Movies you've seen recently II

All right, I’m bored. List some chick flicks and lets debate on them and such. I’ll throw out The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Pretty ok funny RR rom com. Wife n I enjoyed
The notebook!
Endgame was a let down.....Infinity War better.

My top 5 MCU after the completion of phase 3:

1. Winter Soldier
3. The Avengers
4. Thor: Ragnarok
5. Infinity War
Pet Sematary 5/10 meh. Felt like an unnecessary remake. Even though the first one is campy its still scarier.
Happy Death 2U (2019)

A direct sequel that does reuse the formula except is something different from the 1st movie including the stakes, removes 2 glaring flaws that the 1st movie had. Avoids a awful cliche that gets overused in Horror movies, decent comedy, an exciting great climax, a formidable main Villain,decent twist, great messages, 3 dimensional characters, likable good characters, new death scenes, continuity from the 1st movie including returning characters, and a high stakes exciting climax, sequel bait, and a great ending .
I’m disappointed that again PG13 not a Rated R Horror movie. Certain Horror movies can be PG13 not much blood or no blood, and still be a great Horror Movie.
A Slasher Horror movie is not in that area, and because this is a PG13 Slasher Horror movie this looks like a made for tv sanitize the violence Horror Slasher movie. Similar to action movies that are PG13 and should be Rated R because the flaws can’t be overlooked with PG13.

Ryan created a reactor for a science project which he didn't know created a time loop, the reason why Tree in the 1st movie was stuck in the time loop. This reactor was also what caused temporary blackouts on the Campus.
Again since this is PG13 a 1 stab kill with no blood, and blood is mostly absent.

They get teleported to a parallel universe because in this universe Tree’s mom is alive, Carter is dating Danielle, also Danielle is cheating on Carter.
Tree; mother in this universe talks about a memory that Tree doesn’t know since this is Tree is in a parallel universe and this Tree has different memories.
The Tree of this Parallel universe according to Ryan is stuck in a holding zone.
Tree gets to talk to her mother and say good bye to her before she goes.

Tree talks to Carter why she doesn’t want to time travel to her universe because her mother is alive in this parallel universe, Carter is able to persuade her that she would be living a life that truly isn’t her’s if she remained in this parallel universe and that her experience with grief since her mother died is what shaped her into the person she is currently.
Tree tells Lori that she can end the affair with Doctor Butler since she knows that every day is a opportunity to be a person which is a callback to what Carter told Tree in the first movie. Doctor Butler is in visible view.

Danielle helps create a diversion since she pretend to be a blind French Student with the Dean Bronson distracted, is able to get the keys to unlock the room to get the ace

Again John Tombs a serial killer that wears a babyface mask, the other is Doctor Butler. This is not unbelievable because Doctor Butler didn’t want information about his affair with Lori a student to get discovered so his motive for murdering Tree and Lori is cover up his affair, and John Tombs would be a convenient fall guy.
This information is shown in a flashback explaining his motive, and since this has evidence shown on screen with Tree telling Lori to end the affair this isn’t unbelievable that Doctor Butler is the other murderer with a believable motive to murder Lori and Tree.
In a twist his wife is helping him with the cover up since she doesn’t want the affair to be discovered. Also shown a crime of passion to kill Lori.

Even with the help Doctor Butler betrays his wife shooting her except is defeated by Tree.
Samar and Dre are the other science students and are likable characters that have to find the right formula so Tree can get transported back to her universe. Also Tree has to remember all failed formulas and Tree has to work on the formula because she discovers that only the person that is stuck in a time loop has memories about the day.

Before Dean and Security can shut off the reactor, the reactor is used with the right formula to travel to the main universe.
Tree, Carter, Ryan, Samar, and Dre are escorted to the DARPA Laboratory where the reactor is for further experimentation. Tree knows the perfect test person, Danielle shown waking up and screaming in her bedroom.
Overused in Horror movies the uncreative the Villain returns with a jumpscare ending. This does not use that overused uncreative Horror movie ending

Pet Semetery (2019)

From start to finish a great entertaining Supernatural horror movie. A remake based off the Stephen King book.

Great sets including the Burial Ground behind Pet Sematary that looks like something from HP Lovecraft. A movie that does a great job showing why sometimes dead is better, believable likable good characters and all good characters are likable , 1 great main Villain and decent other main villains big questions get asked in this movie, decent entertaining climax, a great ending that also avoids an overused cliche in Horror movies, No filler or boring parts in this movie, and a exciting decent climax.

The cat has a great name, and the Cat that has the name Church short for Churchill is a great entertaining character.

After Pascow’s death Louis has a vivid dream. Pascow leads him to the back of the Sematary, and warns him not to venture beyond and that the ground is sour. When Louis wakes up he sees that his feet and bed sheets are muddy suggesting that that the events really happened and isn’t a nightmare.
The ending is Louis, Ellie, and Rachel walking to the car that has Gage. Most likely they burn the car to kill Gage. The movie ends before that is shown.
The overused horror movie cliche is a jumpscare ending with the Villain returning.

