Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Page 4 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Army’’, $4,887,581,000, to remain available until 23 December 31, 2024, to respond to the situation in Ukraine 24 and for related expenses:
Page 5 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Navy’’, $1,534,163,000, to remain available until 6 December 31, 2024, to respond to the situation in 7 Ukraine
Page 6 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Air Force’’, $846,869,000, to remain available 7 until December 31, 2024, to respond to the situation in 8 Ukraine
page 6 & 7 For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide’’, $34,230,780,000, to remain February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)7 U:\2024REPT\SUPP\ENSSAA01.xml SEN. APPRO. 1 available until December 31, 2024, to respond to the situations in Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan
page 9 For an additional amount for ‘‘Missile Procurement, 24 Army’’, $2,742,757,000, to remain available until September 30, 2026, to respond to the situation in Ukraine
page 10 ‘‘Procurement of Ammunition, Army’’, $6,414,300,000, to remain available 8 until September 30, 2026, to respond to the situations in Israel and Ukraine

There is another 13 billion scattered through the next 13 pages. That is approximately 50 billion spent to help Ukraine and Israel in the first 23 pages of this bill.

You can clearly see who the Senate is beholden to- the MIC not the people.
Does the legislation overturn court-imposed loopholes, such as the Flores decision?

Much of the nation's border laws are set by judges. This allows pro-migration groups to break or loophole laws that block the inflow of migrants. For example, California judges say the border agency cannot hold migrants for more than 21 days. But 21 days is too short a time to fully process asylum claims, ensuring that few migrants can be held — as required by Congress’ law — until their claims are decided.
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Senate deal has been released.

Hard to see how anti immigration legislators could oppose this. Unless, of course, they were instructed to.
Maybe they don't think there should be a bill about our border containing funding for Ukraine. Is that really such an absurd position for you to consider? Clown shoes
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page 32 $2,334,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2025, for refugee and entrant assistance activities

page 37 For an additional amount for ‘‘International Disaster 12 Assistance’’, $5,655,000,000, to remain available until expended, to address humanitarian needs in response to the 14 situations in Israel and Ukraine

page 38 ‘‘Economic Support 6 Fund’’, $7,899,000,000, shall be for assistance for Ukraine, which may include budget support

page 39 ‘‘Migration and Refugee Assistance’’, $3,495,000,000, to remain available until expended, to address humanitarian needs and assist refugees in response to the situations in Israel and Ukraine

page 42 & 43 $37,100,000,000 shall be for assistance for Israel and for 2 related expenses.

page 47 21 Billion to the Poverty Reduction and Growth 3 Trust of the International Monetary Fund

page 49. revisions to 2022Ukrain supplemental appropriations act- Changed from 4 billion to 8 billion. 4 billion more for Ukraine from this bucket

Pages 57-61 create a study to see what Ukraine needs for the next several years.

That is another 80+ billion.
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Dr. Phil criticizes White House immigration policy during border visit​


Talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw criticized President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris while filming along the Texas-Mexico border.

The television talk show host cited Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) in recorded comments about the border crisis for his new show, Dr. Phil Primetime. McGraw repeated Abbott's claim that Biden hadn't executed immigration laws and instead "violated" them.


Dr. Phil criticizes White House immigration policy during border visit​

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Talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw criticized President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris while filming along the Texas-Mexico border.

The television talk show host cited Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) in recorded comments about the border crisis for his new show, Dr. Phil Primetime. McGraw repeated Abbott's claim that Biden hadn't executed immigration laws and instead "violated" them.

Boy Love? Desperation to support your cause? Idiocy?
Does the bill curb the Abuse of Asylum Laws?

Also, advocates claim the bill is intended to accelerate the process of deciding asylum claims. So if new curbs reduce the approval rate by 50 percent, yet also double the number of processed claims, the number of economic migrants who get asylum will remain at the current level.

Biden’s border chief has established a process, dubbed the “Asylum Officer Rule,” that allows low-ranking government officials to award asylum — and citizenship — during a brief review at the border. The rollout of this new process has been stymied by multiple factors, but if it is approved and funded by Congress, it would allow Biden’s deputies to hire pro-migration advocates who will rubber stamp a myriad of asylum claims without oversight by the nation’s corps of asylum judges.
Senate deal has been released.

Hard to see how anti immigration legislators could oppose this. Unless, of course, they were instructed to.
So in this bill Urkriane gets $60 billion. Thats bigger than the entire marine corp budget in 2023. But clearly you are correct.

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The Senate Border Deal Is a Horror Show​

The Senate’s border deal has been released, and it’s a horror show. It’s a $118 billion package tied to more aid for Ukraine that does next to nothing to solve the current crisis at the southern border. Don’t let the billions more in border security fool you. More funding for border agents is Biden-speak for more personnel to process the asylum claims, not to deport people who shouldn’t be here.

And while the bar for would-be asylum seekers has been raised in the bill, there are other provisions in the legislation that ensure Democrats have plenty of talking points for when they make their mass amnesty push, which has been the Left’s long-term goal (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:

Senate deal has been released.

Hard to see how anti immigration legislators could oppose this. Unless, of course, they were instructed to.
the bill would give the president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it is in the national interest.”

So the President would have the authority to re-open the border at any time, for any reason.

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the bill would give the president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it is in the national interest.”

So the President would have the authority to re-open the border at any time, for any reason.

This trigger would happen if 5,000 migrants arrived each day for a week, or if 8,000 arrived in one day. But the terms and conditions may make this shutdown feature toothless.

Worse, the trigger may make it more difficult than under current law for the president to shut down the border in an emergency. If so, that bill would allow Biden to keep importing illegals — while making it more difficult for a future president to slow the inflow.
This trigger would happen if 5,000 migrants arrived each day for a week, or if 8,000 arrived in one day. But the terms and conditions may make this shutdown feature toothless.

heck..they would just lie about the numbers anyways
It also includes a measure to provide a government-funded lawyer to any unaccompanied children age 13 or under, and give any migrant put into expedited removal proceedings 72 hours to find a lawyer to contest deportation.
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