Mueller Report Imminent

I'm loving the bucket of chicken thing. Very appropriate. Very accurate.
Agree. It perfectly captured the chicken **** nature of Nadler’s circus.

I really hope they subpoena both AG Barr and the unredacted report. They already refuse to go read what they have and that message keeps getting stronger and stronger.

And subpoenaing Barr? Eric Holder is laughing his ass off as he reads that.
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The smell of fear from the Dims in Congress on the 14 ongoing investigations is palpable. There’s an AG in charge now that is clicking thru the DOJ taskers efficiently and they are scrared shitless of what the answers will be (reason: already know the answers). And they are doing everything in their power and trying some things not in their power to OBSTRUCT him. Tick tock...
The smell of fear from the Dims in Congress on the 14 ongoing investigations is palpable. There’s an AG in charge now that is clicking thru the DOJ taskers efficiently and they are scrared shitless of what the answers will be (reason: already know the answers). Tick tock...

Does anyone know if these 14 redacted ongoing investigations are against Trump team or more of fisa abuses etc?
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I’m not a lawyer or a politician, but I continue to wonder if the reason the statement is “insufficient proof” rather than “no conspiracy” is because these contacts happen. I wonder if the investigators know that every politician or campaign at that level has some contact with foreign governments prior to winning an election. I wonder if they know that if they spent the same time and resources investigating all of the other campaigns they would find similar contacts. So, in that light, they would either have to say everyone conspires, or that in this case, there was insufficient evidence.

I think it's a legal technicality. "We tried our best to convict the guy, but we just couldn't find a way to do it" = "insufficient evidence" to a prosecutor = "not guilty" in the courtroom. They can't find their way to admit defeat and simply say "innocent". In a way it's understandable - a little like shooting down a theory with a counter-proof while broadly the theory does actually accurately describe most situations.

The problem with the Trump attack is they Dims hit the "insufficient evidence" / "not guilty" bar and that breaks their hearts (if we could find one), so they want more. What they want is the bar raised to require an "innocent" verdict so they can apply the counter-proof and say "not innocent" = "guilty".
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I think it's a legal technicality. "We tried our best to convict the guy, but we just couldn't find a way to do it" = "insufficient evidence" to a prosecutor = "not guilty" in the courtroom. They can't find their way to admit defeat and simply say "innocent". In a way it's understandable - a little like shooting down a theory with a counter-proof while broadly the theory does actually accurately describe most situations.

The problem with the Trump attack is they Dims hit the "insufficient evidence" / "not guilty" bar and that breaks their hearts (if we could find one), so they want more. What they want is the bar raised to require an "innocent" verdict so they can apply the counter-proof and say "not innocent" = "guilty".

Literally the worst analysis I have ever read of a legal issue. And that's saying a lot because I have to read prisoner pro se idiocy all the time. Well done, you are worse at it than they are.
Literally the worst analysis I have ever read of a legal issue. And that's saying a lot because I have to read prisoner pro se idiocy all the time. Well done, you are worse at it than they are.
Courts return a binary decision. Guilty or Not Guilty. I’ve never seen a verdict of “Mostly Innocent” which is exactly what you idiots are attempting to do, apply shades of grey to propagate your Bull **** narrative.

Or actually your narrative is going for “mostly guilty”. Still not a valid court ruling. But you don’t want to try this in a court. You want to try it in the media.
I am extremely upset watching this horses**t play out, and the fact they they have the fortitude to make this display in front of US citizens live on TV without fear of reprisal is scary. The Republicans are not any better sadly, I am sure they would be doing the same if the roles were reversed. These people were elected to represent us, how are they doing? It may be time for some yellow vest protests by US citizens?
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Kind of funny to see politicians get panties in a twist after metaphorically being told to Go F themselves.

Maybe they can get back to more law making and less pointless hearings chasing ghosts.

Hmmm. First scan on that ... when you take in the whole thing before reading the actual words. I got "politicians chasing goats." Like watching TV with the sound off, I like my version better.

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