More Climate BS...

I guess that and the Antarctic ice continuing to melt is possible with no warming in the last 9 years if we passed a warming threshold 10 or more years ago.

The earth's atmosphere and even the earth itself are part of a system. The system isn't homogeneous obviously. Patterns such as El Nino, La Nina, and polar vortices all play parts in distributing warmer and cooler areas. You can have a redistribution within a system that changes local conditions but stays within systemic norms. The Gulf Stream feeds warmer water north toward Artic regions; it need not always be consistent. In fact, it's either postulated or has been shown that melting Artic ice and glaciers can change sea density and turn off the Gulf Stream which would turn a warmer Artic cooler. Mankind should be rational with respect to the environment, but we also need to quit the nonsense that we alone make changes and we can modify what goes on within the earth's environment.
The earth's atmosphere and even the earth itself are part of a system. The system isn't homogeneous obviously. Patterns such as El Nino, La Nina, and polar vortices all play parts in distributing warmer and cooler areas. You can have a redistribution within a system that changes local conditions but stays within systemic norms. The Gulf Stream feeds warmer water north toward Artic regions; it need not always be consistent. In fact, it's either postulated or has been shown that melting Artic ice and glaciers can change sea density and turn off the Gulf Stream which would turn a warmer Artic cooler. Mankind should be rational with respect to the environment, but we also need to quit the nonsense that we alone make changes and we can modify what goes on within the earth's environment.
You forgot that our current education system is creating the biggest idiots in our history. Our best day will be behind us, and the movie Idiocracy is our future.
The earth's atmosphere and even the earth itself are part of a system. The system isn't homogeneous obviously. Patterns such as El Nino, La Nina, and polar vortices all play parts in distributing warmer and cooler areas. You can have a redistribution within a system that changes local conditions but stays within systemic norms. The Gulf Stream feeds warmer water north toward Artic regions; it need not always be consistent. In fact, it's either postulated or has been shown that melting Artic ice and glaciers can change sea density and turn off the Gulf Stream which would turn a warmer Artic cooler. Mankind should be rational with respect to the environment, but we also need to quit the nonsense that we alone make changes and we can modify what goes on within the earth's environment.
True that. Just thinking about how much more sea levels will rise with no change in average Arctic temperatures. Time for Google.

Does this make sense from a heat sink standpoint? Sounds bogus to me

How Is Worldwide Sea Level Rise Driven by Melting Arctic Ice?

Who knows. At one time people were sure the earth was flat. It really seems that there are so many forces at work. But one thing that doesn't add up to me is when you consider the area of Greenland vs the area of the world's oceans, it just doesn't seem possible that melting ice on Greenland can cause the widespread inundation they are prophesizing - or doing what they are talking about without shutting down the Gulf Stream and creating a new Ice Age. The earth's surface itself isn't very static. Recently it seems there have been at least a couple of new volcanic islands in the Pacific, and supposedly Africa is splitting into two continents. Lagoons and atolls in the Pacific are the results of volcanic islands which develop and support growth around the periphery and then the volcanic center sinks. There's a lot going on, and it's probably all happened a few times before man ever got here.

It makes more sense that we adapt to forces we can't control than believe we can change the world. However, I'm with George Carlin and since the story is the Russians or Chinese are going to start a nuclear war, I'm not going to sweat the small stuff. Besides, I'll be 77 in a few months ... I expect the world will still be here when I leave.
I wonder how many planes Lurch uses to fly to these meetings. There was a picture of the car being loaded into an AF cargo plane like a C-17, and you know Lurch doesn't fly cargo class, so that would make at least two planes per trip.

n his effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions, Kerry has flown hundreds of thousands of miles – sometimes commercially, sometimes on his own private jet – leaving a gigantic carbon footprint in his wake. In just nine months last year he logged more than 180,000 miles, emitting some 9.5 million pounds of carbon, according to an analysis of his official travel announcements by the Washington Free Beacon.
I wonder how many planes Lurch uses to fly to these meetings. There was a picture of the car being loaded into an AF cargo plane like a C-17, and you know Lurch doesn't fly cargo class, so that would make at least two planes per trip.

He's been nothing but a big wind bag for 50 + years. He & Bill Gates are currently on a run to see who can reach the bottom of the scum bag first w/their idiotic ideas & beliefs they want to put upon the regular folks who would just like to live their lives & be left alone.
The earth's atmosphere and even the earth itself are part of a system. The system isn't homogeneous obviously. Patterns such as El Nino, La Nina, and polar vortices all play parts in distributing warmer and cooler areas. You can have a redistribution within a system that changes local conditions but stays within systemic norms. The Gulf Stream feeds warmer water north toward Artic regions; it need not always be consistent. In fact, it's either postulated or has been shown that melting Artic ice and glaciers can change sea density and turn off the Gulf Stream which would turn a warmer Artic cooler. Mankind should be rational with respect to the environment, but we also need to quit the nonsense that we alone make changes and we can modify what goes on within the earth's environment.
I think we’ve reached a critical de-salinization point.
Watching a show about CS&N with Crosby reflecting on their career. Right after Woodstock, Crosby is being interviewed on the Dick Cavett Show and said the air is dirty and he said he hopes GM, Chrysler and Ford all global bankrupt. At which point Dick said 2 of those are sponsors of his show and Crosby puts his face in his hands.
Little later it shows current 2019 old man Crosby getting into big black SUV.

Says so much how then and now these radicals and elites are so full of ****.
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Watching a show about CS&N with Crosby reflecting on their career. Right after Woodstock, Crosby is being interviewed on the Dick Cavett Show and said the air is dirty and he said he hopes GM, Chrysler and Ford all global bankrupt. At which point Dick said 2 of those are sponsors of his show and Crosby puts his face in his hands.
Little later it shows current 2019 old man Crosby getting into big black SUV.

Says so much how then and now these radicals and elites are so full of ****.
That SUV in 2019 polluted a whole lot less than a mid-size car in 1969. The air in LA was a lot cleaner in 2019 too.
I mean he wasn't being hypocritical.

He probably wasn't or even being cynical or mean spirited with the initial comment. A lot of people are just willing to hop on a concept like the environment without any real thought behind a comment or endorsement. More or less the "it makes sense, if you don't think about it" kind of thing. It's too bad that we as a society tend to worship celebrities without considering they generally have a lack depth of knowledge.
And not to mention all the nasty emitting tour buses and jets he has flown on for decades.

To be fair, jet fuel (kerosene) burns a lot cleaner than other fuels. Still emits carbon, but hopefully they won’t ban it till after I retire in ten years. It’s all about me!

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