MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

Well as usually many of us completely missed the point...,,but the National Anthem thing is right on time.., I have noticed most people who don't respect the national anthem seem to be young or at least immature it's very sad to see that.... Just a simple matter of upbringing!!!!

That also describes most of the people who have posted on this thread.
Somehow I get the feeling that's not all there is to this story.

Alcohol may have been involved :) still though wasn't raising near enough hell to get kicked out. Dude next to me sent a text message to the security saying I was being obnoxious. Yea right I used to scream so loud for 3 hours I'd lose my voice for a week
If the geology department hasn't registered seismic activity during a game, then we haven't done our jobs.
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I can assure you that you could not get me to sit down or be escorted out under any circumstance. This delusional thinking is laughable.

Unfortunately, all they have to do is tell an usher you wont sit down. If the usher tells you to sit, and you dont, it's see ya later. I've seen it happen. And they always say "Well they were drunk, or cussing, or whatever....., and its actually for just refusing to sit down.

Can you explain how standing mid play helps the team? It seems that has been the primary argument suggested by many of those who choose to stand.

But to answer your question, if it's a big play most likely anyone would stand... I know I would.

I never suggested it helped the team. It's a natural reaction when one gets excited, as fans should. It's asinine to get angry at fans who stand during exciting/tense moments of a game. And equally asinine is standing the whole time for the sake of standing.
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I never suggested it helped the team. It's a natural reaction when one gets excited, as fans should. It's asinine to get angry at fans who stand during exciting/tense moments of a game. And equally asinine is standing the whole time for the sake of standing.

^^^ gets it
I can assure you that you could not get me to sit down or be escorted out under any circumstance. This delusional thinking is laughable.

If you're standing at a time that everyone else is sitting during an offensive drive, I will ask you nicely, to sit down. I might even ask you nicely a second time even if you're continuing to be an idiot. If you continue to ignore my request, the police will be asking you to sit down. If you don't believe me, buy a ticket in section C, row 14, seat two and then behave like an idiot. A reality check will ensue
If you're standing at a time that everyone else is sitting during an offensive drive, I will ask you nicely, to sit down. I might even ask you nicely a second time even if you're continuing to be an idiot. If you continue to ignore my request, the police will be asking you to sit down. If you don't believe me, buy a ticket in section C, row 14, seat two and then behave like an idiot. A reality check will ensue
Look, here's one of the blue haired, party pooping, cop calling losers we been talking about.
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Unfortunately, all they have to do is tell an usher you wont sit down. If the usher tells you to sit, and you dont, it's see ya later. I've seen it happen. And they always say "Well they were drunk, or cussing, or whatever....., and its actually for just refusing to sit down.


Maybe I didn't articulate my position well enough. I don't have a problem with you standing up. I have a problem when you're standing up and no one else is during the game. If someone in front of you is standing up, I don't have a problem with it. Standing up just to be standing up is extremely rude when you're blocking the view of others. No one is going to say a damn thing to you if others are standing as well. It's when you're the only one.
Look, here's one of the blue haired, party pooping, cop calling losers we been talking about.

If you say so. You might want to read all my posts in this thread before making such an ignorant remark. Come over to that section this year and you will quickly realize you've jumped to conclusions with your characterization.
If you say so. You might want to read all my posts in this thread before making such an ignorant remark. Come over to that section this year and you will quickly realize you've jumped to conclusions with your characterization.
I've been reading your posts newb. People get a little weary of the overbearing e tough guys. This entire thread is a big joke but some anal retentive folks can't see whats going on right in front of them.
I've been reading your posts newb. People get a little weary of the overbearing e tough guys. This entire thread is a big joke but some anal retentive folks can't see whats going on right in front of them.

It's because they're sitting.
I've been reading your posts newb. People get a little weary of the overbearing e tough guys. This entire thread is a big joke but some anal retentive folks can't see whats going on right in front of them.

No one is trying to be tough. I just believe if you sat near me, you wouldn't have the opinion you just expressed. I stand up and yell as much as the next guy. What I don't do is stand up just to be standing up when no one else is standing during live action.
What I don't do is stand up just to be standing up when no one else is standing during live action.

I have a feeling that most of the super fans that brag about standing for no apparent reason are embellishing.
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No one is trying to be tough. I just believe if you sat near me, you wouldn't have the opinion you just expressed. I stand up and yell as much as the next guy. What I don't do is stand up just to be standing up when no one else is standing during live action.

I have a hard time believing there are people who just stand up to be a holes.

But you said it yourself, if someone stands up during an offensive play, you'd cry like a little girl to the nearest cop.

If I was a cop, and some tool bag whined to me about someone standing up at "inappropriate" times, i would laugh my ass off and walk away.
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I sit in section C during the FLa game last year and yes a guy got asked to sit down..He was acting a fool tho
I have a hard time believing there are people who just stand up to be a holes.

But you said it yourself, if someone stands up during an offensive play, you'd cry like a little girl to the nearest cop.

If I was a cop, and some tool bag whined to me about someone standing up at "inappropriate" times, i would laugh my ass off and walk away.

No, I didn't say that at all. You either are having trouble comprehending the situation I am speaking of or just don't get the context.

I don't care if you stand up for a moment during an offensive play. What I don't like are the guys that stand up just to be standing up. What I've taken from you is that you don't give a dam about those behind you.
No, I didn't say that at all. You either are having trouble comprehending the situation I am speaking of or just don't get the context.

I don't care if you stand up for a moment during an offensive play. What I don't like are the guys that stand up just to be standing up. What I've taken from you is that you don't give a dam about those behind you.

And to be honest, i dont. If they are elderly, or a child, or even a midget, i will totally be more courteous.

But if you're just some stuffy prick who cant stand up for a few hours than tough ****. Bring on the police!!!
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And to be honest, i dont. If they are elderly, or a child, or even a midget, i will totally be more courteous.

But if you're just some stuffy prick who cant stand up for a few hours than tough ****. Bring on the police!!!

I don't think Saban will be in our stands anytime soon :)
And to be honest, i dont. If they are elderly, or a child, or even a midget, i will totally be more courteous.

But if you're just some stuffy prick who cant stand up for a few hours than tough ****. Bring on the police!!!

I'm not. Sorry to have been so perceptively arrogant that you've misunderstood me.
I sit in section C during the FLa game last year and yes a guy got asked to sit down..He was acting a fool tho

I didn't go to the Florida game last year so I didn't get to witness that specific event. What I have been talking about though, are patrons like those fools you speak of from last year
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