MTG Calls for Red State Secession

I believe if any state chooses to secede, the federal government will use every method available to them, without resorting to armed conflict. Should the feds decide to level up to defcon 1 and go all in to prevent it, then the feds will be portrayed as such. Then the domino effect will begin with other states that may have been on the fence about a proposed secession.

Good luck.
Enough talk.

Let's do this....Leroy Jenkins!

It is very apparent that many of you need to go back to high school Civics. You need to learn what is actually in the USC and what is not in it.
I just considered something. Uncle Sam has a history of allowing voluntary joining but denies voluntary dissolution.

You can volunteer for armed service but you cannot leave voluntarily.

Hog, what are your thoughts? Should a person be allowed to leave?

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I believe if any state chooses to secede, the federal government will use every method available to them, without resorting to armed conflict. Should the feds decide to level up to defcon 1 and go all in to prevent it, then the feds will be portrayed as such. Then the domino effect will begin with other states that may have been on the fence about a proposed secession.

I’m just glad to see someone using the defcon system properly

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