Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Schumer And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106B Border Bill Without Reading It? Hell No​



Under no circumstances should this bill — which would make massive, permanent changes to immigration law — be passed next week.

Yesterday, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that after four months of secrecy, The Firm™️ plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid/border-security package — possibly as soon as today.


Arizona Election Law May Enable Non-Citizens To Vote In 2024 Presidential Election, Experts Warn​


One of the most important states in the 2024 presidential election has a loophole in its election procedures that could allow non-citizens to cast federal election ballots, experts told the Daily Caller.

Democratic Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes crafted the state’s Election Procedures Manual (EPM) to permit individuals whose citizenship cannot be verified to register as a “federal-only” voter and cast ballots in upcoming elections. (RELATED: Democrats Shouted That MAGA Secretaries Of State Would Rig Elections — Then Maine Happened)

“An otherwise eligible registrant who does not submit DPOC (proof of citizenship) and whose U.S. citizenship cannot be verified via AZMVD records or other record in the statewide voter registration database is registered as a ‘federal-only’ voter. A ‘federal-only’ voter is eligible to vote solely in races for federal office in Arizona (including the Presidential Preference Election (PPE)),” the EPM says on page three of its first chapter.

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Caller he believes Arizona’s two-tiered voter registration system could enable illegal migrants to vote in the upcoming elections.

“The Justice Department, they don’t prosecute these cases, even though it’s a felony under federal law for an alien to register and vote,” he continued. “Aliens have an incentive, a voter registration card, which you get when you register, that’s a gateway for getting other kinds of ID.”

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Dr. Phil blasts Biden for causing migrant humanitarian crisis 'unlike anything we've seen before' as he visits Texas: Slams Harris for being MIA and asks 'guess how many times she's been to the border?'​

Dr. Phil slammed President Biden's immigration policies for fueling a 'humanitarian crisis' at the southern border, saying it is 'unlike anything we've seen before.'

The talk show host, 73, said he visited the border in Texas because he had to 'see for myself' the unfettered illegal immigration flooding the US.

'More than six million illegal immigrants have crossed Texas Southern border in just three years,' he said.

'That's more than the population of 33 different states in this country.'



‘There Are Terror Threats Coming Across The … Border’: DCNF Reporter Discusses Al-Shabaab Member Caught In Minnesota​

A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter warned “terror threats” have crossed the U.S. border during a Saturday morning appearance on Newsmax.

A member of al-Shabaab, a radical Islamic terrorist group based out of Somalia, was captured in Minnesota in January after being released into the United States following an initial detention at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a memo obtained by the DCNF. DCNF Investigative Reporter Jennie Taer discussed the memo with “Wake Up America” weekend hosts Sarah Williamson and Michael Graham. (RELATED: ‘A Real Problem’: Fox News Host Reacts To DCNF Report On Terrorist Who Was Caught, Released Into US By Biden Admin)

“We exclusively reported earlier this week that an al-Shabaab terrorist had made their way through the southern border, was caught by Border Patrol in March, was actually released after they determined he was a mismatch which was completely incorrect,” Taer told Williamson and Graham.


Washington State Diverted $340M in Federal COVID Funds To Immigrants, Including Via $1,000 Checks​

A new report is highlighting how federal COVID funds were used in Washington state to give $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants who were ineligible to receive federal economic impact payments during the pandemic due to their immigration status.

The report, by the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC), points to money administered by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF), which was created by the American Rescue Plan Act and was intended to help state and local governments with their response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Washington state received $4.4 billion in funding overall from that program.

The report from the group, which calls for a smaller federal government, highlighted how $340 million in funding went to a program that sent $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants in the state. The funds, approved by the Washington state legislature in April 2021, provided "another round of funding for undocumented Washingtonians," according to an impact report on the program said.

Schumer And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106B Border Bill Without Reading It? Hell No​


View attachment 617114

Under no circumstances should this bill — which would make massive, permanent changes to immigration law — be passed next week.

Yesterday, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that after four months of secrecy, The Firm™️ plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid/border-security package — possibly as soon as today.

that pic of all those pos pols shows why we are screwed.

Dr. Phil blasts Biden for causing migrant humanitarian crisis 'unlike anything we've seen before' as he visits Texas: Slams Harris for being MIA and asks 'guess how many times she's been to the border?'​

Dr. Phil slammed President Biden's immigration policies for fueling a 'humanitarian crisis' at the southern border, saying it is 'unlike anything we've seen before.'

The talk show host, 73, said he visited the border in Texas because he had to 'see for myself' the unfettered illegal immigration flooding the US.

'More than six million illegal immigrants have crossed Texas Southern border in just three years,' he said.

'That's more than the population of 33 different states in this country.'

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Dr. Phil?

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For all the idiot lefties that are trying to blame the GOP for the border...and Bill's

For months, the Senate has also refused to take up the Secure the Border Act, which passed the House in early May and is the strongest border bill to ever pass the House.Nov 30, 2023

How 'America's safest state' became a gun violence hotspot: Vermont's Murder-Rate DOUBLES in two years as FENTANYL Deaths spiral out of control​

Vermont's homicide rate last year continued an upward trajectory, putting a cap on a spate of crime not seen in nearly three decades.

The deadly crime wave comes as the state is battling soaring fentanyl overdoses, with 243 opioid deaths in 2022, up by a staggering 386 percent compared to a decade ago and a 50 percent increase on 2020.


EXCLUSIVE The OTHER Border Crisis: New Jersey-Based Smuggling Gang Run By Illegal Immigrants has Helped dozens sneak into US from CANADA for $6,000 a head - amid 500% surge in Crossings At Northern Frontier​

As the migrant crisis reaches boiling point and divides cities and states, can reveal another border scandal occurring right under Americans' noses.

These are the faces of a prolific people smuggling gang run by undocumented migrants who started sneaking into the US illegally in 2019 and are now offering passage to others by bringing them in from Canada for $6,000-a-head.

Several have been running the gang from New Jersey, where they settled after being released by ICE.

To date, they have moved dozens if not hundreds of migrants into the US using secretive tactics to sneak them across the scarcely-guarded border between between Quebec and Vermont.

Astonishingly, the gang was able to continue operating despite being caught red-handed multiple times.


Furious South Dakota Tribe BANISHES Governor Kristi Noem from its Reservation after she said she wanted to send razor wire and troops to the southern border​

A South Dakota tribe has banned Governor Kristi Noem from going near its lands after the remarks she made about the ever-growing crisis at the US-Mexico border.

Republican Noem, 52, was 'banished' from the Pine Ridge Reservation after she said she wanted to send razor wire and security personnel to Texas to help deter migrants crossing into the US.

The tribe's President Frank Star Comes Out said on Friday: 'Due to the safety of the Oyate, effective immediately, you are hereby Banished from the homelands of the Oglala Sioux Tribe!'


Pictured: Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota

Pictured: Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The tribe has banned Governor Kristi Noem from going near its lands after the remarks she made about the ever-growing crisis at the US-Mexico border


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