Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

There’s nothing unAmerican about it. It fits well with our value of freedom of religion. Or should we have state religion like in the good old days before 1776?
It’s historically inaccurate to think separation of church and state was ever an actual statute until the last 30 years. We had blasphemy laws for most of our history.
No, but I suspect you’re aware that Minnesota Muslim population doesn’t exactly trace their roots back to Scandinavia.
True. Where’s the comparison to Chicago?
Dude saying people vote in their best interest. They don’t. They vote like a cult because most people aren’t smart enough to realize their best interests.
Per the article there were no neighborhood objections.
He just gave you the list of reasons why.
Meh, nothing burger. We have had church bells ringing in neighborhoods for years. I got woken up Sunday Morning at a hotel in Tulsa by the bells of the huge Episcopal church next door.
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I just had an idea for a “compromise”. But I won’t derail either thread.

It’s beyond absurd.
It’s historically inaccurate to think separation of church and state was ever an actual statute until the last 30 years. We had blasphemy laws for most of our history.


Dude saying people vote in their best interest. They don’t. They vote like a cult because most people aren’t smart enough to realize their best interests.

He just gave you the list of reasons why.
Separation of church and state has been effective for far more than 30 years. How many people have been charged with blasphemy in the last, say, 200 years?
How is this not in the people of Minneapolis' best interests? There's still no real link with Chicago's problems.
So there were good reasons that there were no objections. Sounds like people are working together.
Separation of church and state has been effective for far more than 30 years. How many people have been charged with blasphemy in the last, say, 200 years?
How is this not in the people of Minneapolis' best interests? There's still no real link with Chicago's problems.
So there were good reasons that there were no objections. Sounds like people are working together.
1. The cost of repealing blue laws

Yes, getting rid of all those archaic laws has had such a positive impact. /s

I never said it had a link. That poster said that people vote for what they want. I said they do not. I never linked the two, I was simply refuting his point. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.

You think refusing to speak out against things due to fear of your life being upended by accusations of every “ist” and “phobia” leftists can think of is a positive sign for this country? Self censorship was the goal of the Soviets and the Nazis. Its never a good sign when people start subconsciously muting their thoughts.
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1. The cost of repealing blue laws

Yes, getting rid of all those archaic laws has had such a positive impact. /s

I never said it had a link. That poster said that people vote for what they want. I said they do not. I never linked the two, I was simply refuting his point. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.

You think refusing to speak out against things due to fear of your life being upended by accusations of every “ist” and “phobia” leftists can think of is a positive sign for this country? Self censorship was the goal of the Soviets and the Nazis. Its never a good sign when people start subconsciously muting their thoughts.
I very much doubt they voted for it out of fear. It sure looks like they did it to allow citizens to practice their religion and customs. If it's a predominantly Muslim area and the volume is kept down, why not? What is the real problem?
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I very much doubt they voted for it out of fear. It sure looks like they did it to allow citizens to practice their religion and customs. If it's a predominantly Muslim area and the volume is kept down, why not? What is the real problem?
The city is 2% Muslim and they can blast prayers on a loudspeaker from 3:30am to 11pm. None of what you said is true. They didn’t object out of fear of being called a bigot and an islamophobe.
Yeah, they dumped a much Muslim aliens up there, now they've taken over the place

The same people that your God created and the same people that the Lord and Savior…. I’ve seen you quoting in other threads died for. My Bible tells me that he loves them every bit as much as you. So you should probably watch what you say about them.
The city is 2% Muslim and they can blast prayers on a loudspeaker from 3:30am to 11pm. None of what you said is true. They didn’t object out of fear of being called a bigot and an islamophobe.

Really? Muslims hold 3/13 seats on the council. Let's get real and stop making up ****.
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Seems like some people can’t even consider that idea. They must be as bigoted, just too afraid to speak out.

He just commented that Democracy could only function in Christian nations. The white hood is off. Nothing else left but to pump the fist and yell for them to “Go back where they came from”.
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Muslims may end up saving this Nation from moral destruction, because the Christians have been cucked.

They also are forbidden from doing business that involves the payment or acceptance of interest. They’ll probably be the only ones left standing.

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