Most Dangerous Play I've Ever Seen

He was driven to ground late as hell and then laid on for several seconds. It was dirty. A blind person could see it.
He was pulled to the ground, not driven to the ground. Rudolph was on top of Garrett. That kind of negates the claim of "driven to the ground". Garrett needs to made an example of, and that appears to be what the NFL is doing. But to claim Rudolph was driven to the ground is false.
This is "driven to the ground" the tackle on Rudolph was not even close.
Things like the Myles Garrett situation, the hit that caused JuJu to get concussed, the hit that caused Dionte Johnson to get concussed are the result of an undisciplined team coached by someone in over his head who was hired because he was the cheapest option...
He was driven to ground late as hell and then laid on for several seconds. It was dirty. A blind person could see it.
No he wasn't. He was tackled then pulled down on top of Garrett. Garrett tried to get up and Rudolph grabbed his helmet and tried to pull it off. It backfired on him. It was a football play. Refs agreed. No flag till after the skirmish broke out. Next
But you're clearly more outraged at MR than what Garrett did, and that's freakin stupid. Nobody types all you have if they aren't at least indirectly trying to defend Garrett. To put it more clearly, I DGAF if MR did "instigate" it, Garrett crossed a huge line.
Ohhhh tough guy lol. Nobody GAF that you DGAF. I'm not outraged at all. Simply stating that Rudolf started the skirmish then escalated by running back up and grabbing Garrett. Simply put, he bit off a little more than he could chew. Should've left it alone when his Olineman broke them up.
Ohhhh tough guy lol. Nobody GAF that you DGAF. I'm not outraged at all. Simply stating that Rudolf started the skirmish then escalated by running back up and grabbing Garrett. Simply put, he bit off a little more than he could chew. Should've left it alone when his Olineman broke them up.
They played pattycake on the ground before Rudolph was literally yanked around by his facemask and his helmet was ripped off his head. I'd expect any player to go after the guy that did that.

Garret is a massive b***c for doing what he did.
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Eh, I mean I get his response but when he started kicking and stomping on him he also crossed the line. I think he was likely ok up to that point but I don't think they can let the kicking and stomping go without punishment.

I think his teammate and probably friend was assaulted right in front of him, I don't get why we live in a society where its not okay to defend others.
Ohhhh tough guy lol. Nobody GAF that you DGAF. I'm not outraged at all. Simply stating that Rudolf started the skirmish then escalated by running back up and grabbing Garrett. Simply put, he bit off a little more than he could chew. Should've left it alone when his Olineman broke them up.
Rudolph played a stupid game and won the stupid prize
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Ohhhh tough guy lol. Nobody GAF that you DGAF. I'm not outraged at all. Simply stating that Rudolf started the skirmish then escalated by running back up and grabbing Garrett. Simply put, he bit off a little more than he could chew. Should've left it alone when his Olineman broke them up.

But you aren't defending Garrett at all....ROFL.
Garrett has been suspended without pay for the rest of the season and postseason and I am sure that the Browns would advise him to start taking anger management classes.
Is this your take if he died? Sounds like code for he deserved to be struck in the head with a weapon.
Did he die drama Queen? What would your take be if someone walked into a safari, walked up to a lion and punched it in the nose? My take would be dude played a stupid game and is about to win a stupid prize. Whether or not a pride of lions rip the person apart does not change my take on the matter.
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Did he die drama Queen? What would your take be if someone walked into a safari, walked up to a lion and punched it in the nose? My take would be dude played a stupid game and is about to win a stupid prize. Whether or not a pride of lions rip the person apart does not change my take on the matter.

So you're saying Garrett is an animal that has the same amount of cognitive ability and thought processes of a lion? Awesome take there genius.
Did he die drama Queen? What would your take be if someone walked into a safari, walked up to a lion and punched it in the nose? My take would be dude played a stupid game and is about to win a stupid prize. Whether or not a pride of lions rip the person apart does not change my take on the matter.
This is an incredibly stupid take. If a guy shoots somebody in the leg should he not face charges? Nobody died but the intent was to hurt him.
Did he die drama Queen? What would your take be if someone walked into a safari, walked up to a lion and punched it in the nose? My take would be dude played a stupid game and is about to win a stupid prize. Whether or not a pride of lions rip the person apart does not change my take on the matter.

racist imho
Did he die drama Queen? What would your take be if someone walked into a safari, walked up to a lion and punched it in the nose? My take would be dude played a stupid game and is about to win a stupid prize. Whether or not a pride of lions rip the person apart does not change my take on the matter.

The potential for serious head trauma when struck by a hard object is very real and both parties were fortunate it didn’t happen.

My take is that analogy isn’t anything close to what happened and that you try to invent another one to help prop up your position that Rudolph somehow got what should have been expected.

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