Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

They will never be in power because they are infected with people like him.
It’s not about having power. It’s about living your life the best way you can. It’s about understanding that all interactions between peaceful people should be voluntary. It’s anout understanding the current paradigm has led to the situation we’re in now, where discussion is so toxic between people it’s pathetic.
“ if everybody acted like me , Democracy would work a lot better “ 👀

What does that have to do with self worth and narcissism? I'm saying I don't vote for the lesser of two evils. If everybody behaved that way, democracy would be fixed. How is that anymore narcissistic than thinking voting Republican will fix things?
It’s not about having power. It’s about living your life the best way you can. It’s about understanding that all interactions between peaceful people should be voluntary. It’s anout understanding the current paradigm has led to the situation we’re in now, where discussion is so toxic between people it’s pathetic.

But nothing will change until people that have similar views hold office and that can be done at the local and state level.
What does that have to do with self worth and narcissism? I'm saying I don't vote for the lesser of two evils. If everybody behaved that way, democracy would be fixed. How is that anymore narcissistic than thinking voting Republican will fix things?

It’s not ANYMORE narcissistic it’s just narcissistic . The overinflated self worth is the fact that you are saying people need to act like you do to fix things , you do realize not everyone , as a matter of fact a small majority think the way you act does anything to help democracy .
In a shocking development, the suspect used fake documents to prove his immigration status to his employer.

LG would have sniffed it out though. He knows even a papered immigrant is most likely a liar.

So the farm took the docs at face value with no eVerify. Is there any info stating whether the docs would have passed an eVerify screen?
What does that have to do with self worth and narcissism? I'm saying I don't vote for the lesser of two evils. If everybody behaved that way, democracy would be fixed. How is that anymore narcissistic than thinking voting Republican will fix things?
I’m not sure democracy can be fixed. There’s only so much you can do with mob rule.
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It’s not ANYMORE narcissistic it’s just narcissistic . The overinflated self worth is the fact that you are saying people need to act like you do to fix things , you do realize not everyone , as a matter of fact a small majority think the way you act does anything to help democracy .

You're saying most people don't think sticking to your principles would help democracy?
You're saying most people don't think sticking to your principles would help democracy?

I’m saying that you assume your principles are better than anyone else’s principles . That’s the “ if everyone acted like me part “
If I behave like a Republican, then R's and D's keep winning. Nothing changes.

If I keep doing what I'm doing, R's and D's will keep winning. Nothing changes.

So why do I need to join the R's? At least I have my integrity and principles. I didn't even vote for Gary Johnson last election because he lost me. He wasn't representative enough. If everybody acted like me, democracy would work a lot better. I'm leading by example. It may not change anything, but neither does voting for the lesser of two evils.
And if everybody acted like me, we wouldn't need law enforcement, drug dealers, locks on doors, prisons, lawyers, Social Security, welfare, etc.
I say kill him , bury him and move on and don’t take 20 years doing it either . Now I don’t care how you slice it up every crime committed by an illegal here is one that wouldn’t have happened if that person wasn’t in this country . Saying but well Americans do it is about as stupid an argument as you can make .

Nah, he should be airdropped on the other side of the Mexican border from 20k feet with no chute.
I’m saying that you assume your principles are better than anyone else’s principles . That’s the “ if everyone acted like me part “

Where did I assume that? I'm specifically saying if people stuck to their principles, whatever they may be, democracy would work better. Government grows at an unmanageable rate because everybody compromises their principles all the time. Obama supporters keep voting D, even though he bombed the Middle East like crazy. Bush supporters keep voting R, even though he exploded unfunded medicare liability. Nobody sticks to their principles. They just accept their idea of the lesser of 2 evils.
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I'd rather lose and be a good person than a winner who is responsible for $20t of debt and a murderous, authoritarian thug of a state.
Now you’re just rationalizing your own party’s $hitty political policy. I consider myself libertarian also at least to the degree of what theyve historically stood for But I also realize they don’t win jack and tend to vote more Repub. I was all for Gary Johnson in the last election. Even with the Allepo gaff.
100% agree but we're not supposed to be a democracy.
This always get lost on so many people. We are a constitutional republic. The STATES determine who they will send for federal representatives and also cast votes at the state level (electoral college) for the singular federal elected official, POTUS
Where did I assume that? I'm specifically saying if people stuck to their principles, whatever they may be, democracy would work better. Government grows at an unmanageable rate because everybody compromises their principles all the time. Obama supporters keep voting D, even though he bombed the Middle East like crazy. Bush supporters keep voting R, even though he exploded unfunded medicare liability. Nobody sticks to their principles. They just accept their idea of the lesser of 2 evils.

You believe in open borders , drugs for anyone that wants them and a balanced budget , I’ll throw in low to no money to fund the military since wars are out .. am I right ? I think I’m close , the only one I’m no too sure about is taxes how do you stand on taxes ?
Have you guys concluded if it was the Democrats or a the Republicans who are to blame for this yet?
It’s not about having power. It’s about living your life the best way you can. It’s about understanding that all interactions between peaceful people should be voluntary. It’s anout understanding the current paradigm has led to the situation we’re in now, where discussion is so toxic between people it’s pathetic.

Lmao. This is where Libertarians show their great ignorance. They never think of the biggest factor. People. It’s always unicorns prancing around under the rain of skittles.
You believe in open borders , drugs for anyone that wants them and a balanced budget , I’ll throw in low to no money to fund the military since wars are out .. am I right ? I think I’m close , the only one I’m no too sure about is taxes how do you stand on taxes ?

I support an orderly, protected border that doesn't stand in the way of economic growth. Right now we have disorderly border that stands in the way of economic growth.

Drugs for anyone that wants them? My biggest concern with drugs from a policy perspective is the war on drugs. The level of regulation post-WOD is an afterthought. Decriminalization is the most important part.

We could cut our defense spending by 75% and still have the largest budget in the world. Not sure what you mean by "low to no money", but yeah, gut that ****.

Taxes are out of control.
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