Morgan Freeman: Tea Party is racist

rac·ist  [rey-sist] Show IPA
a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

By voting for a black person merely based on the color of his skin you are therefore saying that person is superior to others because he is black and not because of his prior credentials.

I don't think lefties understand the definition of racism as everyone else.
I live in Memphis dude so I deal with this all the time. Voters hear continually vote in black candidates because they are black and are racist against white people. They vote in people that are convicted felons over white people. People that continually steal from the taxpayers and use the system for their own pockets and friends. It's a complete joke and it is why Memphis is a political cesspool of idiots. Black politicians here (not all) have this mindset that by being crooked they are somehow sticking it to "the man". Unfortunately, "the man" ends up being all of the working non-welfare taxpayers.

Unless you have lived here your whole life you won't get it.
For the record, I don't think voting for a black guy (if you are black) over a white guy or vice versa is racist. Voting for your kind because you identify with them is not racism. Thinking ill of or speaking ill of (or worse) someone because of their race is closer to what racism really is. Having a preference for people that are like you vs those that aren't (all else being equal) isn't racist. Humans make this choice everyday.
A bunch of big words that address nothing on topic, par for the course.

Maybe you can explain to me how a black person voting for Obama because he's black makes said person a racist. I would love to hear this.

The boldened makes it practically definitional.
Memphis is a microcosm of what liberal politics are. Terrible schools, a large class of poor on welfare and not working, people who cry racism at everything and expect hand outs, large amounts of debt, crime, crooked politicians, and working taxpayers that are moving out of the school at an alarming rate.

Hell, our Memphis City School system has a $1 billion budget. $1 billion! That's more than the entire budget of the city of Memphis. Black liberals have been running the school system for as long as I can remember and the graduation rates here are terrible. Most people who live in the city send their kids to private schools or move to where the public schools are run more efficiently.
For the record, I don't think voting for a black guy (if you are black) over a white guy or vice versa is racist. Voting for your kind because you identify with them is not racism. Thinking ill of or speaking ill of (or worse) someone because of their race is closer to what racism really is. Having a preference for people that are like you vs those that aren't (all else being equal) isn't racist. Humans make this choice everyday.

I don't disagree with you. However, a man with Obama's credentials, if he were white, never would've even made it to the nomination. No job and runs a political campaign on some vague notion of "hope and change"? Give me a fkng break.
I don't disagree with you. However, a man with Obama's credentials, if he were white, never would've even made it to the nomination. No job and runs a political campaign on some vague notion of "hope and change"? Give me a fkng break.

Even his campaign acknowledges that some of his support was specifically because of his race. We'll never know how many voted for because his race vs against but the campaign appears to believe it was a net positive. Politico had an pretty indepth article about it yesterday or the day before.
This is the worst kind of marginalization and bigotry - it insults not only the TP but very much Cain himself. Muschump is on his way to this level.
Clown like her are exactly where he's getting the ignorance.
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A bunch of big words that address nothing on topic, par for the course.

Maybe you can explain to me how a black person voting for Obama because he's black makes said person a racist. I would love to hear this.
Wheres the big word?
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except the CBC and it's constituents. Told'em to quit cryin' and complain'. For once I agree with Maxine Waters - that just doesn't make sense.

He ain't buying the brown vote. Those are givens from decades of buying.
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Now that we've agreed on the racist angle, can we discuss how it's not hypocritical for TPers to not be up in arms about wasteful military spending?
Now that we've agreed on the racists angle, can we discuss how it's not hypocritical for TPers not being up in arms about wasteful military spending?

You obviously don't know anything about TPers. Most of the libertarian TPers that I know are more anti military spending than the left wing libs.
Ron Paul is def anti military spending. So much so that I disagree with his economic policy to some extent.
Now that we've agreed on the racist angle, can we discuss how it's not hypocritical for TPers to not be up in arms about wasteful military spending?

No one has agreed with you on the racist angle but given how you see "facts" and "evidence" it makes perfect sense you thing everyone has.

I swear you are the love child of CashVallian and UTGibbs.

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