Most Dangerous Play I've Ever Seen

Agreed. Garrett losing his damn mind is a good description. I don't know if it was a reflex or what the deal was.
ESPN gonna ESPN.

In a now-deleted tweet, ESPN’s Josina Anderson said she’d bet that Garrett would say he heard Rudolph “call him something egregious” in defense of what he did.
I would bet Myles Garrett will say he heard Mason Rudolph call him something egregious. Never seen Garrett act like that, ever.​
The seemingly obvious implication in that statement is that Garrett would potentially say he heard Rudolph use a slur.
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Ohh so hitting someone in the head after they attacked you twice is wrong, but kicking someone in the head while 2 other guys are on top of him is ok??? LMAO
You aren't seriously comparing a kick to the helmet with a helmet swing to the skull, are you??
I wouldn't expect a sheep to bother with the truth.

If it was a penalty why wasn't a flag thrown? Exactly, GTFO
Yeah, I agree. Everything in a NFL game that's a penalty has a flag thrown. I challange anyone to show me one missed call by an NFL official. That's something that never ever happens. Yeah, missed calls by NFL officials, GTFO
News alert...Steelers lost Einstein. Dude threw 4 picks and got sacked all night. LMAO. Hit the showers, you're done for the day. 😂🤣😂🤣
Shoot, I had the teams reversed in my head. Don't watch much NFL, it sucks to watch.

Either way, you've still somehow at best defended, and at worst endorsed, a dude acting like a thug on the field of play. How would you treat it if it was a UT guy doing the swinging? A Bama player or UF player?

It's simply not defendable.
Eventually some idiot is gonna bring a knife or a gun onto the field. Then players will have to go through a metal detector to get onto the field.

This is not a joke.
Eventually some idiot is gonna bring a knife or a gun onto the field. Then players will have to go through a metal detector to get onto the field.

This is not a joke.
Why bring a knife or gun when apparently some people find it just fine to bludgeon someone with a helmet?
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He wasn't driven to the ground. He was tackled. He was just acting like a bitch because he is a garbage QB and it showed all night. Then he chose to take out his frustration on Garrett and got his head busted with his own helmet.
Not saying Mason is pure as snow but nothing he did warranted being clubbed with a football helmet. Garrett is a moron and you’re making yourself look bad defending him.

You sure this is the ‘hill you want to die on’?
Shoot, I had the teams reversed in my head. Don't watch much NFL, it sucks to watch.

Either way, you've still somehow at best defended, and at worst endorsed, a dude acting like a thug on the field of play. How would you treat it if it was a UT guy doing the swinging? A Bama player or UF player?

It's simply not defendable.
Wrong again. I haven't defended or endorsed anyone. Simply stated that Rudolph instigated the whole thing. Then escalated it by running back up and grabbing him after being separated. Never in any of my posts have I said what Garrett did was ok.
Not saying Mason is pure as snow but nothing he did warranted being clubbed with a football helmet. Garrett is a moron and you’re making yourself look bad defending him.

You sure this is the ‘hill you want to die on’?
See post above
Eventually some idiot is gonna bring a knife or a gun onto the field. Then players will have to go through a metal detector to get onto the field.

This is not a joke.
can anyone verify that mason wasn’t packing??
Ohh so hitting someone in the head after they attacked you twice is wrong, but kicking someone in the head while 2 other guys are on top of him is ok??? LMAO

If you wanted to be the poster boy for zero credibility here, congratulations on achieving your goal.

And...since you seem to have either a literacy impairment or an addiction to logical fallacies, I said nothing about anyone's kicks, nor did I say it was OK. Get back to me when you can demonstrate an ability to avoid logical fallacies such as that Straw Man.

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I didn’t mind the fight itself. It’s football and emotions run high. However, Garrett is a dude who doesn’t need a helmet to beat someone up.
Abosulte embarrassment that Poucey was suspended. Dude did the right thing and gets suspended for it.

People, Mason shouldn't be suspended. Dude only went after Myles AFTER Myles drove him to the ground late and laid on him for several seconds.
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Lol, the "but MR" crowd is acting like they aren't defending Garrett's actions.....but it's pretty clear that's exactly what you're doing.

Asking if MR is innocent is a pretty stupid question and basically a deflection. I've never seen a physical fight ever where one side was completely innocent. But that means jack s*** when it comes to the line that Garrett crossed. Pushing, shoving, wrestling....all reasonable responses. Ripping off the other player's helmet and smacking him in the head with it....unreasonable. It's not that complicated.

If you're more "outraged" at MR then you're kind of an idiot.
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He wasn't driven to the ground. He was tackled. He was just acting like a bitch because he is a garbage QB and it showed all night. Then he chose to take out his frustration on Garrett and got his head busted with his own helmet.

He was driven to ground late as hell and then laid on for several seconds. It was dirty. A blind person could see it.
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Wrong again. I haven't defended or endorsed anyone. Simply stated that Rudolph instigated the whole thing. Then escalated it by running back up and grabbing him after being separated. Never in any of my posts have I said what Garrett did was ok.

But you're clearly more outraged at MR than what Garrett did, and that's freakin stupid. Nobody types all you have if they aren't at least indirectly trying to defend Garrett. To put it more clearly, I DGAF if MR did "instigate" it, Garrett crossed a huge line.
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He wasn't driven to the ground. He was tackled. He was just acting like a bitch because he is a garbage QB and it showed all night. Then he chose to take out his frustration on Garrett and got his head busted with his own helmet.

LOL...bulls*** you aren't defending Garrett. I'm not sure you even understand the concept.
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Abosulte embarrassment that Poucey was suspended. Dude did the right thing and gets suspended for it.

People, Mason shouldn't be suspended. Dude only went after Myles AFTER Myles drove him to the ground late and laid on him for several seconds.

Eh, I mean I get his response but when he started kicking and stomping on him he also crossed the line. I think he was likely ok up to that point but I don't think they can let the kicking and stomping go without punishment.

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