MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

And to be honest, i dont. If they are elderly, or a child, or even a midget, i will totally be more courteous.

But if you're just some stuffy prick who cant stand up for a few hours than tough ****. Bring on the police!!!

The midgets truly have a friend in you.
I didn't go to the Florida game last year so I didn't get to witness that specific event. What I have been talking about though, are patrons like those fools you speak of from last year

You didn't miss anything and tickets were outrageous.
If I could watch an entire UT game with a midget on my shoulders, I would have fulfilled a lifelong fantasy.

If someone actually pulled something like that off, the attention it would garner would generate enough $$$$ to retire comfortably at any age
If someone actually pulled something like that off, the attention it would garner would generate enough $$$$ to retire comfortably at any age

I will gladly pay for any midget's ticket that is willing to sit atop my shoulders for a UT game.

There is absolutely no way we would lose that game.
I feel this will only make people rowdier and I really don't have a problem with that. I wish the whole stadium stood and yelled all game. Even during the circle drill. And booed the opponent band off the field. No mercy. All other fans have given us hell in our struggling years and by god when we make it back to the top you best believe I hope we beat the dog**** out of everyone and just keep talking it. I want butch to drop back and throw bombs all day if we are up on Florida and bama if we are up 30 in the fourth.
Just another liberal

I don't get this. Does liberal now mean "anything someone doesn't agree with"? The behavior that she's asking for is actually quite conservative in nature.

I don't agree with pretty much anything she has to say, but it isn't "liberal".
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And to be honest, i dont. If they are elderly, or a child, or even a midget, i will totally be more courteous.

But if you're just some stuffy prick who cant stand up for a few hours than tough ****. Bring on the police!!!

I like this^! Friend request sent Panic!
I don't get this. Does liberal now mean "anything someone doesn't agree with"? The behavior that she's asking for is actually quite conservative in nature.

I don't agree with pretty much anything she has to say, but it isn't "liberal".

If I were to place a bet on it, I would say that writer leans left. Based on that article anyway. Very much so too. What makes you think it isn't liberal?
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I did appreciate how people specifically cited how one can cue the ushers without even having to stand up.

If I were to place a bet on it, I would say that writer leans left. Based on that article anyway. Very much so too. What makes you think it isn't liberal?

I have to disagree with this. Curmedgeons come in all flavors. More importantly being respectful to the national anthem is universal.
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I have to disagree with this. Curmedgeons come in all flavors. More importantly being respectful to the national anthem is universal.

I actually didn't disagree with everything in the article. Just parts of it.

I would never attempt to identify someone's ideology because of their respect to the national anthem. I was basing my speculation on a couple of other characteristics in the writing
If I were to place a bet on it, I would say that writer leans left. Based on that article anyway. Very much so too. What makes you think it isn't liberal?

I see it differently. The writer is requesting behaviors that are generally identified as conservative in nature. Displays of respect and consideration for those around you, respect for the National Anthem, and polite behavior in respect to both teams are hallmarks of reserved, conservative behavior. Given the upbringing I was given and the culture and ideology of those who demonstrated said restrictive and controlled behaviors, I would actually surmise that the author might be hyperconservative.

I agree with the poster who used the term curmudgeon. It sounds more appropriate to the situation and less like an attempt of fringe ideologues to fabricate negative connotation for the purpose of societal division.

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