Mueller Report Imminent

I don't have twitter.
the fact you can't pull out or even cite the page (within 10) to where the evidence of obstruction is listed tells me you are FOS. If it was that damming you would have blasted it all over VN by now.

Well, your rant about John McCain shopping the dossier to the media before the 2016 election was based off a false Trump tweet. I have no idea where you heard it, if not there, (because you didn’t respond when called on it). Maybe it’s the same place you’re getting your hot takes about what’s in the report.

I’m happy to talk about it with anybody who actually wants to have an honest discussion, but until then, watching the Trumpets decide that a few likes and a couple hours of your time are worth more than your credibility and integrity is pretty entertaining. It’s funny watching you guys get triggered when you leave your “total exoneration” safe space. 😂
The “Trump was so mad that he and his family were being investigated, he just couldn’t control himself” is a great defense. “He’s not corrupt, he’s just unfit for office.” 😂
Well, your rant about John McCain shopping the dossier to the media before the 2016 election was based off a false Trump tweet. I have no idea where you heard it, if not there, (because you didn’t respond when called on it). Maybe it’s the same place you’re getting your hot takes about what’s in the report.

I’m happy to talk about it with anybody who actually wants to have an honest discussion, but until then, watching the Trumpets decide that a few likes and a couple hours of your time are worth more than your credibility and integrity is pretty entertaining. It’s funny watching you guys get triggered when you leave your “total exoneration” safe space. 😂
Also, f the Obama administration was trying to help Hillary Clinton win the election, wouldn't they have lifted a finger to stop the Russian interference while it was occurring? All indications are they pretty much just remained on the sideline.

As I've said before, there's legitimate criticism for the Obama administration not saying more about Russia, but to the extent it did, this was a problem.

My broader point was, the whole point of spying would have been to reveal secrets before the election, not many months after Trump was inaugurated. That makes no sense.
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I’m happy to talk about it with anybody who actually wants to have an honest discussion, but until then, watching the Trumpets decide that a few likes and a couple hours of your time are worth more than your credibility and integrity is pretty entertaining.

Facebook memes are solid legal analysis.
As I've said before, there's legitimate criticism for the Obama administration not saying more about Russia, but to the extent it did, this was a problem.

My broader point was, the whole point of spying would have been to reveal secrets before the election, not many months after Trump was inaugurated. That makes no sense.

It was Hillary in a landslide... backup plan was shelved... until, well, you know when.
And it sounds like you didn't care what damage your comments did to the company.

Same attitude Trump has toward our institutions.
I doubt texting my attorney or my wife did any damage to the company and if someone falsely accused you of something like that and dragged you through hell for 2 years over nothing costing you tens of thousands of dollars you’d be pretty pissed too. Get off the high horse man. The view is much better down here with us commoners.
It was Hillary in a landslide... backup plan was shelved... until, well, you know when.

You get the impression Obama went one of two ways.

AWOL ... couldn't be bothered with actually doing anything about a problem of the real kind which pretty much describes his entire tenure.


Complicit and obstructive ... the wheels were greased for Hiliary. They had all the garbage swept under the carpet, and he didn't want anything leaking out if Russian interference was actually investigated before the election ... had to get the whole election thing over as slickly as possible before some of the smoldering embers under the carpet set his house on fire.
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Well, your rant about John McCain shopping the dossier to the media before the 2016 election was based off a false Trump tweet. I have no idea where you heard it, if not there, (because you didn’t respond when called on it). Maybe it’s the same place you’re getting your hot takes about what’s in the report.

I’m happy to talk about it with anybody who actually wants to have an honest discussion, but until then, watching the Trumpets decide that a few likes and a couple hours of your time are worth more than your credibility and integrity is pretty entertaining. It’s funny watching you guys get triggered when you leave your “total exoneration” safe space. 😂

Are you still upset that you lost an argument from yesterday? Dang dude get a freeking life.
Imagine if Obama had told the full story about this, before the election, when it might have made a difference, rather than months after the fact.

Self-inflicted wound.

How many votes were changed? Ballpark figure.
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I've never figured out the supposed Obama administration plot.

(1) Illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
(2) ???
(3) Steal the election for Hillary Clinton.

What is step 2, and why didn't the Obama administration do it?
You're just not getting it.

The never thought she would lose.

The spying supported the Russia collusion hoax and was only an insurance policy in the unlikely event Trump won.
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Darwin would **** himself over the continued survival of some of the people here.

Darwin would be the first to tell us ( I’m positive ) some of us shouldn’t have made it this far . Since you left it open and General I thought I would also .
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Darwin would be the first to tell us ( I’m positive ) some of us shouldn’t have made it this far . Since you left it open and General I thought I would also .

We’ve probably transcended Darwinism, at this point, with all the government welfare and advances in medication.
I doubt texting my attorney or my wife did any damage to the company and if someone falsely accused you of something like that and dragged you through hell for 2 years over nothing costing you tens of thousands of dollars you’d be pretty pissed too. Get off the high horse man. The view is much better down here with us commoners.
Comparing your situation to the president was too far of a reach. Sorry about your bad experience.

Anyway, on cue this is what I'm talking about. Trump's undermining of confidence in the DOJ has nothing to do with "the people"--it's to save his own rear.

How many votes were changed? Ballpark figure.
There's no way to know. I heard a week or so ago that 100+ million Facebook users saw posts generated by Russians.
The never thought she would lose.

The spying supported the Russia collusion hoax and was only an insurance policy in the unlikely event Trump won.

If they "never" thought he would win it doesn't make sense to spy, either.
The cognitive dissonance on here is staggering... We now have Trump lovers talking about someone else's hair? Seriously?

Staggering, who do you think we learned it from? Biden is a racist bigot who wears a wig and has a wife who is a whore. Welcome to the new American politic.
Remind me (if you've disclosed this on the forum) what kind of law you practice?

Mostly criminal defense and some domestic. My only federal experience has been navigating issues relating to individuals who are involved in both systems at once.
There's no way to know. I heard a week or so ago that 100+ million Facebook users saw posts generated by Russians.

If they "never" thought he would win it doesn't make sense to spy, either.
So explain the reason for Watergate for me. Nixon won in a walk. Crooks goin' crook.
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