Take it up with BPV.
More anti military spending than left wing libs? Interesting, because I never heard a peep when bush was waging a multi-trillion dollar war.
Ron Paul is a TPer? never knew that.
Father of Tea Party movement
Paul, a native of Pittsburgh, is both a spiritual father and actual father in the Tea Party movement. His son, Tea Party darling Rand Paul, won a Senate seat in Kentucky last year and has become an ardent proponent of spending cuts and smaller government.
As far back as 2007, long before people were evoking the fabled Boston Tea Party to symbolize their disgust with an overtaxing central government, Ron Paul was hosting a "Tea Party Fundraiser" aboard a shrimp boat near Galveston.
Organizer and Paul campaign volunteer Elizabeth Day remembers that supporters wore period dress and rolled fake barrels of tea into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
"When people come to believe in Ron Paul, there is a passion that burns within us," said Day, a 57-year-old oil company revenue analyst. "To me, Ron Paul is the tea party."
The elder Paul has built coalitions that include senior citizen "granny warriors" and pot-smoking libertarians. During his 1988 presidential run, High Times magazine, which caters to marijuana users, published a cover story under the headline, "Ron Paul: Pro-Pot Presidential Candidate."
Paul has expressed the view that the states, not the federal government, should regulate vices like pornography and drugs.