Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested

Just stating facts. The best way is to punish anyone who provides work for, rents to, or shelters an illegal. Get rid of welfare, and make the citizens either work these menial jobs or starve. If the citizens would rather steal or commit crimes than work, lock them away, and make them work on a chain gang. All of that stuff used to deter illegals, and it still would. If citizens filled the jobs, and welfare didn't exist, there would be no reason for illegals to be here.
If we do this, huff can’t continue to get cheap labor, groceries and weed...
Just stating facts. The best way is to punish anyone who provides work for, rents to, or shelters an illegal. Get rid of welfare, and make the citizens either work these menial jobs or starve. If the citizens would rather steal or commit crimes than work, lock them away, and make them work on a chain gang. All of that stuff used to deter illegals, and it still would. If citizens filled the jobs, and welfare didn't exist, there would be no reason for illegals to be here.
I can get behind doing away with welfare.
Unless you are willing to have a total police state, there is no way to stop illegal immigration into this country. You want to build a wall? That’s gonna cost a lot of money. This country is 21 trillion dollars in debt. What’s that going to cost? Also, keep in mind, walls work both ways.

This girls death is tragic all the way around. I pray for her family and friends.
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Fox has played this story more since the beginning. I've seen it on CNN, but it's been on Fox to divert attention from trump's bad week. If anyone has been politicizing this young girls death it's been fox.
BTW, the man who killed her should be locked up forever and I've not seen anyone express a different opinion. Shame on all you who suggest differently.
Fox has played this story more since the beginning. I've seen it on CNN, but it's been on Fox to divert attention from trump's bad week. If anyone has been politicizing this young girls death it's been fox.
BTW, the man who killed her should be locked up forever and I've not seen anyone express a different opinion. Shame on all you who suggest differently.

You are “close “ but not correct , Fox has covered this story from its beginning ( Tucker Carlson ) , don’t know about the rest , he covered again last night not because it distracted from a bad week , but because it had new intel , the story is 5 weeks old .
Or it could be that people are killed by regular Americans every damn day, regardless of your stupid political affiliations.

This is the most stupid argument people try and portray on here. People are always the problem. This particular person had no business, no business at all in this country. These two never, ever should have crossed paths.

Your “who gives a crap if someone dies because people die all the time” retardation is noted.
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Fox has played this story more since the beginning. I've seen it on CNN, but it's been on Fox to divert attention from trump's bad week. If anyone has been politicizing this young girls death it's been fox.
BTW, the man who killed her should be locked up forever and I've not seen anyone express a different opinion. Shame on all you who suggest differently.

Remember when you said who cares about the girl in Texas who was raped by an illegal because Americans rape too? You’re line of thinking never changes. 521CD26F-36B1-42B8-A656-A587FB708EEC.png
Fox has played this story more since the beginning. I've seen it on CNN, but it's been on Fox to divert attention from trump's bad week. If anyone has been politicizing this young girls death it's been fox.
BTW, the man who killed her should be locked up forever and I've not seen anyone express a different opinion. Shame on all you who suggest differently.

There is no news only spin.
Can’t imagine how brain damaged you have to be to justify an illegal murdering someone as no big deal because it happens all the time and then complain when the government kills someone.

That’s just stupid
Can’t imagine how brain damaged you have to be to justify an illegal murdering someone as no big deal because it happens all the time and then complain when the government kills someone.

That’s just stupid
Exactly how did I justify it? All murder is wrong. Does a persons nationality make them more likely to murder?
This is what you get from the liberal media:

MSNBC contributor suggests that an illegal alien murdering Mollie Tibbetts is no big deal, says she's just a "girl in Iowa."
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Fox has played this story more since the beginning. I've seen it on CNN, but it's been on Fox to divert attention from trump's bad week. If anyone has been politicizing this young girls death it's been fox.
BTW, the man who killed her should be locked up forever and I've not seen anyone express a different opinion. Shame on all you who suggest differently.

This is much more of a story than what CNN and MSNBC want you to believe and absolutely bigger than Cohen/Manafort
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It just occurred to me that nobody is covering the story about the farmer that hired this guy. Bet he voted for Trump and to close those borders, but cheap labor is cheap labor. Hope he is held accountable as well in this tragedy.
It just occurred to me that nobody is covering the story about the farmer that hired this guy. Bet he voted for Trump and to close those borders, but cheap labor is cheap labor. Hope he is held accountable as well in this tragedy.

I agree with you on this but I haven’t seen where he was working only that they found her in the corn field . I could have missed it though
It just occurred to me that nobody is covering the story about the farmer that hired this guy. Bet he voted for Trump and to close those borders, but cheap labor is cheap labor. Hope he is held accountable as well in this tragedy.

But he won't because both parties oppose making the hiring of an illegal allien a jailable offense.

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