Most Feared New SEC Coach

1) Sumlin
2) Muschamp
3) Bielema
4) Freeze
5) Butch
6) Franklin
7) Mullen
8) Stoops
9) Pinkel
10) Malzahn

Sumlin is first. Beat Bama, coaches a heisman trophy winner, and happens to be located in a talent rich state. Muschamp just won 11 games and coaches a perennial power in a talent rich state. Bielema has been to 3 straight Rose bowls and Wisconsin does not produce a lot of instate talent. The man can coach. Freeze took a team that is less talented than we currently have, in a tougher division than we are in, had a winning season, beat his arch rival, and pulled a top 6 recruiting class in his first year. Butch is a proven winner, recruiting machine, but it is his first year at a perennial powerhouse. Two years from now I think he can be at the top of this list, but he has to earn it. The only reason I don't have Franklin higher is because he is at Vanderbilt. 9 wins is the ceiling there, even if Saban were coaching there. He won't be there too long, he's a really good coach and I think he will get a big time offer. Mullen goes to a bowl game every year, that is about all u can ask for in Starkville. I think his chances of getting a bigger job are dwindling and there is a good chance he will be ousted eventually when/if Freeze starts winning the Egg Bowl consistently. Stoops had Kentucky atop the football recruiting rankings for a day, that will get folks talking. Gary Pinkel has peaked IMO. He will never be as successful in the Sec as he was in the Big 12 and could lose his job after Mizzou falls to the cellar of the East. Malzahn is an unimpressive hire IMO. Yes, he was the offensive coordinator when Cam was there, which could make me
Look like an offensive genius. Plus this division is stacked and someone has to lose. I'm thinking in three years time it is Auburn and Malzahn will be looking for a job.
as far as recruiting goes its freeze then CBJ. but for all intensive puposes BUTCH is the more threating coach. Vols in the right direction. 2015 SEC CHAMPS!!!
That was gas you smelled, not fear.

No it was your you quietly pray to yourself that Butch Jones is the next Dooley or Fulmer :dance:

Seems everyone on Bielema's band wagon because of his trips to Rose Bowl the last three years. It should be noted however, the he only earned the first trip. The 2nd was won due to Ohio State having the worst record in several decades; and the 3rd was due to a 12-0 Ohio State (who beat Wisconsin at Wisconsin) being ineligible for post season play. Couple that with his three losses in the Rose Bowl in last three years; and he doesn't seem to be such a hot shot coach after all.

Good first post! Didn't recall that he lost all 3 times!
After just watching the following video, where the top LB in Alabama for 2015 has already been recruited heavily by Tennessee, Football Recruiting - Rivals Underclassmen Challenge: Top LBs
I’d have to say of all the new (and fairly new) SEC coaches, I cannot imagine any being more feared than CBJ – he and his staff have done it wherever they’ve been in the past and they seem to be everywhere on the current recruiting trail.

If you asked any of the old guard of Saban, Miles, Spurrier, and Richt in a private conversation which newer coach they had the most concerns about in the future, I’d bet they’d list them in the following order (seasons starting with 2013 as a head coach in SEC in parentheses):

1) Butch Jones (1st)
2) Freeze (2nd)
3) Muschamp (3rd)
4) Sumlin (2nd)
5) Bielema (1st)
6) Malzahn (1st)
7) Franklin (3rd)
8) Stoops (1st)
9) Mullen (5th)
10) Pinkel (2nd)

I could explain why I list each one in this order but it would take too long at this point.

Comment away!

Remains to be seen, but I don't know how you put a coach at the top who's never stepped on a SEC sideline as a HC. CBJ may prove to be a great SEC HC eventually. But I don't think anyone "fears" him.
1) Sumlin
2) Muschamp
3) Bielema
4) Freeze
5) Butch
6) Franklin
7) Mullen
8) Stoops
9) Pinkel
10) Malzahn

Sumlin is first. Beat Bama, coaches a heisman trophy winner, and happens to be located in a talent rich state. Muschamp just won 11 games and coaches a perennial power in a talent rich state. Bielema has been to 3 straight Rose bowls and Wisconsin does not produce a lot of instate talent. The man can coach. Freeze took a team that is less talented than we currently have, in a tougher division than we are in, had a winning season, beat his arch rival, and pulled a top 6 recruiting class in his first year. Butch is a proven winner, recruiting machine, but it is his first year at a perennial powerhouse. Two years from now I think he can be at the top of this list, but he has to earn it. The only reason I don't have Franklin higher is because he is at Vanderbilt. 9 wins is the ceiling there, even if Saban were coaching there. He won't be there too long, he's a really good coach and I think he will get a big time offer. Mullen goes to a bowl game every year, that is about all u can ask for in Starkville. I think his chances of getting a bigger job are dwindling and there is a good chance he will be ousted eventually when/if Freeze starts winning the Egg Bowl consistently. Stoops had Kentucky atop the football recruiting rankings for a day, that will get folks talking. Gary Pinkel has peaked IMO. He will never be as successful in the Sec as he was in the Big 12 and could lose his job after Mizzou falls to the cellar of the East. Malzahn is an unimpressive hire IMO. Yes, he was the offensive coordinator when Cam was there, which could make me
Look like an offensive genius. Plus this division is stacked and someone has to lose. I'm thinking in three years time it is Auburn and Malzahn will be looking for a job.

