MTG Calls for Red State Secession

Only the intellectually deficient and dishonest consider them traitors. They tried to peacefully leave the Union and didn’t try to overthrow the government.
People who dig deeper would understand that, but it's not what is taught in classrooms, which is my point.
You realize the views you express on secession are shaped by the North winning the Civil War, right? If the South had won, the view would be much different. It boils down to "might makes right".

That’s just simply not true or everyone would share the same views on the Civil War
How does exercising their Second Amendment rights translate to "oppose me and I'll shoot you"? That's quite a stretch. You must do yoga.

The threat is implied, pookey. Same as in small towns, where folks have a rifle on a pickup truck gun rack, and a banner saying: "Speak to Mr. Winchester." Come on now, even you aren't that dense.
You always toe the line. Cost/benefit analysis would tell you there's no benefit to medicare. Yet you won't be opposing that anytime soon. You are only bringing up the cost because in your mind it is fine to allow a child that could be saved to parish. Your reasoning for that, I'll never know because you'll continually evade the question.
What question?
Ask it clearly and I will gladly answer.
The threat is implied, pookey. Same as in small towns, where folks have a rifle on a pickup truck gun rack, and a banner saying: "Speak to Mr. Winchester." Come on now, even you aren't that dense.
I think you mean it's made up.
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That’s just simply not true or everyone would share the same views on the Civil War
If the South had won, they would have successfully seceded. The narrative would have been about Lincoln's unjust war in the South. In the North, it probably wouldn't be covered as much. Much like the British don't really cover the American Revolution in depth. There isn't a sound Constitutional argument against secession, but there is a Constitutional argument to support it.
The threat is implied, pookey. Same as in small towns, where folks have a rifle on a pickup truck gun rack, and a banner saying: "Speak to Mr. Winchester." Come on now, even you aren't that dense.

Then it’s a fair comparison when JB stated the US has nuclear weapons and F15’s , he was implying his intent to use those weapons against US citizens and states with the thought of secession.
So just make a WAG, what percentage of people with those bumper stickers have ever turned their firearm on another human being? Curious to see your answer
What question?
Ask it clearly and I will gladly answer.

That’s not what I’m comparing. I’ve clearly stated the same thing about 50x for you now.

Why is it acceptable to allow the child to die if they can be saved?

You’re claiming that you’re just inducing labor and letting whatever happens (death) to happen. The obvious question here is why is that only acceptable to you in 1 of these 2 scenarios? Why should we not save both when/if possible?

Only the intellectually deficient and dishonest consider them traitors. They tried to peacefully leave the Union and didn’t try to overthrow the government.

I would add one additional reason people could consider them traitors. That being their understanding (or lack thereof) of what occurred to begin the war. If you consider Fort Sumter to be the fault of southern troops
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What if it was Hawaii?

“We are grateful for our time in this Union, we believe the next 60 years will better serve Hawaiians removed from this union.”

What would the reaction(s) be?
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What if it was Hawaii?

“We are grateful for our time in this Union, we believe the next 60 years will better serve Hawaiians removed from this union.”

What would the reaction(s) be?

From media. government, citizens? Not exactly sure what you're looking for.
Already answered.
Roe v Wade did it brilliantly.
It's you who can't answer the questions:
"at what point is a fetus deemed savable?"
"who will pay the price of 'saving' a 15 week old fetus?"
"should an egg fertilized outside of the womb be 'saved' at all costs?"
What if it was Hawaii?

“We are grateful for our time in this Union, we believe the next 60 years will better serve Hawaiians removed from this union.”

What would the reaction(s) be?

I would negotiate a lease in-perpetuity of $100 per year for all of our military facilities currently there. A protection treaty baring them from signing defense treaties with other nations and let them be.
Already answered.
Roe v Wade did it brilliantly.
It's you who can't answer the questions:
"at what point is a fetus deemed savable?"
"who will pay the price of 'saving' a 15 week old fetus?"
"should an egg fertilized outside of the womb be 'saved' at all costs?"

You believe "Roe v Wade did it brilliantly" answers the questions I asked? Go ahead then. Explain that and I'll gladly answer those.

1. That point isn't the same for all and changes, but is also not the question. The question was "if they can be saved, why wouldn't you"
2. The same people who pay the price for saving a new born that is given up by the mother
3. No.

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