MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

I hope the Vols exhibit extremely bad manners in Neyland Stadium for a change. Nasty,unruly, horendous temper tatrums on defense and offense.
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This article is exactly what we don't need in our stadium.

I know most understand but for those who don't here is a lesson.

Stand and Yell as loud as you can while we are on Defense. The noise will hopefully affect the other teams Offense. It will make it harder for them to communicate and maybe we can even get a few false start penalties.

Sit and be quiet while we are on Offense. We want our offense to be able to communicate easily. Yell after the play.

I know most know this but for those who don't please start doing this!

Good post. Wanted to bump it.
On topic, though, Neyland Stadium could really capitalize by strategically placing "standing only sections". You could charge a general admission fee and make seating first-come, first-serve. That would allow everyone to enjoy the game however he or she wanted to.

Could you imagine a bunch of wild fans moshing and screaming right next to the field?

Okay do this but put all the sitters and co. up on the upper deck.
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Did we turn the stadium into a thrill ride? Please stay seated for the duration of the ride thanks! I will never stayed seated for more than a minute if that I get way to pumped and way to excited! They could cut out my seat and I would be more than fine!
I got to tell the story of a Georgia fan last year, look like daughter and boyfriend was helping her dad down the stairs and it was apparent he had waYYYY too much to drink...Then he face planted right into the bleachers...I mean BAMM ..he got up really slow as the daughter ran her mouth about some of the fans chuckling, I mean not very respectful rant she was on....When....BAMM 2nd face plant into the bleachers 5 rolls to the other side.
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I got to tell the story of a Georgia fan last year, look like daughter and boyfriend was helping her dad down the stairs and it was apparent he had waYYYY too much to drink...Then he face planted right into the bleachers...I mean BAMM ..he got up really slow as the daughter ran her mouth about some of the fans chuckling, I mean not very respectful rant she was on....When....BAMM 2nd face plant into the bleachers 5 rolls to the other side.

Man, I bet ppl had a field day after that! LOL

AJ, good to see you!!!

Had to laugh at the GIF, sorry.....
Im not driving 8 hours to come sit feller.....im standing till my toes are blue. I will apologize to the folks behind me when i find my seats.....u wanna sit...stay home or go to the bar.....
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There are some curmudgeons that have headphones on and lap blankets and binoculars. One even told my son who was 4 to quiet down when we were in one of the way to many OT's against UAB. Those knuckle heads are as annoying as the guy cursing for 4 quarters. I see very few standing an entire game, I do stand more than most but try to be courteous. I do often leave the game hoarse and I wish more were like me because Neyland would be a lot more hostile. The sitters fill seats though and help keep the doors open so I accept them too, we just disagree.

LOL we went to overtime against UAB. Somehow completely forgot about that. Oh, Dooley...
Stand on Defense, sit down on offense.

I think you mean, "scream on defense, and shut the heck up on offense." How could it possibly matter if I'm standing or sitting?
I get excited while watching Tennessee football. I can assure you I don't sit down to watch it while I'm at home. I'm certainly not going to sit down while watching it in the stadium.
Im not driving 8 hours to come sit feller.....im standing till my toes are blue. I will apologize to the folks behind me when i find my seats.....u wanna sit...stay home or go to the bar.....
One day you'll realize how silly you sound.
If you stand up in front of me at an inappropriate time and block my view for very long, you'll either agree to sit down or be escorted out of the stadium.

I can assure you that you could not get me to sit down or be escorted out under any circumstance. This delusional thinking is laughable.
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Gtfo I drove 1200 miles 3 years ago and got kicked out before kickoff for screaming go big orange and hell yea. All because I was around a bunch of older folks who were better off in their damn recliners at home. Pisses me off
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Well as usually many of us completely missed the point...,,but the National Anthem thing is right on time.., I have noticed most people who don't respect the national anthem seem to be young or at least immature it's very sad to see that.... Just a simple matter of upbringing!!!!
Gtfo I drove 1200 miles 3 years ago and got kicked out before kickoff for screaming go big orange and hell yea. All because I was around a bunch of older folks who were better off in their damn recliners at home. Pisses me off
Somehow I get the feeling that's not all there is to this story.
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