Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

I don't mind sharing a country with Christians. Funny how intolerant one of us sounds here!

Go to God Island somewhere, if it's so unbearable. Lol.
That’s because Christians have become passive due to the pervasive idea that to be a Christian you have to “tolerate” everything. The left’s biggest accomplishment is psyoping the Christians into thinking they’re bigots if they want something opposed.
Well I would start with love your neighbor. Since this seems to be a foreign concept to you….. maybe I should be worried about your salvation. Notice he didn’t say “Love your neighbor who accepts me”. We’re to treat EVERYONE like we were instructed to……and at the end, God will sort out who goes where.

With your willingness to judge and impugn me while loving me, perhaps you should tend to your own salvation, 'brother'.

Again - regardless of how WE treat EVERYONE - "According to your bible, doesn't that exclude Islam and therefore Muslims?" who are cognizant of and do not accept Jesus as savior and entrance to Heaven? Isn't that the very (Christian) definition of 'heathen'?
From what I know, the post-Mecca writings are not ignored but are taken in context.
Do you think a religion should be modified to meet current political standards; just selectively ignore what isn't popular? I suppose that happens a lot with most creeds and it's happening today to an extent in the US as pertains to sexuality.
I don't take Ayaan Hirsi Ali to be a credible source. She's in business to stoke and validate people's phobia. Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Long History of Fabricating & Fear-mongering - Bridge Initiative

I've clearly stated that Islam is past due for a New Testament-type reformation, that there are reformists constituting a minority. They should be supported by the West (and anyone else for that matter) but that I don't foresee such a reformation. There is no Allah's son forthcoming to supplant Mohammed the man prophet. And that I think Islam is incompatible with Western values, at least unless that occurs.

Bridge Initiative gets paid to be an 'anti-Islamophobe' bullhorn, but that's different? Here's their sample gallery of Islamophobes: Factsheets - Bridge Initiative

Playing devil's advocate, Hirsi Ali needs no credibility to be right about this, and I think she is.
How does a conversation about mosque music and prayer devolve into child labor? Do any of you stop to think before posting, or just foam at the mouth to silence the undesirable?
Admittedly I didn't read the whole thread. Every one of the regular posters here preach tolerance of different views, but have none yourself.
Until you all wake up and smell the roses, I'll stay overseas. The country I fought, sweat, bled, cried, and lived for is no more because you all have collectively forgotten why we started to begin with.
But continue on this path and let yourselves be blinded by hate for the other side. Problem is, none of you realize who the other side truly is. Some say it, but don't really believe it. The other side is a greed like no other, and that is the greed that comes from power.
Power lies in all of us coming together and voting everyone who has been in office for more than ten years out. The other guy or gal might not be the answer, but at least it is a different voice.
A beer can offended a lot of you. A ruling in a town that you don't live in offended a lot of you.
A petulant child tweeting disturbed you. Russia disturbed you to the point you are ok with not taking care of our own first. Imaginary issues have led you to real world violence.
But we are too busy making sure the right letter wins. At some point can you all come together and make sure America wins.
I'm not anyone that matters, just a regular Joe, if you will. I love my home, my country, my raising. My family will always be my center.
Social media gave the extremist a voice. Much like acceptance of extremism did in the past. Neither are right.
A beer can cannot be an honor when a syrup bottle or box of rice isn't. If a trans is going to participate in sports, it should be against other like minded people.
Quit letting the elite run your life. Vote them all out. That is effective change. Not this ******** you all participate in daily.
If there is a partisan hack pandering for votes, pick someone else. If a politician increases their net worth by multiples, vote them out.
The only way to change the direction we are headed is to turn the television off and walk outside. Meet your neighbor and shake their hand. Love them like you love yourself. Quit judging.
No one will read this, and that's ok. I can feel at peace because I spoke my mind.

Tldr: the answer is love, not hate. Quit being divided for others to profit from the division
I read it. Agree with a lot of it in a vacuum.
With your willingness to judge and impugn me while loving me, perhaps you should tend to your own salvation, 'brother'.

Again - regardless of how WE treat EVERYONE - "According to your bible, doesn't that exclude Islam and therefore Muslims?" who are cognizant of and do not accept Jesus as savior and entrance to Heaven? Isn't that the very (Christian) definition of 'heathen'?

Again. We are talking about how we treat our neighbor on Earth. Not whether or not one group will or won’t go to Heaven. On top of your salvation I’m also becoming gravely concerned about reading comprehension as I’ve pretty thoroughly explained this. I will endeavor to pray for both.
Again. We are talking about how we treat our neighbor on Earth. Not whether or not one group will or won’t go to Heaven. On top of your salvation I’m also becoming gravely concerned about reading comprehension as I’ve pretty thoroughly explained this. I will endeavor to pray for both.

Uhm...actually, our exchange began with my response to:
Again. Does your Bible not teach that Jesus died for godless heathens too? Also this conversation is about Muslims, so trying to paint them as godless or atheists is pretty stupid. It’s pretty much their whole life. They just don’t pray the same as you. Neither do Jews. But the Republican Party told you that it’s VITAL that we support Israel sooooo that never crossed your mind.

...before you made it about "how we treat our neighbors on Earth".

Again, pray less for me and tend to your own salvation and comprehension, brother. While you're down there, don't forget our heathen Islamic brethren.
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Uhm...actually, our exchange began with my response to:

...before you made it about "how we treat our neighbors on Earth".

