MInd Your Manners in Neyland Stadium

Are you being serious?

I've been to countless games, not too many there are standing the whole game. A tiny percentage do, you can usually pick them out before they get in the stadium, just sayin.

I'm just giving you a hard time anyways. I have never had a problem with anyone standing.
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Stand up, yell,boo, cheer, have a good time. But, if you are one of those idiots that is always yelling at the refs and/or the coaches.........they can't hear you.
Just pay attention to the rest of the people in your section and you'll be alright. There are times to stand and times to sit. If you're the only one in your section either standing or sitting than perhaps the problem is with you.
Is there a user manual for when to sit and when to stand? How do we know the first person to sit or stand that we must follow knows what the hell they're doing? Maybe they're drunk and they're standing and sitting at the wrong time.
Many of the comments on here remind me of why we did not renew this season despite believing Butch & staff would turn it around. Respecting others that also paid the money to enjoy the game is not to much to ask. Occasionally standing and yelling when a good play happens or at a tense time in the game is one thing. Standing and yelling throughout just because you want to show your tail is another.
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I stand during important moments and celebrations and sit otherwise unless the game is at a crucial time and everyone around is standing. I think going with the flow of what is going on around you while using politeness and common sense is a good policy. If no one is standing anywhere around you and not much is happening in the game then there isn't really a reason to stand. It's the stand 100% of the time versus sit 100% of the time fans that have a problem. Be flexible, you are in public and can't control everyone around you.

With all that said...I prefer standing, drinking and yelling when we are on D!
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Many of the comments on here remind me of why we did not renew this season despite believing Butch & staff would turn it around. Respecting others that also paid the money to enjoy the game is not to much to ask. Occasionally standing and yelling when a good play happens or at a tense time in the game is one thing. Standing and yelling throughout just because you want to show your tail is another.
Many of the comments on here remind me of why we did not renew this season despite believing Butch & staff would turn it around. Respecting others that also paid the money to enjoy the game is not to much to ask. Occasionally standing and yelling when a good play happens or at a tense time in the game is one thing. Standing and yelling throughout just because you want to show your tail is another.

I can see both sides

I just can't stand the azzhats that can't handle their liquor
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The comments are the best part of that article. I do think the person has a point about having some manners in this day and age, but here we go again :horse: on the whole sit/stand thing.

I do feel for the people who have attended games forever, and now they are physically unable to stand all the time but still want to go for the atmosphere and cheer the game on. Jumping up and yelling during a big play is not what people complain about, it's just standing up the whole game in front of everyone.:horse:
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As a student we pretty much all stood the entire game.

Now I tend to have more respect for people behind me.

It's just a class thing.
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Many of the comments on here remind me of why we did not renew this season despite believing Butch & staff would turn it around. Respecting others that also paid the money to enjoy the game is not to much to ask. Occasionally standing and yelling when a good play happens or at a tense time in the game is one thing. Standing and yelling throughout just because you want to show your tail is another.

Alot of us aren't drunk.... the fans standing and yelling the whole time we are on defense are helping our defense. That is not an opinion, ITS FACT. Why do you think coaches and players are on the sidelines encouraging fans to get up and get loud. If they are standing while we are on offense or yelling while we are on offense they are either drunk or stupid....or both
This article is exactly what we don't need in our stadium.

I know most understand but for those who don't here is a lesson.

Stand and Yell as loud as you can while we are on Defense. The noise will hopefully affect the other teams Offense. It will make it harder for them to communicate and maybe we can even get a few false start penalties.

Sit and be quiet while we are on Offense. We want our offense to be able to communicate easily. Yell after the play

I know most know this but for those who don't please start doing this!

If every Fan in Neyland was like me and this guy we would be THE LOUDEST IN THE COUNTRY! NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

I totally agree with you.
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Is there a user manual for when to sit and when to stand? How do we know the first person to sit or stand that we must follow knows what the hell they're doing? Maybe they're drunk and they're standing and sitting at the wrong time.

Seriously? A user manual? It's common sense. I have no idea why it's so hard to grasp for some people.
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I've never had this issue...

"Sit down or ill sit you down."

I have no problem with standing, but if you are standing in front of me the WHOLE game. That's an issue, bc now you are making me stand the whole game.

Inb4 "We got a badass over here" or something.
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This is the most ridiculous artice I have EVER read!If you can't stand at crucial moments of the game,you don't need to be there!What I mean by crucial moments is 3rd down,turnovers,offensive score.I'll stand up whenever I please.Albeit not the whole game but d*** if I'm gonna let somebody tell me when to stand or sit.Last time I checked I wasn't in grade school.
Uh, well, because i can whatever i want. As can you. Honestly, I could care less if you stand or sit. And you shouldnt care that i stand. Thats kinda the point here, besides the fact that sitting makes you less of a fan.

If you stand up in front of me at an inappropriate time and block my view for very long, you'll either agree to sit down or be escorted out of the stadium.
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Alot of us aren't drunk.... the fans standing and yelling the whole time we are on defense are helping our defense. That is not an opinion, ITS FACT. Why do you think coaches and players are on the sidelines encouraging fans to get up and get loud. If they are standing while we are on offense or yelling while we are on offense they are either drunk or stupid....or both

They could be stupid drunk
now, how many of the bad azzes who say I'll stand when I want to, have been asked to sit or leave by the boys in blue ?
tonight's Deli: Ham & Turkey w/ Swiss on White w/ mustard &Mayo, bag of Fritos and a PBR
Escorted out? Hmm....I've never seen the line on the back of the ticket that says "the owner of this ticket will abide by the rule of not standing during the game."

I don't stand the whole time....but I will certainly celebrate with my team when the time calls for it. To me, it's the same as a standing ovation....I am showing my support to the players by not just sitting there the whole time.
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