More Climate BS...

What exactly triggered the climate change?
New ice age didn't scare anybody in the early 70's . Al gore invented the internet then he said we're all going to die in ten years if we don't give the government more cash. Celebrities rushed to help in their private jets and John Kerry saw how much cash Al raked in so he joined in.
Most reasonable people understand that the Earth has always experienced climate shifts, and that we are in another climate shift now.

They have happened repeatedly throughout the ages. They are measurable.

Man did not create the current climate change in progress.
Man will not stop the current climate change in progress.
I personally have a great deal of respect for you, enjoy your insights here and in other forums. I do however disagree about mankind having no effect on the environment . I do disagree with spending$ billions on the problem. I support wind ,solar and other alternatives to coal and oil.wind turbines are not a finished project, improvement will be made. Much the same as the aircraft industry post the Wright brothers
I personally have a great deal of respect for you, enjoy your insights here and in other forums. I do however disagree about mankind having no effect on the environment . I do disagree with spending$ billions on the problem. I support wind ,solar and other alternatives to coal and oil.wind turbines are not a finished project, improvement will be made. Much the same as the aircraft industry post the Wright brothers
The post you’re replying to here isn’t saying what you’re saying it’s saying.

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I think there are many different tiers here. There are:

1. Don't believe the climate is changing period.
2. Believe the climate is changing.
3. Believe the climate is changing but believe only a tiny part of the change is due to mankind.
4. Believe the climate is changing and believe only a medium part of the change is due to mankind.
5. Believe the climate is changing and believe its solely due to mankind.
6. Believe the climate is changing and believe is solely due to mankind and that our government will fix it with taxes.
7. Believe the climate is changing and believe is solely due to mankind and that our government will fix it with taxes, and the main threat are farmers.
8. 6. Believe the climate is changing and believe is solely due to mankind and that our government will fix it with taxes and the main threat are farmers, and the people who will fix it own multiple houses, fly private planes.
9. etc etc etc etc.
10. Greta Thunburg flying all over the world to tell people how dare they live a less decadent life than her.

The issue with the cult is that you aren't at least a 6, preferably higher, you are usually called a "denier". Which is what I believe you are guilty of.

so much of it is not actual denial of the situation, but rejection of the messaging and the way the people who preach the message react to the threat.

1 of the best posts in this entire thread. Sums up the views of the majority of people who are not looking to profit from this record sized grift that is currently called "climate change." Probably even better than my 60 second graph on notebook paper i used to show the ice age cycles (which made them immediately understand the BS that is "climate change")
I personally have a great deal of respect for you, enjoy your insights here and in other forums. I do however disagree about mankind having no effect on the environment . I do disagree with spending$ billions on the problem. I support wind ,solar and other alternatives to coal and oil.wind turbines are not a finished project, improvement will be made. Much the same as the aircraft industry post the Wright brothers
Well, I didn’t say man has had no effect on the environment - we cut down forests, and pollute the oceans.

I said man did not create climate change. And we didn’t. Though there are many that like to fall back on the ambiguous “contributing factor” claim.

Green energy should be allowed to develop organically. It should not be forced into being.

Airline technology was once new, inefficient, unreliable, and expensive - just like Green technology.

So was Automobile technology at one point. The Government didn’t step in and shoot all of the horses to force adoption. Cars eventually out-competed horses and earned their place.
Well, I didn’t say man has had no effect on the environment - we cut down forests, and pollute the oceans.

I said man did not create climate change. And we didn’t. Though there are many that like to fall back on the ambiguous “contributing factor” claim.

Green energy should be allowed to develop organically. It should not be forced into being.

Airline technology was once new, inefficient, unreliable, and expensive - just like Green technology.

So was Automobile technology at one point. The Government didn’t step in and shoot all of the horses to force adoption. Cars eventually out-competed horses and earned their place.
This is one of the things wrong with the climate change debate. Making such stupid predictions. I do believe mankind is at least partially responsible for global warming, greenhouse gasses are a real thing. That said I drive a V8 powered silverado. I do believe we should shift to alternate energy sources, I also know that coal can be burned fairly clean. It's all the absolute statements and stances both sides take that prevents working on a solution.
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Nothing?? Another absolute statement that is absolutely ignorant.
Idk man, every single prediction by lefties about the climate ending the world has been wrong 🤣. We could dive further, ol sleepy Joe stood on national TV, and promised the American people if they get a shot, they won't get the virus. Now, the only people getting the virus, are the ones who took the shot. Justbloik on here, every week someone who has been all boosted up is testing positive. I'm not saying Republicans are right, but Democrats definitely don't have a good track record of being right about anything.
Waste our time & money. Idiots will be idiots everyday playing with the climate cult idea. I suppose about 3 hundred attendees all flew in on their private jet to save the climate.

Idk man, every single prediction by lefties about the climate ending the world has been wrong 🤣. We could dive further, ol sleepy Joe stood on national TV, and promised the American people if they get a shot, they won't get the virus. Now, the only people getting the virus, are the ones who took the shot. Justbloik on here, every week someone who has been all boosted up is testing positive. I'm not saying Republicans are right, but Democrats definitely don't have a good track record of being right about anything.
i keep saying it..but they lie to us all the time, so why should this be any different?
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Idk man, every single prediction by lefties about the climate ending the world has been wrong 🤣. We could dive further, ol sleepy Joe stood on national TV, and promised the American people if they get a shot, they won't get the virus. Now, the only people getting the virus, are the ones who took the shot. Justbloik on here, every week someone who has been all boosted up is testing positive. I'm not saying Republicans are right, but Democrats definitely don't have a good track record of being right about anything.
Never right about anything is an absolute untruthful hate filled stance, just be part of the problem I guess
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Never right about anything is an absolute untruthful hate filled stance, just be part of the problem I guess
I'm just saying they don't have a good track record, and that's facts. Both sides are horrible, you guys fighting like one is better is what is part of the problem. You vote the same bunch of liars and crooks in every single time.
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