I hope you're right about Malzahn. He's a loose cannon so I really don't know what kind of HC he'll make. I do some work for AU and his hire wasn't popular amongst the admin. staff. His wife is bona fide. I know you guys don't like him, neither do I, but Franklin can coach. Vol fans will never give him credit, and I understand that. But he's winning at VANDY.
No it was your you quietly pray to yourself that Butch Jones is the next Dooley or Fulmer

nominated for dumbest post ever... :crazy::whistling:
WOULD LOVE FOR BUTCH TO BE NEXT mean a coach that had best winning percentage in football for years....that never lost in November till the very end and won a national championship at UT and always had UT in top 20
yeah that would suck...:peace2:
Seems everyone on Bielema's band wagon because of his trips to Rose Bowl the last three years. It should be noted however, the he only earned the first trip. The 2nd was won due to Ohio State having the worst record in several decades; and the 3rd was due to a 12-0 Ohio State (who beat Wisconsin at Wisconsin) being ineligible for post season play. Couple that with his three losses in the Rose Bowl in last three years; and he doesn't seem to be such a hot shot coach after all.

I hope you're right about Malzahn. He's a loose cannon so I really don't know what kind of HC he'll make. I do some work for AU and his hire wasn't popular amongst the admin. staff. His wife is bona fide. I know you guys don't like him, neither do I, but Franklin can coach. Vol fans will never give him credit, and I understand that. But he's winning at VANDY.

I agree about Franklin. I guess I just don't hate him as much as many in here do, but taking off my orange tinted glasses, if we hate him, it's probably because he is doing his job. The only reason I had him at six was because he is at Vandy. The ceiling at Vandy is nine wins and he's gotten there. If he were here, aTm, or UF he probably be tops or second in my list.
I agree about Franklin. I guess I just don't hate him as much as many in here do, but taking off my orange tinted glasses, if we hate him, it's probably because he is doing his job. The only reason I had him at six was because he is at Vandy. The ceiling at Vandy is nine wins and he's gotten there. If he were here, aTm, or UF he probably be tops or second in my list.

Franklins success is impressive only relative to what other coaches have done there. Vaginabilt historically is a train wreck, one of the worst programs in the history of college football (although do keep in mind that Bobby Johnson won 7 games and a bowl game 2 years before Franklin got there). So in that context, kudos to Penishead.

However, if you look at how he actually did versus his schedule, it's not as impressive. Long and short of it is this.... he lost, badly, to the good teams on his schedule, he won vs the bad teams on his schedule. That being said, Vaginabilt has traditionally lost to good teams, bad teams, horrible teams, so he has done better than most anybody who's ever been there.

But chew on this.... The 4 teams he lost to (SCar, Northwestern, Georgia and Florida) were a combined 44-9, and out scored vaginabilt 119-45.... the 9 teams he beat (Presbyterian, Missouri, Auburn, UMass, Kentucky, perhaps the worst, most poorly coached UT team in my lifetime, Wake Forest and NC State, who even we blew out) was a whopping 37-72, and both teams they beat with a winning record were 7-6.

Let the jackass actually beat someone of note and put up a good record vs a competitve schedule before we say he's one of the better coaches in the SEC. Unfortunately, given the patsies they schedule, we won't get to see proof anytime soon.
However, if you look at how he actually did versus his schedule, it's not as impressive. Long and short of it is this.... he lost, badly, to the good teams on his schedule...

But chew on this.... The 4 teams he lost to (SCar, Northwestern, Georgia and Florida) were a combined 44-9, and out scored vaginabilt 119-45....

I'm going to call you out on this. You just twisted the facts by lumping all of Vandy's losses together. The fact is that Vandy only lost "badly" to UGA. Every other loss was by 2 scores or less:

USC: Vandy lost 17-13 and had the lead in the 4th quarter.

NW: Vandy lost 23-13 and the game was tied with 2 minutes to play.

UF: Vandy lost 31-17 and Vandy had pulled it within a TD with 2:30 to play.

