MTG Calls for Red State Secession

You realize Roe v Wade allowed for 27 week abortions right? Idk why you keep pretending these are/were capped at 15-17 weeks.

I’m sure we spend millions raising a baby too. Why do you consider one right and one wrong? You continue to ignore the question
I've said since the beginning that I thought Roe v Wade was brilliant and should be left intact.

But you avoided my question. Under the scenario I gave, do you think an attempt should be made to save the fetus?
And if so, at whose expense?
Not at all. My line is if we can, we should save all. It seems only you are drawing the line. Therefore I’m trying to understand where it is and why it’s at that point?

Why would you not save a child if capable?

I've said since the beginning that I thought Roe v Wade was brilliant and should be left intact.

But you avoided my question. Under the scenario I gave, do you think an attempt should be made to save the fetus?
And if so, at whose expense?

Already addressed.
I have a better idea: let's take everyone from D.C., NYC, and a few other of the large "progressive" cities up north, move them all to California, then finish up that border wall -- but turn it north at the AZ/CA line. Problem solved.
Don’t we have abortion threads?
Seems like it started here on page one with kiddiedoc and was joined my multiple posters...........

Why in the world would you only now feel obligated to move it?

Anyone have any idea?
Seems like it started here on page one with kiddiedoc and was joined my multiple posters...........

Why in the world would you only now feel obligated to move it?

Anyone have any idea?

I don’t have the power to move anything except my bowels.

I find the discussion about secession to be much more interesting.
And at whose expense?
What about eggs fertilized outside of the womb? Same them all?

I'm confident you see the lunacy of your position.

I’m confident your intent is to simply ignore everything I say and respond with an endless number of questions without ever addressing what was stated
I don’t have the power to move anything except my bowels.

I find the discussion about secession to be much more interesting.'s amazing how frequently some will throw in the "left is a bunch of baby killers" into any debate.
Take it up with them next time.
I don’t have the power to move anything except my bowels.

I find the discussion about secession to be much more interesting.

I’m obviously a massive part of the problem here but when one posters proclaims there’s nothing wrong with inducing labor and letting a child die “naturally” afterwards, I can’t help but address how insane of a position that is
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If we can? lol
Lets say there is a 15% chance that a 17 week old fetus can be saved to have a "normal" life with an estimated medical expenditure of $3.5 million.
Where does that fall in your simplistic "if we can" view.
Wasn’t it the left that used to express horror and disgust when conservatives used to do cost/benefit analysis on new regulations; saying it was WRONG to put a value on human life?
Why yes, yes it was 🤔
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Serious question: how can we have a peaceful, friendly resolution when one side firmly believes the other is willfully and actively murdering babies and mutilating/sterilizing children before the age of consent?

Doesn't that seem like a non-starter?
And sorry..............this was the quote that started the spiral.
I've said since the beginning that I thought Roe v Wade was brilliant and should be left intact.

But you avoided my question. Under the scenario I gave, do you think an attempt should be made to save the fetus?
And if so, at whose expense?
Roe v. Wade always overstepped the actual authority of the federal government. SCOTUS is not there to make law. Abortion should be a state issue. That said, I think many states are messing up, on both sides of the spectrum, but it should still be a state issue. It's up to the citizenry to make their will known rather than just following political ideology.
Wasn’t it the left that used to express horror and disgust when conservatives used to do cost/benefit analysis on new regulations; saying it was WRONG to put a value on human life?
Why yes, yes it was 🤔
So they were wrong.
You have to put a cost/benefit analysis on pretty much everything.

More proof I do not always toe the line.
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I've said since the beginning that I thought Roe v Wade was brilliant and should be left intact.

But you avoided my question. Under the scenario I gave, do you think an attempt should be made to save the fetus?
And if so, at whose expense?
There have been over 63 million abortions since Roe, and one of our far left posters thinks that's "brilliant" Shows the mindset of the modern democrat
So they were wrong.
You have to put a cost/benefit analysis on pretty much everything.

More proof I do not always toe the line.

You always toe the line. Cost/benefit analysis would tell you there's no benefit to medicare. Yet you won't be opposing that anytime soon. You are only bringing up the cost because in your mind it is fine to allow a child that could be saved to parish. Your reasoning for that, I'll never know because you'll continually evade the question.
I guess I don't view dividing up the United States based upon differing political ideologies as patriotic. I consider the last guys that tried as traitors.
The only reason they're considered traitors is because they lost.

And before someone reads more into that statement than is actually there, no I don't support slavery, but if the South had won and successfully seceded, they wouldn't be viewed as "traitors".
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If we can? lol
Lets say there is a 15% chance that a 17 week old fetus can be saved to have a "normal" life with an estimated medical expenditure of $3.5 million.
Where does that fall in your simplistic "if we can" view.
Wasn’t it the left that used to express horror and disgust when conservatives used to do cost/benefit analysis on new regulations; saying it was WRONG to put a value on human life?
Why yes, yes it was 🤔
Maybe because the voters in their respective districts appear to wish for them to retain their posts?

So MTG and her ilk, double the fun by packing a gun inside Congress. Nonverbally saying, if you oppose my vote choice, I'll shoot you? OK, got it.
Lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama

Lay that pistol down
Someone remind me what happened the last time one side firmly believed that injustices were being committed against a certain demographic in our nation.

Wouldn’t a more apt comparison be to ask for someone to remind you the last time one side tried to secede from the United States of America?

Hint: the traitors lost
So MTG and her ilk, double the fun by packing a gun inside Congress. Nonverbally saying, if you oppose my vote choice, I'll shoot you? OK, got it.
Lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama

Lay that pistol down

How does exercising their Second Amendment rights translate to "oppose me and I'll shoot you"? That's quite a stretch. You must do yoga.
So MTG and her ilk, double the fun by packing a gun inside Congress. Nonverbally saying, if you oppose my vote choice, I'll shoot you? OK, got it.
Lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama

Lay that pistol down
I prefer a different tune
Wouldn’t a more apt comparison be to ask for someone to remind you the last time one side tried to secede from the United States of America?

Hint: the traitors lost
So you support might makes right?

VN Store
