Mueller Report Imminent

Gotta love this guys pony tail also. Dude ain't right.
The difference is in the spying on US citizens vs people who would do harm to US citizens, but then that would be hard to explain to people who believe that civil not military law should be applied to combatants.

You want the surveillance to stop when the foreign target talks to U.S. citizens?
You literally just confirmed my point. You’ve got your girl Nancy screaming AG Barr “committed a crime” yet I’ll bet you money she doesn’t act on a criminal referral. This is all just idiot lib theater to obstruct AG Barr from doing his job.

If a crime was committed then indict and convict. Or STFU and move on. And with regards to indicting AG Barr, Eric Holder cannot stop laughing at that notion.

We’re beyond Trump. He’s not going anywhere. Now you idiots are on defense against AG Barr. Tick tock

Barr committing a crime is a different issue than Trump having committed one.

The reason that does not apply is that because it is a political question for Congress, the issue is not guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The Republicans laughably (but predictably) want to have it both ways. You want to hide behind the point that Trump cannot be charged with a crime while in office, then you want to apply the criminal burden of proof to what he did.

McGahn says that Trump called him and tried to get Mueller removed over the bogus conflict of interest claim, McGahn threatened to resign, then Trump told him not to tell anyone he had asked for that.

Trump says that is not true.

I'd venture a guess right now that, even if you included Trump supporters, about 80 % of the country immediately believes McGahn and thinks Trump is lying. Again.

Fact is, that would be an impeachable offense. By itself, it just would be. Add it to the rest, and its an easy call.

The Dems may not think it politically wise to do so, which is fine with me. But just theoretically speaking, its easily enough to toss his fat azz out of the WH.

There was no collusion. No obstruction. And there’s not going to be an impeachment.

Sorry LG. 😔
Barr committing a crime is a different issue than Trump having committed one.
Apparently neither committed any offense which rises to a need for indictment by the House for Trump or indictment by the DOJ for AG Barr since no charges are being leveled.

It’s over. You lost. Trump broke serve. You idiots better get ready to accept serve back. Tick tock
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We all know you’re knee-jerking from your TDS. But I would bet on balance the entire country would be embarrassed at having a dingbat like Hirono in the US Senate. But most Dems would never admit it.
I find her a bit less embarrassing than Trump, and I cannot conceive of her ever serving as POTUS.
People had no issue with FISA when it was just brown terrorists and stuff but now that a politician got caught by it, it's a problem.

I’d love to get a FISA warrant for that phone call. Roberts, who idealizes an independent, apolitical judiciary, being asked to make an extrajudicial investigation into the integrity of one of his judges to play a role in some political theater.

Lindsey might want to sleep on that one.
You want the surveillance to stop when the foreign target talks to U.S. citizens?

Nope. The issue is constantly recording conversations ... most of which would be considered an illegal wire tap, and then believing there was no invasion of privacy. That's why Mueller should have focused on the FISA warrants rather than accepting ill gotten info to try and nail Trump. The whole mess isn't what Mueller found or thought he found; it's all about what was used to illegally gather information.

As to the recordings themselves, that's a mess. You can't time travel to record a past conversation, so recording real time is the only technically viable method. Keeping those conversations private is a very questionable and doubtful endeavor. It also changes the game for prosecutors because with a corrupt FISA process, anything becomes available thanks to Big Brother's eyes and ears ... and I'm not saying that's all bad, but it does easily have the potential to violate our right to privacy.
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The reason that does not apply is that because it is a political question for Congress, the issue is not guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The Republicans laughably (but predictably) want to have it both ways. You want to hide behind the point that Trump cannot be charged with a crime while in office, then you want to apply the criminal burden of proof to what he did.

McGahn says that Trump called him and tried to get Mueller removed over the bogus conflict of interest claim, McGahn threatened to resign, then Trump told him not to tell anyone he had asked for that.

Trump says that is not true.

I'd venture a guess right now that, even if you included Trump supporters, about 80 % of the country immediately believes McGahn and thinks Trump is lying. Again.

Fact is, that would be an impeachable offense. By itself, it just would be. Add it to the rest, and its an easy call.

The Dems may not think it politically wise to do so, which is fine with me. But just theoretically speaking, its easily enough to toss his fat azz out of the WH.
It's becoming crystal clear that you all can't get Trump. Mueller didn't have enough evidence to conclude that either obstruction or collusion took place. (BTW, several on Mueller's team donated to the Clinton and Obama campaigns. Probably a legit COI, but I digress)

Now Dems are trying to smear Barr for being as transparent as possible.

Yall are absolute scumbags.
These free love hippie libs used to hate the government
Now they love power

That's because the indoctrination worked, and more of these socialistcommies are around in larger numbers. Remember, Khrushchev said they would beat America without firing a single shot...and a certain Alinsky who wanted "community organizers" whose goal was to deconstruct the foundation of values taught by the established institutions of capitalist freedom....
It's becoming crystal clear that you all can't get Trump. Mueller didn't have enough evidence to conclude that either obstruction or collusion took place. (BTW, several on Mueller's team donated to the Clinton and Obama campaigns. Probably a legit COI, but I digress)

Now Dems are trying to smear Barr for being as transparent as possible.

Yall are absolute scumbags.

It’s pretty black and white. But consider this: the same people who droned on and on about collusion are the same ones still carrying water on this Barr smear.

Conclusion: these people are either immoral or ignorant.

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