Mueller Report Imminent

He has alleged that spying occurred on the Trump campaign in 2016 (this is a serious allegation that needs to be clarified). Most importantly, why didn't he personally review the underlying evidence described in the Mueller report? Isn't that what an AG does before deciding whether or not to prosecute? Had he arrived at a preconceived notion before reading the Mueller report? There are many things.

You’ll find out soon enough the Trump campaign was spied on. The fisa warrants were obtained under false pretenses. I hope you’re this angry when the real truth comes out
"Attorney General Barr wasn’t asked to testify before the committee—he offered," a spokesperson for House Judiciary Committee Republicans told Fox News earlier this week. "He provided the Mueller report voluntarily. He invited Democrat leaders to view the less redacted report in person. Yet the only thing, apparently, that will satisfy Democrats, who refuse to read the less redacted report, is to have staff pinch hit when a cabinet-level official appears before us."
He has alleged that spying occurred on the Trump campaign in 2016 (this is a serious allegation that needs to be clarified). Most importantly, why didn't he personally review the underlying evidence described in the Mueller report? Isn't that what an AG does before deciding whether or not to prosecute? Had he arrived at a preconceived notion before reading the Mueller report? There are many things.

I posted a response earlier to this same question about reviewing all the evidence. So what did we pay Meuller and his team 2 years for if the newly appointed AG has to go back and double check all the work of the Meuller team. You want Barr to sit down and peruse through millions and millions of documents to make SURE that Meuller put accurate info in his 486 page report. If so we would get the AG findings around 2025.
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"Attorney General Barr wasn’t asked to testify before the committee—he offered," a spokesperson for House Judiciary Committee Republicans told Fox News earlier this week. "He provided the Mueller report voluntarily. He invited Democrat leaders to view the less redacted report in person. Yet the only thing, apparently, that will satisfy Democrats, who refuse to read the less redacted report, is to have staff pinch hit when a cabinet-level official appears before us."

The American public isn't stupid, we know political theater when we see it. Todays inquisition of the Attorney General is proof that the Democrats have nothing to offer other than a hatred of Trump and couldn't care less about the American public.
Did you watch the testimony today?

I did not, but I’ve been unable to find an article that attributed what you’re saying to Barr. I would think that would be big news since there was at least one article posted here making a big deal about his statement that the OLC opinion did not prohibit Mueller from rendering a final conclusion.
No one is talking collusion. We're talking obstruction and whatever the other 14 turn up. Who waits until pick up day to take the bag of rotting trash to the outside bin?
Obstruction? Mueller did not seek an indictment/recommend prosecution did he?

Why not?

Still grasping. No collusion but there has to be something. Anything, we need something.


Try winning the next election because you do not got him now, no matter how much you want it.

But go ahead and beat yourselves with this. Most Americans have lost interest.
He has alleged that spying occurred on the Trump campaign in 2016 (this is a serious allegation that needs to be clarified). Most importantly, why didn't he personally review the underlying evidence described in the Mueller report? Isn't that what an AG does before deciding whether or not to prosecute? Had he arrived at a preconceived notion before reading the Mueller report? There are many things.

Oh you know, “we have to pass it to see what is in it.”
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Exclusive — Jerome Corsi Claims Mueller’s Team Tried to Pressure Him Into Pleading Guilty

Author and political commentator Jerome Corsi, who was under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for potential collusion with Russia, claimed Mueller’s team tried to pressure him to plead guilty, during an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

“I got subpoenaed on August 28. I provided my computers, my laptops, my backup devices, everything, I voluntarily gave to the Special Counsel and to his prosecutors, and from the beginning they treated me like a criminal,” he told host and Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

Corsi said prosecutors suspected he had communicated with WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange, whose website published embarrassing emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. Corsi claimed that prosecutors tried to convince him to admit to being that link, despite his denials, so that they could establish collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

He alleged the Mueller team used aggressive tactics:

They bring you into this unmarked FBI building in southeast Washington. You come in through the garage, you have to go in and give them in this safe room your laptops, all your electronic devices, your computer, everything, and they bring you up to this internal conference room, with no windows, no clock, and it’s me and my attorney David Gray at this point, to sit across from three of the prosecutors on Mueller’s team, and six to nine FBI, and they start grilling you for hour after hour, and if you forget some emails, or if you state something different from something they have from a phone call three years ago which you didn’t remember, all the prosecutors stand up, the FBI, they stomp out of the room, they call your attorney into the next room, they say they’re going to put you in prison for the rest of your life.

He alleged this went on for 40 hours over two months, and ended because he did not have contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Exclusive -- Corsi: Mueller's Team Tried to Pressure Me to Plead Guilty
He claimed they threatened to put him away for the rest of his life.
Imagine what would have happened to him if he had wiped his computers and smashed his phones...
As I said before, he needs to start invoking the Fifth Amendment. He has already plainly lied under oath and is at risk of charges. No reason to make it worse.
As I said before, he needs to start invoking the Fifth Amendment. He has already plainly lied under oath and is at risk of charges. No reason to make it worse.
Who is going to prosecute him if charged?

The DOJ.

Sure, Bwahahahaha!

Your delusion is fast approaching luther's on the TDS continuum.
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Barr got crushed like the fat grape he is. Smoked. Whallopped.

He is a shameful excuse for an AG. He should resign immediately. If not, he should definitely be impeached.
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Who is going to prosecute him if charged?

The DOJ.

Sure, Bwahahahaha!

Your delusion is fast approaching luther's on the TDS continuum.

The House I believe has a mechanism itself. If not, and if the DOJ refuses, then bring them in find out why not and charge them, too.
I noticed Spartacus is still hung up on polling data. Harris chimed in about some conflict of interest bs yet doesn’t see screwing everyone in Cali and dc and wherever for favors as nothing more than “hard” work.
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Barr got crushed like the fat grape he is. Smoked. Whallopped.

He is a shameful excuse for an AG. He should resign immediately. If not, he should definitely be impeached.

Whatever wackadoo...Trump is still your President.
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Barr got crushed like the fat grape he is. Smoked. Whallopped.

He is a shameful excuse for an AG. He should resign immediately. If not, he should definitely be impeached.
Your impression of the proceedings is deranged. Your impressions are deeply flawed by your warped perspective. Go back and watch more MSNBC for your backup.

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