Again, pray less for me and tend to your own salvation and comprehension, brother. While you're down there, don't forget our heathen Islamic brethren.
Somewhere along the way, something went very wrong and Christianity was just turned into Libertarianism- the religion.

No other religion on earth is expected to be completely absent from its societies and allow degeneracy to run rampant around it because “tolerance” or whatever other ******** the left has payoped these people into believing Christianity is about.
I'd be against anyone - church, mosque, or civic structure - clanging away after 10:00.
If you live in certain places, you learn to expect certain sounds at inconvenient times. If you live next to train tracks, are you going to complain about trains passing by? I'm not saying it's desirable, or that it's not annoying as hell to non-Muslims, but it is what it is. You can choose not to live near a mosque.
Somewhere along the way, something went very wrong and Christianity was just turned into Libertarianism- the religion.

No other religion on earth is expected to be completely absent from its societies and allow degeneracy to run rampant around it because “tolerance” or whatever other ******** the left has payoped these people into believing Christianity is about.

That's not a bad analogy.

Many of the framers mentioned here were highly critical of how religion was organized into church or denominational structures for purposes at odds with their perception of God & Jesus. However, perhaps uniformly, they drew heavily from Christian morals in their considerations of the new nation and viewed even organized religion with all its warts, as a necessary societal and personal good.

I'm mostly having some fun with Sonof because he got out over his skies by not understanding the very definition, in a Christian sense, of heathen, impugns and projects onto others while yakking about how we are to love our neighbors, and now can't keep up with his own posts. He's made good points in other topics, this one maybe not so much.
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If you live in certain places, you learn to expect certain sounds at inconvenient times. If you live next to train tracks, are you going to complain about trains passing by? I'm not saying it's desirable, or that it's not annoying as hell to non-Muslims, but it is what it is. You can choose not to live near a mosque.

I'm not seeing the analogy between transportation infrastructure and ordinances that say no one gets to clang away after 10:00. Who doesn't have an alarm clock or smartphone that can't tell you what time it is and when to pray?
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Uhm...actually, our exchange began with my response to:

...before you made it about "how we treat our neighbors on Earth".

Again, pray less for me and tend to your own salvation and comprehension, brother. While you're down there, don't forget our heathen Islamic brethren.

Ummmm actually I didn’t say that my FIRST post was about treating them accordance with Jesus standards. Actually it was but it was made to scooty vol or whatever that things name is. My comment to you was that we were indeed talking about how Jesus instructed us to treat others. You even asked me to provide scripture from Jesus words to back it up. I’m neither worried about my reading comprehension or salvation. As far as the Muslims, I would rather live amongst them than to have you as a neighbor. They would be much easier to love, therefore keeping Jesus commandment.
Ummmm actually I didn’t say that my FIRST post was about treating them accordance with Jesus standards. Actually it was but it was made to scooty vol or whatever that things name is. My comment to you was that we were indeed talking about how Jesus instructed us to treat others. You even asked me to provide scripture from Jesus words to back it up. I’m neither worried about my reading comprehension or salvation. As far as the Muslims, I would rather live amongst them than to have you as a neighbor. They would be much easier to love, therefore keeping Jesus commandment.

You have me confused with someone else: I asked you for no scripture. I asked what you referred to by 'red words'. And whatever you were saying to someone else, I replied to your words in your post.

So it's hard to love me over a philosophical and factual exchange re: cognizant heathenism as it applies to Islam.
Must say I'm not familiar with that commandment revision.
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You have me confused with someone else: I asked you for no scripture. I asked what you referred to by 'red words'. And whatever you were saying to someone else, I replied to your words in your post.

So it's hard to love me over a philosophical and factual exchange re: cognizant heathenism as it applies to Islam.
Must say I'm not familiar with that commandment revision.

If asking me what red words I was referring to isn’t a demand for scripture then we’re probably done here. Also I never said why you would be difficult to love. Assuming why is what the professionals call projection. But keep running your post count up while the Christian Lowe guy keeps fluffing you.
If asking me what red words I was referring to isn’t a demand for scripture then we’re probably done here. Also I never said why you would be difficult to love. Assuming why is what the professionals call projection. But keep running your post count up while the Christian Lowe guy keeps fluffing you.

Yeah, it isn't; I've literally never heard scripture referred to as 'red words'.
You did say I'd be more difficult to love than Muslims you don't know at all but would prefer to live with anyway.

And @Christian Lowe - please cease...fluffing me...and consider unfluffing me; mustn't offend Puritans with impure posting habits that dirty their finger tips pointing out.
I agree that the animosity between democrats and republicans is unhelpful and, in theory, would prefer to kick them all out.

But I am also of the opinion that voting out someone who is “bad” doesn’t mean the replacement will necessarily be better.
Then you read a portion and not all. I covered that topic
Actually, a government body did not give privileges or rights to one specific religion. I can tell you're an intelligent guy, check these things out before you react. See my previous post, the ordinance may have been meant to allow Muslim prayer, but it doesn't specify any religion. It could allow for church bells at midnight or Led Zeppelin at 2am if that's who you worship. Additionally, there are still limitations on the length of time for the noise.

According to the news article it was specific; if not, I suppose it removes the objection. Although, I still think noise bans during certain hours make sense, and I don't see that it makes sense to deviate on religious grounds or for any other reason except public safety.
I would’ve said this country wasn’t becoming a neomarxist wasteland 15 years ago but I would’ve been wrong too.

The pendulum will shift.
This country is not going to see a big increase in religion. That just isn’t going to happen, no matter which party is in charge.

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