More Climate BS...

I think there are many different tiers here. There are:

1. Don't believe the climate is changing period.
2. Believe the climate is changing.
3. Believe the climate is changing but believe only a tiny part of the change is due to mankind.
4. Believe the climate is changing and believe only a medium part of the change is due to mankind.
5. Believe the climate is changing and believe its solely due to mankind.
6. Believe the climate is changing and believe is solely due to mankind and that our government will fix it with taxes.
7. Believe the climate is changing and believe is solely due to mankind and that our government will fix it with taxes, and the main threat are farmers.
8. 6. Believe the climate is changing and believe is solely due to mankind and that our government will fix it with taxes and the main threat are farmers, and the people who will fix it own multiple houses, fly private planes.
9. etc etc etc etc.
10. Greta Thunburg flying all over the world to tell people how dare they live a less decadent life than her.

The issue with the cult is that you aren't at least a 6, preferably higher, you are usually called a "denier". Which is what I believe you are guilty of.

so much of it is not actual denial of the situation, but rejection of the messaging and the way the people who preach the message react to the threat.

"Of the 1,609 scientists who have signed the declaration, two signatories are Nobel Prize laureates. The most recent to sign is Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. In an announcement from CLINTEL, Clauser is quoted as saying "Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists."
1609 scientists, sounds like a lot, it's not. You fail to name what qualifies a person as a scientists. There's more than 1609 scientists in oak ridge. Also you fail to mention how many scientists agree that mankind has an adverse affect on climate.
1609 scientists, sounds like a lot, it's not. You fail to name what qualifies a person as a scientists. There's more than 1609 scientists in oak ridge. Also you fail to mention how many scientists agree that mankind has an adverse affect on climate.

Throwing a plastic wrapper on the ground adversely affects the environment, so does producing the wrapper, but neither is causing a cataclysmic event. What is reason for concern - China, India, and stuff happening in third world countries is of far larger concern than anything we are doing here. There is the thing of diminishing returns; when you've tightened up and cleaned up to such an extent that future efforts are just too marginal to matter. If you want to clean up the world you start with the big problem - not give the big problem a pass and the hope they will do better in the future. Shut China down and see if that does anything. That's where you can actually connect man made effects to climate change ... if it exists.
Throwing a plastic wrapper on the ground adversely affects the environment, so does producing the wrapper, but neither is causing a cataclysmic event. What is reason for concern - China, India, and stuff happening in third world countries is of far larger concern than anything we are doing here. There is the thing of diminishing returns; when you've tightened up and cleaned up to such an extent that future efforts are just too marginal to matter. If you want to clean up the world you start with the big problem - not give the big problem a pass and the hope they will do better in the future. Shut China down and see if that does anything. That's where you can actually connect man made effects to climate change ... if it exists.
no kidding..Even at face value, we gonna do all this to save a couple of years. The thing is they have put a timeline on this and thus my question.
1609 scientists, sounds like a lot, it's not. You fail to name what qualifies a person as a scientists. There's more than 1609 scientists in oak ridge. Also you fail to mention how many scientists agree that mankind has an adverse affect on climate.
I didn't write the article. Keep believing corrupt politicians and scientists. No skin off my nose.
no kidding..Even at face value, we gonna do all this to save a couple of years. The thing is they have put a timeline on this and thus my question.

There's a real economic angle to all this. We could produce and grow what we consume here where environmental effects are regulated, but that's expensive. Instead we produce in places like China without environmental regulations or cares and then add more pollution with transoceanic shipping. Rationally, one of two things has to happen, either we lighten up and become more cost effective, or we force China and others to toe the line. Irrationally, the decision was made to globalize production at the expense of common sense ... but it made stuff cheaper. We (mankind in general and government and industry in particular) have a hard time deciding what is important and acting accordingly.
There's a real economic angle to all this. We could produce and grow what we consume here where environmental effects are regulated, but that's expensive. Instead we produce in places like China without environmental regulations or cares and then add more pollution with transoceanic shipping. Rationally, one of two things has to happen, either we lighten up and become more cost effective, or we force China and others to toe the line. Irrationally, the decision was made to globalize production at the expense of common sense ... but it made stuff cheaper. We (mankind in general and government and industry in particular) have a hard time deciding what is important and acting accordingly.
remember when productivity was a US benchmark? never hear that least I haven’t
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Throwing a plastic wrapper on the ground adversely affects the environment, so does producing the wrapper, but neither is causing a cataclysmic event. What is reason for concern - China, India, and stuff happening in third world countries is of far larger concern than anything we are doing here. There is the thing of diminishing returns; when you've tightened up and cleaned up to such an extent that future efforts are just too marginal to matter. If you want to clean up the world you start with the big problem - not give the big problem a pass and the hope they will do better in the future. Shut China down and see if that does anything. That's where you can actually connect man made effects to climate change ... if it exists.
I don't like name calling but, this is the original political cult. Saying someone is in a cult is the lamest insult on this site. "If you don't agree with me your in a cult" So stupid. As is most name calling by internet tough guys.

Any science that contradicts their doctrine must be attacked and discounted. Awful funny how politicians are trying to use it to trojan horse socialism.
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Maybe 5% are 6 or above .
Most reasonable people understand that the Earth has always experienced climate shifts, and that we are in another climate shift now.

They have happened repeatedly throughout the ages. They are measurable.

Man did not create the current climate change in progress.
Man will not stop the current climate change in progress.
Not at all. Me and mine are secure and ok, that's all that matters. A full blown nuclear war or an asteroid hit are about the only things that could knock me off my perch.
I am assuming that is sarcasm. I have yet to see a Dem concerned with it. Incurring trillions of dollars of debt to address CC makes your position a quandary
Most reasonable people understand that the Earth has always experienced climate shifts, and that we are in another climate shift now.

They have happened repeatedly throughout the ages. They are measurable.

Man did not create the current climate change in progress.
Man will not stop the current climate change in progress.
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Denier that man is suddenly responsible for major climate shifts that have been occurring regularly for the last million years here on Earth?

Yes, I deny that.

These were happening before us.
These are happening with us.
These will happen after us.
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Denier that man is suddenly responsible for major climate shifts that have been occurring regularly for the last million years here on Earth?

Yes, I deny that.

These were happening before us.
These are happening with us.
These will happen after us.
I should have used blue font?
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