Minneapolis to allow Muslim prayer call broadcasts at all hours

Absolutely couldn't careless what happens in blue cities, as a matter of fact I actually pull for them to fail
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Really? Muslims hold 3/13 seats on the council. Let's get real and stop making up ****.
I’m talking about city population.
He just commented that Democracy could only function in Christian nations. The white hood is off. Nothing else left but to pump the fist and yell for them to “Go back where they came from”.
you know other races can also be Christians, right? Our founding fathers knew atheists (godless heathens) would be the death of this country. john Locke, the primary influence on our founders did too.


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I’m talking about city population.

you know other races can also be Christians, right? Our founding fathers knew atheists (godless heathens) would be the death of this country. john Locke, the primary influence on our founders did too.

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Again. Does your Bible not teach that Jesus died for godless heathens too? Also this conversation is about Muslims, so trying to paint them as godless or atheists is pretty stupid. It’s pretty much their whole life. They just don’t pray the same as you. Neither do Jews. But the Republican Party told you that it’s VITAL that we support Israel sooooo that never crossed your mind.
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you know other races can also be Christians, right? Our founding fathers knew atheists (godless heathens) would be the death of this country. john Locke, the primary influence on our founders did too.

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Most of our FF were diests at best (with some agnostic and atheists) but Adams was one of the very religious. Even so he knew better than to inject it into our laws. Defining an atheist as a heathen is ridiculous especially given the corrupt people leading modern religion. The US is not a Christian nation and its absence is not what's driving this decent
Again. Does your Bible not teach that Jesus died for godless heathens too? Also this conversation is about Muslims, so trying to paint them as godless or atheists is pretty stupid. It’s pretty much their whole life. They just don’t pray the same as you. Neither do Jews. But the Republican Party told you that it’s VITAL that we support Israel sooooo that never crossed your mind.
Moral and religious people,” Muslims are not. My lord did die for everyone. Muslims behead women who step a little out of line, anyone even somewhat gay, and infidels. But you want to come at christianity for being intolerant. You people are ****ing unbelievable.

As Michael Knowles once said, “the only thing that bonds the left is opposition to Christianity.”
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Most of our FF were diests at best (with some agnostic and atheists) but Adams was one of the very religious. Even so he knew better than to inject it into our laws. Defining an atheist as a heathen is ridiculous especially given the corrupt people leading modern religion. The US is not a Christian nation and its absence is not what's driving this decent
Your interpretation of our founders is that of modern revision to back up the ludicrous separation of church and state. Unsurprising.
Most of our FF were diests at best (with some agnostic and atheists) but Adams was one of the very religious. Even so he knew better than to inject it into our laws. Defining an atheist as a heathen is ridiculous especially given the corrupt people leading modern religion. The US is not a Christian nation and its absence is not what's driving this decent
Thomas Paine, who I’m sure you’re salivating to bring up, said this of atheism:

“It is from the error of the schools that evil has generated in the pupils a species of atheism. Instead of looking through the works of the creation, to the Creator himself, we stop short and employ the knowledge we acquire to create doubts of His existence.”
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Your interpretation of our founders is that of modern revision to back up the ludicrous separation of church and state. Unsurprising.
No it comes from reading about them and many of their writings. Franklin specifically brought up some suspected atheists but knew it would be the end to their careers. Jefferson is the one who brought up the separation phrasing so how is it a modern revision?

These people also believed owning humans as livestock was a godly endeavor. Those really your Christian examples?
No it comes from reading about them and many of their writings. Franklin specifically brought up some suspected atheists but knew it would be the end to their careers. Jefferson is the one who brought up the separation phrasing so how is it a modern revision?

These people also believed owning humans as livestock was a godly endeavor. Those really your Christian examples?
Jefferson brought it up in passing in a letter to a friend. Not exactly something he expected to become national policy.

Slavery was standard practice all over the world until recently. Western Christian nations were the first to end it.

Muslim countries still practice slavery TODAY. You going to call them out too? Or just **** on Christianity and our founding fathers while pretending the rest of the world wasn’t worse just like every other piece of **** leftist?
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View attachment 547056
I’m talking about city population.

you know other races can also be Christians, right? Our founding fathers knew atheists (godless heathens) would be the death of this country. john Locke, the primary influence on our founders did too.

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Let's not act like the founding fathers were all Christians or even religious men.

Thomas Jefferson was attacked as a "howling atheist" during his lifetime.