Louis is killed by Rachel and buried by Rachel. No doubt he was buried in the right area because he is resurrected since he is shown with Ellie, Rachel, and Ellie walking to the car that Gage is in.
Rachel continues to have disturbing visions of her dead sister Zelda. Zelda suffered from spinal meningitis, and she died after falling down a waiter shaft. This has haunted Rachel since she was young.
Louis didn’t want to euthanize Church which is why he drops him off and tells Ellie that Church ran away.

Most likely from experience Jud warns Louis that sometimes dead is better since he senses that the grieving father is planning to resurrect Ellie.

Church the family cat is killed offscreen. Church is resurrected except scratches Ellie and rips open a bird. Also Church attacks Gage.
Ellie does see that Church that walked back home is alive and is on the road except Ellie is killed by tank trailer that is separated from a Tractor Truck.
A believable reaction the family is devastated with Rachel and Gage leave to spend time with her parents. Louis again decides to bury Ellie in the area behind the Pet Sematary.
Ellie is resurrected except she don’t have a conscious. This does get shown in the movie since she has no remorse killing Rachel, and Jud.
Rachel is disturbed to see Ellie is not dead when she returns, and Ellie does stab and kill Rachel.

Ellie does kill the neighbor Jud, and does stab him to death with Church the cat watching. Ellie does briefly take the form of Norma suggesting that he buried her in the Sematary.
Louis isn’t able to kill Ellie because he is killed by a resurrected Rachel. Ellie does drag and bury Rachel in Pet Sematary.
A believable explanation for why animals and humans can be resurrected since Jud does say that it is believed the burial ground behind the Pet Sematary is inhabited by a spirit known as a Wendigo.

Love Romance And Chocolate (2019)

A movie that lives up to it’s simple literal title involves literal chocolate that is in the main plot, and does also have love and romance.
Great exciting climax, believable likable characters including the 2 main characters, not commonly used location for a romance movie Belgium, great messages, memorable lines, the drama of the chocolate competition, obstacles to overcome, and a wonderful ending.
1 flaw in this movie that could have been removed. What that flaw is I’ll say in the spoilers.

I’m amazed because only 1 unlikable character in this movie which is intentional. Read in the spoilers the unlikable character.

Marie the Innkeeper is a supporting character that is kind to Emma and does help Emma experience adventure in beautiful Belgium.
Luc has visible flaws except still is shown to be a likable character, character development involving Emma and Luc, Luc and Emma have great chemistry.
Will Kemp that plays Luc Simon and Brittany Bristow that plays Maria both have impressive great accents.

A unique terrific entertaining start to the end Romance movie set in Brugge Belgium, and has the whole persons finding love in a Europe City except in Brugge not the common used terrific city Paris.
A believable reason for why Luc the main guy character meets Emma the main female character, In romance movies the dime a dozen cliche a man meets a woman in the right location in a big city is overused, predictable, and unrealistic.
Filmed in 3 different cities Belgium and set in Belgium that is done justice with Belgium shown including Emma and Luc inside a boat moving on a canal, a Palace, etc.

Luc Simon a famous chocolatier that has his own chocolate store, and he does need to win the chocolate competition in Belgium the why exactly gets talked about in the movie.
Luc agrees to a business deal with Emma, and that does change.

The chocolate contest is create the most romantic chocolate in Belgium for a Belgian Royal Wedding.

Emma has a boyfriend, that guy for a believable stated reason dumps Emma. He is the only unlikable character in this movie.
I was really amazed that Lacey as Emma didn’t cry for a sad scene except still was able to convey sadness with her eyes and face, along with Luc since he did misunderstand that Max is dating Emma because of awful timing which is why his facial expression changes to sad, stops walking toward and doesn’t give her flowers.
Luc’s store has been struggling to make enough money to remain open, and to avoid closing or selling the Chocolate store. The best chance to solve that issue is he wins the chocolate completion.

The whole cliche line I love you was expected for a romance movie, what I didn’t except and amazed me is what Luc tells Emma while dancing with her including that she opens his eyes to new possibilities and no doubt he means wonderful chocolate can be made that isn’t in the box. Luc before Emma believed since because chocolate nothing should be added which is why he uses the recipes, and nothing that isn’t on the recipe to make chocolate.
Luc is upset or angry when he sees Emma talking to Max his main rival after he finds out she went to his chocolate store and that he makes terrific chocolate.
Luc talking to Emma gives her the impression he wants to get away from her including talking about go without him and enjoy Belgium since she won’t be in Belgium much longer. Emma is a American visiting Belgium.
A believable reason why he gets upset because he tells her seeing him reminds him of far behind they are because they haven’t created a wonderful chocolate to enter in the Chocolate competition, Emma says she wish he would have just said that since he didn’t say that last night.

I wanted Luc to apologize to Emma instead of just give a explanation for why he got upset.

