Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

Let say your 22 year old kid got wasted at a bar the bartender kept serving him. He left gets killed in car..come to find out the bartender was also drunk and was drinking along with your son!

So the bartender was to drunk to know when to cut your son off and let him drive.

Would u be mad?

My son would know when to stop drinking and not to get behind the wheel after he had been. You come up with some of the most off the wall **** that has absolutely nothing to do with an argument.
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My son would know when to stop drinking and not to get behind the wheel after he had been. You come up with some of the most off the wall **** that has absolutely nothing to do with an argument.

wow.. your son is special he knows when to stop drinking...lol... so do all drunks know this or just him?
One of the more fascinating stories of my lifetime.

At it stands, I am leaning towards pilot suicide. The biggest problem in my mind is how would the other pilot be incapacitated (I doubt both would be in on a suicide) and why would he fly so long instead of nose-diving it as soon as he was over water. To the latter question, I assume he wanted to either make it mechanical instead of an obvious suicide or desperately wanted some time to go through some sort of ritual before the plane ran out of fuel.

This is assuming that Malaysian radar is correct, US intelligence of the pinging coming over the Indian Ocean, the alternate flight plan was indeed programmed into the computer system, and this action/or the turn happened before the "goodnight" radio call.
wow.. your son is special he knows when to stop drinking...lol... so do all drunks know this or just him?

You dont know when to stop drinking?? So you are trying to tell me people arent responsible for their own actions?? You cant sit at a bar and drink and get to a point where you know you need to stop? You're pretty much saying people who sit at a bar will drink until they are dead as long as the bartender serves them more lol. FTR, I have never been cut off at a bar. Your whole retarded scenario makes absolutely no sense as usual.
What do you consider more fascinating?

It was a joke guy.

I'm not sure if I would consider this fascinating though. Troubling would be the term I would use myself being that Malaysia has been acting pretty shady with almost all the information that's come out so far. Or at the very least incompetent. Combinations of might apply as well. And even given the point that it's a big ocean out there, the fact they haven't found the aircraft is troubling.

I think the lack of information is concerning as we all travel on airlines at some point in our lives. And while this is a foreign flag carrier, it still should cause some concern that nobody is able to find that plane after nearly two weeks of looking.

And of course the thought of gay black Muslim Irish alien terrorists can be disconcerting as well.
It was a joke guy.

I'm not sure if I would consider this fascinating though. Troubling would be the term I would use myself being that Malaysia has been acting pretty shady with almost all the information that's come out so far. Or at the very least incompetent. Combinations of might apply as well. And even given the point that it's a big ocean out there, the fact they haven't found the aircraft is troubling.

I think the lack of information is concerning as we all travel on airlines at some point in our lives. And while this is a foreign flag carrier, it still should cause some concern that nobody is able to find that plane after nearly two weeks of looking.

And of course the thought of gay black Muslim Irish alien terrorists can be disconcerting as well.

Weird. I don't find it troubling at all unless there was a mechanical failure (the conditions were apparently perfect).
Weird. I don't find it troubling at all unless there was a mechanical failure (the conditions were apparently perfect).

That's the other half of troubling. No way of knowing for certain if it was or was not mechanical (which is leaning away from that though).

The way this thing has been going down is like reading a Tom Clancy novel with half the chapters missing and the other half out of order.
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So which one are they talking about having to go down into the electronics bay to take care of?

They are idiots. You go down there to disconnect cables thats all. All of the circuit breakers are in the cockpit. There is a checklist of breakers that have to be pulled before takeoff and after landing. I've never been on a plane (and Ive been on a bunch) that didnt have a circuit breaker up there. The pilots have to be able to pull power to anything from up there in case of fire, malfunction, etc. Hell you have to be able to pull all breakers when fueling the plane up. Equipment bays are not large..they are small and suck a fat one to work in. A pilot knowing what to disable equipment wise is highly suspect as well..this isn't a poorly researched Hollywood movie.

Some pieces of equipment have their own circuit breakers on them (I remember radios having them) but it was just redundancy.

I could be wrong but I highly doubt that with over 8 years of aircraft avionics experience on more high tech stuff than a 777.

I can answer most questions about aircraft avionics and ground based surveillance/com/navigation. It's what I do for a living.
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