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of . . . Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all.
- Thomas Paine

As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?
- John Adams

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
The Treaty of Peace and Friendship - Tripoli - Ratified by Congress during John Adams Presidency.

The Christian priesthood, finding the doctrines of Christ levelled to every understanding and too plain to need explanation, saw, in the mysticisms of Plato, materials with which they might build up an artificial system which might, from its indistinctness, admit everlasting controversy, give employment for their order, and introduce it to profit, power and preeminence. The doctrines which flowed from the lips of Jesus himself are within the comprehension of a child; but thousands of volumes have not yet explained the Platonisms engrafted on them: and for this obvious reason that nonsense can never be explained.
- Thomas Jefferson

Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.
- James Madison

During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.
- James Madison
No it comes from reading about them and many of their writings. Franklin specifically brought up some suspected atheists but knew it would be the end to their careers. Jefferson is the one who brought up the separation phrasing so how is it a modern revision?

These people also believed owning humans as livestock was a godly endeavor. Those really your Christian examples?
People like you are utterly destroying this country and I have zero respect for anyone who denounced their own history while propping up foreigners who are objectively worse in every way.
Oh, you sir are the revisionist.
Your arguments literally mirror mine when I was in high school and thought being an atheist was so cool and edgy. Then I went to college and got a history degree, and realized I was an idiot. I’ve been trying to find old Facebook arguments of mine because they look exactly like the points you bring up. It’s hilarious
Jefferson brought it up in passing in a letter to a friend. Not exactly something he expected to become national policy.

Slavery was standard practice all over the world until recently. Western Christian nations were the first to end it.

Muslim countries still practice slavery TODAY. You going to call them out too? Or just **** on Christianity and our founding fathers while pretending the rest of the world wasn’t worse just like every other piece of **** leftist?
I wasn't aware we were having a worldwide discussion since that was never referenced. But yes, I call them out as well for their practices

The "standard practice" excuse is just a convenient way to justify the evil. I use it since you wish to hold up the same book of morality that they did while selling other humans. You also believe that a lack of adherence to that book is causing decline. Further decline than slavery? Further decline than the modern Catholic Church and kids?

I've never **** on the FF and the version of govt they designed. I just don't hold them up as the moral life example having read many things from them.
Your arguments literally mirror mine when I was in high school and thought being an atheist was so cool and edgy. Then I went to college and got a history degree, and realized I was an idiot. I’ve been trying to find old Facebook arguments of mine because they look exactly like the points you bring up. It’s hilarious
You studied US history???
Moral and religious people,” Muslims are not. My lord did die for everyone. Muslims behead women who step a little out of line, anyone even somewhat gay, and infidels. But you want to come at christianity for being intolerant. You people are ****ing unbelievable.

As Michael Knowles once said, “the only thing that bonds the left is opposition to Christianity.”

So there’s no one in Baptist/ Catholic/ Methodist churches involved in harming women/ Children or gays? We’re less than two years away from a non denom preacher in Knoxville stating FROM THE PULPIT that it would set an example to execute a few homosexuals on public television and the rest would fall in line. Also the misogyny inherent in Islam was part of Arab culture long before Jesus and the Arabs just wrote it into Islam because it was what they knew. Kind of like Christians stealing Christmas from pagan cultures. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Your arguments literally mirror mine when I was in high school and thought being an atheist was so cool and edgy. Then I went to college and got a history degree, and realized I was an idiot. I’ve been trying to find old Facebook arguments of mine because they look exactly like the points you bring up. It’s hilarious

I gave specific examples of your "history" being wrong and you ignored those. You need a refund for any history degree you received.
So there’s no one in Baptist/ Catholic/ Methodist churches involved in harming women/ Children or gays? We’re less than two years away from a non denom preacher in Knoxville stating FROM THE PULPIT that it would set an example to execute a few homosexuals on public television and the rest would fall in line. Also the misogyny inherent in Islam was part of Arab culture long before Jesus and the Arabs just wrote it into Islam because it was what they knew. Kind of like Christians stealing Christmas from pagan cultures. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
“There is no evidence — absolutely none — that the birth of Mithras was celebrated on 25 December. The confusion seems to have arisen because Mithras had Sol Invictus, ‘Unconquered Sun,’ as one of his titles, and — according to an ambiguous entry in a mid-4th century almanac — the birthday of a quite different god called Sol Invictus may have been celebrated on the same date.” -Tom Holland. the historian, not the actor.
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