Mueller Report Imminent

Imagine if Obama had told the full story about this, before the election, when it might have made a difference, rather than months after the fact.

Self-inflicted wound.


The Russians wanted Bernie Sanders to win
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Imagine if Obama had told the full story about this, before the election, when it might have made a difference, rather than months after the fact.

Self-inflicted wound.

The Democrats have done more to sow social discourse and undermine America than the Russians could ever dream. Ironically, they have only reinforced Russian efforts.
He sure looks young and vibrant compared to Biden. Biden looks pale, tired, and like he has had a facelift around his eyes. And Bernie is an old crab.
You think looking orange is better? LOL! And come on, Biden is in much better shape. Trump is a fat tub of lard.
So, you judge people by the color of their skin? Biden isn't very smart. Sorry.
You said that Biden looked pale... Trump looks orange. Is that any better? And as far as Biden not being very smart? There isn't a dumb thing Biden has said that you can't point to something just as dumb that Trump has either said or tweeted... Trump owns a golf property in Scotland (the birthplace of his own mother) and yet he was caught last year clearly not understanding the difference between England (he didn't know that it was its own country), the United Kingdom and Great Britain - while he was on a visit to London.... so, Trump isn't exactly a card carrying member of Mensa, either. Sorry.
You said that Biden looked pale... Trump looks orange. Is that any better? And as far as Biden not being very smart? There isn't a dumb thing Biden has said that you can't point to something just as dumb that Trump has either said or tweeted... Trump owns a golf property in Scotland (the birthplace of his own mother) and yet he was caught last year clearly not understanding the difference between England (he didn't know that it was its own country), the United Kingdom and Great Britain - while he was on a visit to London.... so, Trump isn't exactly a card carrying member of Mensa, either. Sorry.
OMG! Inpeech Fotry Fie if he don't know Scotlin'! Biden doesn't know when he sh!t last. Biden looks like a corpse.....or is it a corpseman?
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Would any normal human being sit back, let their family and friends be dragged before a grand jury, and be quiet over an investigation that was a complete scam from the start, a crime you never even committed?

Everything in the obstruction half of the report (I've read it myself) is nothing more than he said she said. Trump said this, Trump said that, blah blah blah. The fact is, Mueller wasn't fired. Mueller wasn't de-funded, no witnesses were coerced, no one was directed to lie to Congress, and no obstruction of justice took place.

The real headline we should be focused on is that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
I got sued by a former employer once for breach of noncompete. They never gave any kind of cease and desist and it was a complete fabrication. I was so mad and let anyone and everyone know it. I even sent nasty texts ripping the company apart that included key words the company was going to use in a search of my text records knowing they would see them. I sent them because I had things to say to them and that was the only way to do it. It was ridiculous. 2 years, tens of thousands of dollars, multiple scans of my phone and computers, and they subpoenaed tens of thousands of emails from my new employer. I don’t blame Trump one bit for reacting the way he has.
I got sued by a former employer once for breach of noncompete. They never gave any kind of cease and desist and it was a complete fabrication. I was so mad and let anyone and everyone know it. I even sent nasty texts ripping the company apart that included key words the company was going to use in a search of my text records knowing they would see them. I sent them because I had things to say to them and that was the only way to do it. It was ridiculous. 2 years, tens of thousands of dollars, multiple scans of my phone and computers, and they subpoenaed tens of thousands of emails from my new employer. I don’t blame Trump one bit for reacting the way he has.

Sounds like your texts really didn't do much.
I've never figured out the supposed Obama administration plot.

(1) Illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
(2) ???
(3) Steal the election for Hillary Clinton.

What is step 2, and why didn't the Obama administration do it?
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I've never figured out the supposed Obama administration plot.

(1) Illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
(2) ???
(3) Steal the election for Hillary Clinton.

What is step 2, and why didn't the Obama administration do it?
Exactly. It makes no sense to accuse someone of spying if you can't point to the collection of any specific intelligence from it or cite how any such research was ever deployed from the alleged covert activity. That is typical Trump-style smoke blowing without any substance. Also, f the Obama administration was trying to help Hillary Clinton win the election, wouldn't they have lifted a finger to stop the Russian interference while it was occurring? All indications are they pretty much just remained on the sideline.

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