Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect arrested


I am so sick of the Republican holier-than-thou crap about immigrants, when every time we turn around we find that it is Republicans who quietly hire and keep on immigrants because it helps their profits. So f'ing pathetically hypocritical of the GOP. And its time and time and time again.

"'This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government's E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing.

'On Monday, the authorities visited our farm and talked to our employees. We have cooperated fully with their investigation.'

The E-Verify site allows employers to establish the eligibility of employees, both US or foreign, by comparing a worker's Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 with data held by the government."

So basically, the government in general failed here.

Republican family which hired Mollie Tibbetts' alleged killer insist he passed background check | Daily Mail Online
Watch: MSNBC Guest Refers to Mollie Tibbetts as Some ‘Girl in Iowa’ Being Talked About on Fox News

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” Fordham University professor Christina Greer noted how Fox News Channel is talking more about “a girl in Iowa” than the Paul Manafort conviction and Michael Cohen plea, referring to the 20-year-old college student, Mollie Tibbetts, who was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien.

Watch: MSNBC Guest Refers to Mollie Tibbetts as Some 'Girl in Iowa' Being Talked About on Fox News | Breitbart
Lol. Worst deflection yet.

Illegal immigrant responsible. Who doesn't want to stop illegal immigrants? Democrats. Democrats allowed this to happen.

Pro Crime. Pro Criminal. Those are Democrat values.

A prominent Republican on a small dairy farm hired him and paid him for 7 years. Tnhey HAD to know he was illegal to do the payroll. It is why the guy was there, at all. It is why illegal immigrants come here -- to get jobs like this one.

Sorry, but if you want to blame someone other than the bad guy himself you start first with the Republican who paid him for 7 years to be there.
A prominent Republican on a small dairy farm hired him and paid him for 7 years. Tnhey HAD to know he was illegal to do the payroll. It is why the guy was there, at all. It is why illegal immigrants come here -- to get jobs like this one.

Sorry, but if you want to blame someone other than the bad guy himself you start first with the Republican who paid him for 7 years to be there.
How about the obstructionist Dims that allow them to come here in the first place. Let’s start with the source of the problem LG, not the consequences that follow.
How about the obstructionist Dims that allow them to come here in the first place. Let’s start with the source of the problem LG, not the consequences that follow.

Paying him for 7 years so he would be in that town to commit the crime is not a "consequence." It is a DIRECT cause of the problem. Businesses hiring people they know or suspect as being illegal is the reason they come here. Businesses like this are notorious for looking the other way, or accepting the bare minimum documentation. They routinely ignore their own suspicions. If the labor is cheap enough.

You know damn well I am right.
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Paying him for 7 years so he would be in that town to commit the crime is not a "consequence." It is a DIRECT cause of the problem. Businesses hiring people they know or suspect as being illegal is the reason they come here. Businesses like this are notorious for looking the other way, or accepting the bare minimum documentation. They routinely ignore their own suspicions. If the labor is cheap enough.

You know damn well I am right.
Like the failure of e-verify when barry was president?
You support same-sex gangraping of 2 year olds and diseased chickens.

(Did I do it right? I'm new to this whole ascribe outrageous sentiments to hundreds of millions of people thing)
Of course not. I’ve never shown support for them.
A prominent Republican on a small dairy farm hired him and paid him for 7 years. Tnhey HAD to know he was illegal to do the payroll. It is why the guy was there, at all. It is why illegal immigrants come here -- to get jobs like this one.

Sorry, but if you want to blame someone other than the bad guy himself you start first with the Republican who paid him for 7 years to be there.

If he passed the E- Verify, they cannot be held in account. Now, if they forged the check or he didn't produce the actual documents needed, yes, they are at fault. But so long as they did what they were supposed to do, they are in the clear.
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This is what many on this board support.

Yep. Senator Warren summed it up perfectly by quickly dismissing the murder of a child as inconsequential because the important issue is the family separation one the Democrats hung their pink vagina hats on.

History is a bitter pill to swallow for liberal democrats. Pro crime. Pro criminal. Anti American.
Paying him for 7 years so he would be in that town to commit the crime is not a "consequence." It is a DIRECT cause of the problem. Businesses hiring people they know or suspect as being illegal is the reason they come here. Businesses like this are notorious for looking the other way, or accepting the bare minimum documentation. They routinely ignore their own suspicions. If the labor is cheap enough.

You know damn well I am right.

Also, you do realize E- Verify is optional at the moment?
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Ahem? Is that a pro violence and crime democrat frog in your throat?

Will you be able to talk sense in the morning when you're sober, or is Word Salad your native tongue?

I used the mild term "Ahem" to point out your obvious obfuscation but if that doesn't make sense to you I need to explain other tricky concepts like "up" and "down" for you, too?

One moment. Do you always speak of yourself in the third person? I just find that a little odd, I had a cousin that did that - he lived in a padded cell - and he also kept pictures of himself in his wallet.

Anyway, That's right my little pole smoking pet, and nobody here looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels anything like a frog.... except to that bizarre abscess of necrotic tissue you like to think passes as a suitable substitute for your brain.

ome here legally
It’s not hard.
I’ve helped 3 people become citizens.

It’s funny that they are very much anti illegals.

Yep. Been my experience too. The ones that followed the rules that Ive met have little sympathy for the illegals. In fact I’d say they take a much harder view than I do.
The farm said that he passed an e-verify check.
I’d challenge them to prove that. eVerify has a pretty good accuracy rate.

And why can’t we all agree on eVerify? What is the down side to having it? Inaccuracy? That can be managed.
Mollie Tibbetts case: Murder charge filed in case of student found dead

I am so sick of the Republican holier-than-thou crap about immigrants, when every time we turn around we find that it is Republicans who quietly hire and keep on immigrants because it helps their profits. So f'ing pathetically hypocritical of the GOP. And its time and time and time again.

Fact it, illegals are becoming your voting block. You people would rather see hundreds of women like her killed as long as you advance your Marxist agenda. You all should be tried for treason. You support the most anti-American party in our history. You people are pathetic.

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