MTG Calls for Red State Secession

If your disabilities include your cognitive function, and you're running for office, those are 100% fair game. Ableism in some arenas may be bad. But in terms of who should serve in the senate, that should only be the mentally able.

“No, no, no. When my side does it, it’s justified.”

Should we require a passing grade on a US history and US Constitution exam to be eligible to serve in Congress? I have a pretty good idea of which party would come out on top for that one.
What happens if you vote blue and red wins? The same thing would happen here. Sorry, you got out voted. Move or stay, your call.

I’m not sure why you find that comical in terms of secession but not in terms of democracy in general
It was just a question? No pun intended. I’ll say this, that blue states can do that to people that voted red, so yea, it could be a problem.
“No, no, no. When my side does it, it’s justified.”

Should we require a passing grade on a US history and US Constitution exam to be eligible to serve in Congress? I have a pretty good idea of which party would come out on top for that one.

LOL. Most of the members within both parties would not achieve a passing grade. Careful about tooting your own horn here.
So why do blue staters move to red states?

You pose this question as if nobody has ever moved from a red state to a blue state. And you assume that everyone moving to a red state completely switches their political ideology to match the state they live in. Why? People move for all kinds of reasons. Weather, job, to be closer to family etc. It doesn’t all have to be about politics. Baby boomers are all retiring. Could be they like a warmer climate just like their parents before them?
No, I pose this question based on the obvious and undeniable trends over the past decade, but particularly over the past 3 years.

Again, why are you attributing people moving to their political leanings? All you have to go on are numbers. Old people like warm weather. That’s obvious and undeniable.
Serious Question :

Who gets Wisconsin, under Marjorie Taylor Greene's scenario? The Red or the Blue states?
Their Governor is a Democrat (Tony Evers), but their Senators are split (Tammy Baldwin is a Democrat and Ron Johnson is a Republican) .... and Republicans hold the majority in the state legislature by a 20-12 margin. In 2016, Donald Trump won Wisconsin, but in 2020, Joe Biden won it.
I can't help but get the feeling that MTG's secession plan wasn't very well thought out.

I think it depends on how voters and other people with hands in the cookie jar actually CARE about the state, and how many are just personality cult zombies.
MTG doesn’t plan anything well.

No surprise. Many of the smartest folks I know, especially women, MTG is the worst stereotypical dumb blonde you could imagine. No wonder her husband left her. Poor girl probably has a brain Trumpor.
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Again, why are you attributing people moving to their political leanings? All you have to go on are numbers. Old people like warm weather. That’s obvious and undeniable.

It was you that said red states trail blue states in quality of life in every measurable yet you haven’t let us know what those measurables are. Also if red states have such a bad quality of life why are people moving there?
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It was you that said red states trail blue states in quality of life in every measurable yet you haven’t let us know what those measurables are. Also if red states have such a bad quality of life why are people moving there?
Presumably for lower cost of living and taxes. The same reason Americans may retire in Panama.

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