The business deal is Emma helps Luc make chocolate, and Luc takes Emma to see the Royal Ballroom in the Palace. The Palace tours closed to the general public until after the Royal Chocolate Competition.

The store does get changed with Emma achieving her dream to sell cupcakes because cupcakes are shown in the chocolate store at the end, and as expected Luc gets together with Emma.

The Crossword Mysteries: A Puzzle To Die For

Lacey Chabert and Brendan Elliot are outside the box in a Hallmark Mystery Movie. the first of a Mystery movie series
Before this movie they worked together in Hallmark Romance movies. Lacey and Brendan have great chemistry, and in this movie Tess and Detective O’Connor work together to solve art thefts.

From start to the end a Terrific entertaining exciting mystery movie. Great twists that are logical, logical reasons why crossword puzzles are involved in the mystery, character development for 2 main characters Detective O’Connor and Tess a crossword puzzle editor, a great main Villain, the 2 main good characters Tess and Detective O’Connor are likable believable characters, great action, exiting great climax, a great mystery for the main Villain since it isn’t obvious until a great clue which is late in the movie that happens shortly before the reveal, and a good ending.

Detective O’Connor doesn’t believe that a crossword puzzles has clues, and doesn’t want Tess involved in the investigation. Tess is persistent and is able to persuade Detective O’Connor that the cross puzzles are clues has validity since it’s challenging to ignore multiple art thefts from the past have the same traits as crossword puzzles.
He never outright says he’s wrong except still says she should keep looking for any clues in crossword puzzles.
They connect because they start working together to solve the art thefts.

Tess does change her mind about what kind of crossword puzzle he is, and Detective O’Connor accepts that the crossword puzzles are clues along with wants her involved in the Investigation.

The Main Villain that works in the Crossword Puzzle business is using instructions for art thefts with a crossword puzzle the day before the crossword puzzle is published in a Newspaper.

Tess unable to hold it together at the crime scene since a close coworker is deceased, and apologizes to Detective O’Connor for not holding it together. Detective O’Connor says she has nothing to apologize for since she is having a normal common reaction.
For most of the rest of the movie including this scene Detective O’Connor is kind to Tess.

O’Connor does learn more about Tess, and Tess learns more about O’Connor.

The action scenes are Detective O’Connor removing Tess out of the way shortly before a car drives past them, Detective O’Connor driving to an Art Museum that is being robbed, and is able to chase and catch Carmichael that gives valuable information along with why he is involved in these art thefts.
The main Villain with a gun moves Tess upstairs to the roof and is revealed why he wanted her occupied so she wouldn’t discover that he is the mastermind. She is able to talk to him long enough before Detective O’Connor arrives.
Detective O’Connor had to drive to the building, and use the stairs to the roof. He uses a impressive takedown, and the main villain is arrested. Impeccable timing because Tess says to him that she was running out of things to say.

That is the climax that has action, and suspense.
Anyone seen Galveston with Ben Foster and Elle Fanning? I just saw a trailer for it and it looks decent.
Anyone seen Galveston with Ben Foster and Elle Fanning? I just saw a trailer for it and it looks decent.

The writer of the book its based off of is the creator and writer of True Detective. I read the book. Its dark and gritty and good.
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Cold Pursuit - 7/10
I remember seeing the preview for this movie but there wasn't much hype for it. Solid movie with some well placed dark humor in it. The ending was appropriately satisfying.
Detective Pikachu - 6.5/10 Pretty fun, especially if you were/are a Pokémon nerd or saw it with one.
Cold Pursuit - 6/10 darkly humorous in parts. The Ute chief reminded me of Jackie Chan.

I’d like to see the original film it’s based on.
The Family Fang. This came out in 2015 and I don’t know how I missed it. Has 2 of my favorite actors in it, Bateman and Walken. It is a really good dark comedy. It came on HBOZ. I’ll give it a 7 of 8
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The Perfection

As a B movie it's 7.5/10 it has goofy/bad dialogue, is unintentionally funny, decent cheesy/goofy gore, and is at points ridiculous and over the top.

As a horror/thriller It's a 5/10 it has goofy/bad dialogue, it's unintentionally funny, has cheesy/goofy gore, and is at points ridiculous and over the top. Not particularly thrilling or scary, but it's not boring and isn't predictable (not always a good thing here)
I think the direction and change of tone threw me off, the rape twist was just lazy writing. IMO I think if it had stayed on the path it was on the first 30 minutes it could have been good. But it decided it wanted to be body horror randomly and tried to hard to be shocking and disturbing
it was neither of those, it was just funny attempts
Us 8/10 fun movie left me with questions but i enjoyed it. Liked the cast and Peele is becoming a good director great use of music and one fabulously edited scene.
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John Wick 3 - 7.5/10

I think it’s official that John Wick has killed more people than Rambo, the Predator and the Terminator combined.
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Slaughterhouse Rulez..had hopes for this one but it just didn’t pan out. Simon Pegg was not very good in this horror com and it just wasn’t funny. Nowhere good as the stuff coming out from New Zealand and Aussieland

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