Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

don tin foil hat before reading

Could MH370 have been

There is another angle which i think might be a possibility that the MH370 switched codes. If MH370 had a code of, say 4376, then it would be pretty easy to get another aircraft, say a Gulfstream 5 private jet, to fly up behind it and swap codes. The Gulfstream sets its squawk code to the same as MH370's code of 4376 then the B777 takes on the Gulfstream's code, and they then split... It would certainly make it easier for the B777 to continue on undetected.
Everytime I hear/read this statement I have to laugh. The funny truth is that Walmart and Target are both selling the exact same crap. If the walls and floors being painted and tiled different colors makes you feel better then go for it.

Walmart is horrible. It is where you go to see the worst of humanity. Same for Aldi.
don tin foil hat before reading

Could MH370 have been

Saw the talking heads discussing this one on the news last night. Most dismissed it, but they had to point it out means some credence was given to it.

And of course, the plane "dropped off" somewhere in Pakistan. And the retired military General supported his cause by saying "Pakistan has been no help during all this."

Really, people are grasping at straws here with some of these theories.
Everytime I hear/read this statement I have to laugh. The funny truth is that Walmart and Target are both selling the exact same crap. If the walls and floors being painted and tiled different colors makes you feel better then go for it.

The differences go deeper than the paint scheme and tile selection; there's a reason that one has a website dedicated to the low rent nature of it's clientele.
don tin foil hat before reading

Could MH370 have been

No. The transponder went off..the code didn't change. They would still have a radar target just with no beacon code attached which is what they had. The ATC automation system would see the code change as well and make an alert.

When the transponder goes off you don't lose the plane from the radar scope you just lose your "reinforced radar" target. That means the image the controllers are following will change..examples follow

Radar reinforced target with primary and beacon surveillance radar..just taken from a scope at Orlando, and one without beacon:


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  • radartarget.jpg
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Saw the talking heads discussing this one on the news last night. Most dismissed it, but they had to point it out means some credence was given to it.

And of course, the plane "dropped off" somewhere in Pakistan. And the retired military General supported his cause by saying "Pakistan has been no help during all this."

Really, people are grasping at straws here with some of these theories.

He is an "aircraft expert" and has no idea about the ground tracking of aircraft and the automation systems that compile the radar data.

I think it's time I lend my services as a paid expert to some of these news outlets.
You're "too good" for Walmart?

I am.

Ha ha

CNN goes all in with its round-the-clock coverage of missing Malaysia Airlines jet - The Washington Post

The relative success of the network’s approach to this story might leave CNN with a challenge in deciding when to stop covering it. Feist said the coverage won’t leave the air or the front page until the mystery surrounding the plane is solved. But the matter is “a day-by-day decision,” he said.

One of the remaining mysteries to this saga is how many days CNN can continue with hour upon hour of coverage when there's literally no new details to report.
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So like. What are the odds the plane just crashed into the ocean and they just haven't found any debris yet? Miniscule chance?
So like. What are the odds the plane just crashed into the ocean and they just haven't found any debris yet? Miniscule chance?

Haven't you been following? It's radical Muslims that landed in Pakistan, are repainting the aircraft, getting fake transponder codes, loading nukes and are heading this way.

That or Courtney Love found it, one of the two.
Haven't you been following? It's radical Muslims that landed in Pakistan, are repainting the aircraft, getting fake transponder codes, loading nukes and are heading this way.

That or Courtney Love found it, one of the two.

Sounds like the plot of some awful michael bay movie.

Starring mark whalberg and Courtney love.
Sounds like the plot of some awful michael bay movie.

Starring mark whalberg and Courtney love.

If it's Michael Bay, the movie will be anything but awful. The man could make a museum trip by a kindergarten class kickazz in some form or fashion.
How small is it?

Let say your 22 year old kid got wasted at a bar the bartender kept serving him. He left gets killed in car..come to find out the bartender was also drunk and was drinking along with your son!

So the bartender was to drunk to know when to cut your son off and let him drive.

Would u be mad?

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