Unfriended- I'll give the film some credit, as it was a bit better than I was anticipating after seeing the trailer/previews. Not saying much though, cause I thought it would be another steaming pile of crap. The idea(s) and execution were great to an extent. I was fairly entertained throughout the whole movie (pretty short at 80-85 mins), and found the movie rather creepy and suspenseful at times. unfortunately, the characters are pretty unlikable and annoying (including the damn spirit of the damn thing haunting the characters, whom is frankly just as unsympathetic to begin with), the R rating that slightly got my hopes up (originally thought it'd be another lame PG13 "horror" flick) was never actually obtained (death scenes are pretty weak/could have been much gorier and graphic), and some of the jump scares they pry in are downright dumb. still, I'll lean on the positives just a tad bit more, especially since I went with extremely low expectations. 6/10