Yes, they got crushed by UGA. But without that game, Vandy's three losses came by an average of 9.33 pts. And every one of those games was within 1 score until the waning moments.
I'm going to call you out on this. You just twisted the facts by lumping all of Vandy's losses together. The fact is that Vandy only lost "badly" to UGA. Every other loss was by 2 scores or less:

USC: Vandy lost 17-13 and had the lead in the 4th quarter.

NW: Vandy lost 23-13 and the game was tied with 2 minutes to play.

UF: Vandy lost 31-17 and Vandy had pulled it within a TD with 2:30 to play.

Yes, they got crushed by UGA. But without that game, Vandy's three losses came by an average of 9.33 pts.

So you wanna take out the game that hurts your argument? Nice. That game doesn't count? Okay, he actually went 9-3 last year then, right?

I'm gonna call you out now chief....
Bottom line, he lost to every good team he played, beat all the bad teams. As a matter of fact, he barely beat an average 7-6 Ole Miss team 27-26, barely beat an awful Auburn team at home 17-13, and barely beat a very bad Missouri team 17-13... Cuts both ways bubba.
So you wanna take out the game that hurts your argument? Nice. That game doesn't count? Okay, he actually went 9-3 last year then, right?

No. Removing that game doesn't help my argument. It was factually incorrect for you to say that Vandy lost "badly" to all 4 teams using the total score as your evidence. Each loss is its own game. 3 of the losses were close, one was a blowout. Those are facts.

I'm gonna call you out now chief....
Bottom line, he lost to every good team he played, beat all the bad teams. As a matter of fact, he barely beat an average 7-6 Ole Miss team 27-26, barely beat an awful Auburn team at home 17-13, and barely beat a very bad Missouri team 17-13... Cuts both ways bubba.

That's all well and good, but you can't call me out on an argument I never made. I'm not saying the Dores were worldbeaters. I simply pointed out your falsehood. Accurately describing some of Vandy's wins doesn't excuse inaccurately describing 3/4 of their losses.
No. Removing that game doesn't help my argument. It was factually incorrect for you to say that Vandy lost "badly" to all 4 teams using the total score as your evidence. Each loss is its own game. 3 of the losses were close, one was a blowout. Those are facts.

That's all well and good, but you can't call me out on an argument I never made. I'm not saying the Dores were worldbeaters. I simply pointed out your falsehood. Accurately describing some of Vandy's wins doesn't excuse inaccurately describing 3/4 of their losses.

Dude, it's not a falsehood to say they beat the bad teams and lost to the good ones. I'll concede the point that I included the Georgia game in the composite scores of the games they lost. But, they did actually lose the game, and they lost it badly. Your wanting to cherry pick and exclude that game and the score is the falsehood to me. It happened, they lost 48-3. Does this mean Alabama actually went undefeated last year because you didn't like the outcome of the Texas A&M game?

You want to split hairs over the games they lost. How about the games they won?

Presbyterian- impressive
Missouri- 5-7 team without theirQB
Auburn- 3-9 team, at home, 17-13... wow, great win
UMass- 1-11 team from the power Mid-America Conference
Kentucky- 2-10... I actually was a little impressed that they beat them 40-0; there, you can have that one
Tennessee- since you're into partial scores, UT down less than a TD at half.... does this count as a loss? Anywho, UT completely quit, starting QB benched.... great win for Vandy against the worst UT team in 40 years. Great win, eh?
Wake Forest- 5-7 ACC team... did spank em though, give you that one
NC State- sorry, even UT blew this team out... they were bad
Dude, it's not a falsehood to say they beat the bad teams and lost to the good ones.

True. But here's what you said originally that motivated my response:

he lost, badly, to the good teams on his schedule,

This is false. Vandy lost badly to UGA, but were in it until the closing minutes against USC, NW, and UF.

I'll concede the point that I included the Georgia game in the composite scores of the games they lost. But, they did actually lose the game, and they lost it badly.

Yes, you included that score with the close scores to give the impression that none of the scores were close.

Your wanting to cherry pick and exclude that game and the score is the falsehood to me. It happened, they lost 48-3.

How am I "cherry-picking"? I am not claiming that Vandy didn't lose to USC, NW, UGA, or UF. Nor am I claiming that they didn't get blown out by UGA. I simply separated the game they lost badly from the games they lost close. You were the one claiming that every loss was bad. Correcting an inaccuracy does not constitute "cherry-picking".

Does this mean Alabama actually went undefeated last year because you didn't like the outcome of the Texas A&M game?

Well hello there, Mr. Straw Man.

You want to split hairs over the games they lost. How about the games they won?

