Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

Did you read and watch the links inside the article?

I myself like a good mystery. No matter how far fetched

That's something that is somewhat plausible. I don't think it was a mechanical error or a pilot that wanted to commit suicide.
Did you read and watch the links inside the article?

I myself like a good mystery. No matter how far fetched

Honestly no. Here's the thing. Let's say the US was involved for some completely off the wall reason. What is the end goal? What is the most likely end result for hijacking an airliner and landing it on a US base?

Another 9/11 style attack? If this was the case, why not hijack one that's US based? Logistically far easier to do so than trying to fly halfway around the world.

Attack Israel? At this point anything that's not squawking the right codes coming into Israeli airspace is likely to get shot down fairly quickly.

Attack some random target? Again, the logistics of flying from the middle of the Indian Ocean to pretty much any target makes this unlikely as it's far easier to do so closer to your intended target.

Plus this is completely contingent on keeping the entire base population on Diego Garcia in the dark. There would be plenty of folks that would have seen a 777 sized airplane landing and would be slightly curious as to why a hanger was suddenly off limits. Plus the whole Faraday type hanger is not impossible, but highly expensive as well as being a challenge to build correctly.

And being that this is a British controlled island, the British government would probably be complicit as well.

Too many things that add up to make this implausible if you look at it logically.
That's something that is somewhat plausible. I don't think it was a mechanical error or a pilot that wanted to commit suicide.

I'm sure it's bogus, but a fun read.

I did read a legit report that had the plane hit the water as suggested the impact could have been heard by subs up to a 1,000 miles away. The impact would have equal to that of Hiroshima, due to the transfer of energy through the water.
Honestly no. Here's the thing. Let's say the US was involved for some completely off the wall reason. What is the end goal? What is the most likely end result for hijacking an airliner and landing it on a US base?

Another 9/11 style attack? If this was the case, why not hijack one that's US based? Logistically far easier to do so than trying to fly halfway around the world.

Attack Israel? At this point anything that's not squawking the right codes coming into Israeli airspace is likely to get shot down fairly quickly.

Attack some random target? Again, the logistics of flying from the middle of the Indian Ocean to pretty much any target makes this unlikely as it's far easier to do so closer to your intended target.

Plus this is completely contingent on keeping the entire base population on Diego Garcia in the dark. There would be plenty of folks that would have seen a 777 sized airplane landing and would be slightly curious as to why a hanger was suddenly off limits. Plus the whole Faraday type hanger is not impossible, but highly expensive as well as being a challenge to build correctly.

And being that this is a British controlled island, the British government would probably be complicit as well.

Too many things that add up to make this implausible if you look at it logically.

I saw it speculated that a reason the US could be involved is that there were a group of Chinese on board that had been involved at the crash site of the bin laden raid and were dealing with the stealth technology that was left behind.
I saw it speculated that a reason the US could be involved is that there were a group of Chinese on board that had been involved at the crash site of the bin laden raid and were dealing with the stealth technology that was left behind.

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CNN is breaking news on this as we speak.

Check out their headline: "Developing Story: SILENCE"

The developing story is there are no new developments in the past three or four days.
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Open your mind.

Of course we all know our government would never ever partake in anything like this.

Easy bud. I'm just having a little fun with it.

I saw it speculated that a reason the US could be involved is that there were a group of Chinese on board that had been involved at the crash site of the bin laden raid and were dealing with the stealth technology that was left behind.

Seems like a snatch and grab operation would carry much less risk than making an airplane with hundreds of passengers disappear.
Signals aquired again on two more occasions. The first one for 5 minutes and 32 seconds in length and the second one lasting 7 minutes.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: 2 new signals in search area buoys hope - CNN.com

Still searching for more pinger signals to triangulate and continue to narrow down the area of the ocean floor.

Sounds like they pretty much found it but don't want to say it until they get a visual. Which is a smart move given the fiasco this whole thing has been.
Signals aquired again on two more occasions. The first one for 5 minutes and 32 seconds in length and the second one lasting 7 minutes.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: 2 new signals in search area buoys hope - CNN.com

Still searching for more pinger signals to triangulate and continue to narrow down the area of the ocean floor.

Sounds like they pretty much found it but don't want to say it until they get a visual. Which is a smart move given the fiasco this whole thing has been.

I know nothing short of video of asian body parts floating in the ocean would amuse you.

Nah, Coug. I jest. Thanks for posting.

But if you've followed CNN's headlines over the last month+, it might put my sentiment in better context.

Let's put it this way...CNN is to the missing airliner what Nancy Grace is to an unsolved crime.

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