually appropriate to alleviate the situation with an EO.

He can contradict himself, back talk, and explain how it's all Isreal, Ukraine, Russia, nazi, and Orange Man's fault that after 3.5 years he couldn't resolve the border crisis through legislative means some other time.
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