I never made any argument about the quality of the games they won. Congratulations, you didn't lie about Vandy's wins. You still lied about their losses.
True. But here's what you said originally that motivated my response:

This is false. Vandy lost badly to UGA, but were in it until the closing minutes against USC, NW, and UF.

Yes, you included that score with the close scores to give the impression that none of the scores were close.

How am I "cherry-picking"? I am not claiming that Vandy didn't lose to USC, NW, UGA, or UF. Nor am I claiming that they didn't get blown out by UGA. I simply separated the game they lost badly from the games they lost close. You were the one claiming that every loss was bad. Correcting an inaccuracy does not constitute "cherry-picking".

Well hello there, Mr. Straw Man.

I never made any argument about the quality of the games they won. Congratulations, you didn't lie about Vandy's wins. You still lied about their losses.

Straw man? Just trying to follow your logic. My point when I mentioned that they lost badly was illustrated by the composite scores of said losses... It was 119-45 when you count ALL the games... not omit one, or take the halftime scores, etc.... they were out scored by 74 points in their 4 losses, that's all I wrote. I didnt decide to take out the "worst" and "best" lost, just added em up and wrote it down. I originally and then later included the games they won to give balance to the idea that they had a great 9 win season and that THEIR COACH SHOULD BE FEARED, which is the subject of this thread. My original post was accurate and factual and then you came in and decided to cherry pick one throwaway line. But whatever.

You, as a Bama fan, sure seemed to want to come to the defense of Vaginabilt and their pos coach who called your coach Satan, but hey, different strokes for different folks. What do you say we move on? Getting tired of this back and forth.
Straw man? Just trying to follow your logic. My point when I mentioned that they lost badly was illustrated by the composite scores of said losses... It was 119-45 when you count ALL the games... not omit one, or take the halftime scores, etc.... they were out scored by 74 points in their 4 losses, that's all I wrote. I didnt decide to take out the "worst" and "best" lost, just added em up and wrote it down. I originally and then later included the games they won to give balance to the idea that they had a great 9 win season and that THEIR COACH SHOULD BE FEARED, which is the subject of this thread. My original post was accurate and factual and then you came in and decided to cherry pick one throwaway line. But whatever.

No, what you did was present the composite score to back up your claim that Vandy lost each of those four games "badly". You used a fact to create a false impression. The fact itself is not false, but the statement you were backing up with that fact was completely false.

As for "my logic", you don't seem capable of grasping it. But I will expand on your logic to illustrate its absurdity:

Vanderbilt's wins came by a total score of 344-124, for an average victory of 24.4. So, in every one of their victories, Vandy blew the other team out.

That is the exact same argument you made re: Vandy's losses.
No, what you did was present the composite score to back up your claim that Vandy lost each of those four games "badly". You used a fact to create a false impression. The fact itself is not false, but the statement you were backing up with that fact was completely false.

As for "my logic", you don't seem capable of grasping it. But I will expand on your logic to illustrate its absurdity:

Vanderbilt's wins came by a total score of 344-124, for an average victory of 24.4. So, in every one of their victories, Vandy blew the other team out.

That is the exact same argument you made re: Vandy's losses.

Oh no no, you forgot to take out the Presbyterian win buddy like you like to do

How about this Vandywriter? The teams he lost to were a combined 44-9. The teams he beat were a combined 37-72. That better or am I lying about that too?
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Oh no no, you forgot to take out the Presbyterian win buddy like you like to do

How about this Vandywriter? The teams he lost to were a combined 44-9. The teams he beat were a combined 37-72. That better or am I lying about that too?

If I took out the Presbyterian game, I'd no longer be using an outlier to create a false impression about the whole, which is what you did. So your logic requires its inclusion.

And I already acknowledged the facts of their schedule. You can make a great point about 2012 Vandy without making crap up. But you are so desperate to knock Franklin that truth simply isn't good enough.
In my opinion, I think Coach B Jones is a plausible contender for the top spot in a poll like this.

Traditionally, and not just in sports, the one thing that creates the most fear is fear itself - fear of the unknown.

Ranking the coaches who have the brightest future, based on what is known and what remains unknown, Butch Jones and his staff may be striking the largest amount of fear in the minds of tenured SEC coaches.

Realizing that Coach Jones is absolutely crushing the recruiting trail, and doing so with a coaching style and on-field product that has yet to be consistantly tested in the SEC, the fear of Tennessee's on-field success rivaling their recruiting domination must be on the mind's of every single opponent on UT schedule.

Tennessee's recent - and completely unexpected success in recruiting, coupled with the fear-of-the-unknown, is why Coach Butch Jones is a realistic candidate for the #1 position of 'most feared newcomer'.

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