Mueller Report Imminent

I've said many times, release the dossier and the FISA warrants.

You mean so that libs can read them and take them verbatim rather than as a political hack job. What do you think other than rage at falsehoods they could find that Mueller and his merry band of lawyers couldn't? You're working National Enquirer or lower level now ... just stir some more crap in the pot and keep it boiling.
Incorrect again “counselor”

Say it with me.

Mueller is not challenging the accuracy of Barr’s summary.

You libs are writing your own narrative here again

Womp womp. 😂

Accuracy is not the issue. Manipulation and omission are the issue.

Barr is cooked. He lied to Congress, our and simple. Undeniable.
Accuracy is not the issue. Manipulation and omission are the issue.

Barr is cooked. He lied to Congress, our and simple. Undeniable.

It was a summary before the full report was released. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction. Get over it.
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You mean so that libs can read them and take them verbatim rather than as a political hack job. What do you think other than rage at falsehoods they could find that Mueller and his merry band of lawyers couldn't? You're working National Enquirer or lower level now ... just stir some more crap in the pot and keep it boiling.

You call for that to be exposed. I say fine, let us see it and learn what happened.

Predictably you back down and want it hidden again. It's far easier for you to openly speculate about fake conspiracies than to face facts showing that you are full of crap.
Accuracy is not the issue. Manipulation and omission are the issue.

Barr is cooked. He lied to Congress, our and simple. Undeniable.
Read that to your self. So a 4 page summary of a 400+ page report is accurate but at the same time it’s been manipulated and has omissions. 😂

This is gonna be some great TV watching you moonbats sell this.
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So, let me get this straight. Mueller didn't like what Barr had to say about the obstruction part of the summary about a report that has already been released to the public.

Seems like the only reason Democrats would bring this up would be to try to smear and attack Barr.

Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe

"When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said."

Media misinterpretation makes Barr the bad guy? GTFO
Thank you for actually putting the truth out there. The spin and taking things out of context by the media is ridiculous. It’s so obvious they are cherry picking parts of it to spin the headlines and narrative. Look how the Dems on here are eating up the false narrative even when the full article has the truth included in the body.
100 years down the road, when all of us are dead. The history books will not look too kindly on these times in American politics, and not for the reason you left wingers think.
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So are we saying now that a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict insufficiently captures the trial proceedings, and perhaps a "not guilty" man shouldn't go free. Or that "insufficient evidence to prosecute" isn't sufficient to capture all those good legal hours spent pouring over evidence trying to find a strategy that just isn't there? What is really depressing is that leftists after two plus years won't take "insufficient evidence, cause, or whatever to prosecute" as sufficient to drop the matter ... like "not guilty" isn't good enough any more ... it has to be proven innocent to calm their tantrums. One thing about libs is that if things don't work out for them, they want to change the rules ... sometimes retrospectively.

What should get ugly is a good hard look at how the whole damn mess got started ... you know the Hiliary/DNC cobbled up hearsay or heresy and the lying FBI agents who knowingly misrepresented its validity.
Don’t worry. There’s some good stuff coming out about that very soon. Of course we know how the media will react. More spin, lies, and cover up.
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With the breaking news tonight, it is absolutely clear that Barr lied to Congress when he said he didn't know what the reports were about the Mueller team having disagreements with him. He had a letter, in hand, from Mueller himself, explaining what some of the objections were. Barr lied to the Congress. He shouldn't just be impeached. He should go to prison. I look for the Democrats to absolutely skewer him and to make him what this is all about. More lying, more obfuscation, more corruption by this Administration.

Barr perjured himself for sure but nothing will happen to him while Trump is in office.
Accuracy is not the issue. Manipulation and omission are the issue.

Barr is cooked. He lied to Congress, our and simple. Undeniable.
Dude you suck at life. You are on a sub forum of a rival message board ranting about a politician that is living rent free in your head.

Stop and think about that for a minute.

Trump is better than you will ever be. He has improved your country. He has improved Barry’s crap that he left. No thing that you type following this can improve your cause. You lost. You hate it. And all that you post further is sad. I hope that you find a way to cope with your reality. Trump is your daddy. Enjoy your reality.

And get used to feeling this for the next few years.
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When was he under oath and what did he lie about?

During the congressional hearing held on April 10.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland asked Barr whether Mueller supported his conclusions and Barr said, "I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion."
During the congressional hearing held on April 10.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland asked Barr whether Mueller supported his conclusions and Barr said, "I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion."
Don’t hurt yourself stretching like that. As usual, the far left media is saying one thing while anyone that can actually read is saying another.
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With the breaking news tonight, it is absolutely clear that Barr lied to Congress when he said he didn't know what the reports were about the Mueller team having disagreements with him. He had a letter, in hand, from Mueller himself, explaining what some of the objections were. Barr lied to the Congress. He shouldn't just be impeached. He should go to prison. I look for the Democrats to absolutely skewer him and to make him what this is all about. More lying, more obfuscation, more corruption by this Administration.

This is almost as ridiculous as the TrumPutingate fable you spent the better part of two years moaning about.

I think Barr may have been compromised by Putin. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
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During the congressional hearing held on April 10.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland asked Barr whether Mueller supported his conclusions and Barr said, "I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion."

Where in this supposed letter is “support” mentioned?
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With the breaking news tonight, it is absolutely clear that Barr lied to Congress when he said he didn't know what the reports were about the Mueller team having disagreements with him. He had a letter, in hand, from Mueller himself, explaining what some of the objections were. Barr lied to the Congress. He shouldn't just be impeached. He should go to prison. I look for the Democrats to absolutely skewer him and to make him what this is all about. More lying, more obfuscation, more corruption by this Administration.
So you've read the letter? Please share with the class.
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Accuracy is not the issue. Manipulation and omission are the issue.

Barr is cooked. He lied to Congress, our and simple. Undeniable.
Let's see over the past 3 years we have heard:
Trump is cooked
Don Jr is cooked
Kushner is cooked
So now it's Barr???? Hahahaha suck it up libs and move on, can't handle you all lost again
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