Mueller Report Imminent

Truthfully, what's the point of Billy showing up today? He'll simply repeat his performance of not remembering what he said or to whom. Probably a smart calculation to risk a contempt charge versus being befittingly outed as a trump shill and being used as a punching bag for hours.

Does he remind anyone else of Fred Flinstone?

Does Mueller remind you of Tutty or Muldoon? Never caught the show so not sure which ... just couldn't avoid commercials as easily in those days.
She said "we have to raise wages..we have to create jobs"..yikes

Where's huff when you need him? That sounds a bit contradictory ... but nothing unusual for a damn politician - particularly a dim one. Have to have a better market to justify more jobs, or else more jobs equals lower wages ... econ 101 - supply and demand. But politicians aren't known for their intellect on economics or anything else.
People had no issue with FISA when it was just brown terrorists and stuff but now that a politician got caught by it, it's a problem.

When are you democrats gonna stop wasting my tax dollars to fund witch hunts and grandstanding committee hearings?

A very valid point; but if they are doing this nonsense, they aren't passing legislation that robs us. Besides they look like the fools that they are ... this is better.
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Courts return a binary decision. Guilty or Not Guilty. I’ve never seen a verdict of “Mostly Innocent” which is exactly what you idiots are attempting to do, apply shades of grey to propagate your Bull **** narrative.

Or actually your narrative is going for “mostly guilty”. Still not a valid court ruling. But you don’t want to try this in a court. You want to try it in the media.


The reason that does not apply is that because it is a political question for Congress, the issue is not guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The Republicans laughably (but predictably) want to have it both ways. You want to hide behind the point that Trump cannot be charged with a crime while in office, then you want to apply the criminal burden of proof to what he did.

McGahn says that Trump called him and tried to get Mueller removed over the bogus conflict of interest claim, McGahn threatened to resign, then Trump told him not to tell anyone he had asked for that.

Trump says that is not true.

I'd venture a guess right now that, even if you included Trump supporters, about 80 % of the country immediately believes McGahn and thinks Trump is lying. Again.

Fact is, that would be an impeachable offense. By itself, it just would be. Add it to the rest, and its an easy call.

The Dems may not think it politically wise to do so, which is fine with me. But just theoretically speaking, its easily enough to toss his fat azz out of the WH.
Literally the worst analysis I have ever read of a legal issue. And that's saying a lot because I have to read prisoner pro se idiocy all the time. Well done, you are worse at it than they are.

Considering the source, I'll take that as a compliment.
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As I would hope the US would be embarrassed. But as we all know....some are, some aren't.
We all know you’re knee-jerking from your TDS. But I would bet on balance the entire country would be embarrassed at having a dingbat like Hirono in the US Senate. But most Dems would never admit it.
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The appropriate question is, "How much is KFC paying him for the advertising?"
People had no issue with FISA when it was just brown terrorists and stuff but now that a politician got caught by it, it's a problem.

You just had to put "brown" in there to infer "racist". Somehow a "minority terrorist" is acceptable? The difference is in the spying on US citizens vs people who would do harm to US citizens, but then that would be hard to explain to people who believe that civil not military law should be applied to combatants.
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The reason that does not apply is that because it is a political question for Congress, the issue is not guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The Republicans laughably (but predictably) want to have it both ways. You want to hide behind the point that Trump cannot be charged with a crime while in office, then you want to apply the criminal burden of proof to what he did.

McGahn says that Trump called him and tried to get Mueller removed over the bogus conflict of interest claim, McGahn threatened to resign, then Trump told him not to tell anyone he had asked for that.

Trump says that is not true.

I'd venture a guess right now that, even if you included Trump supporters, about 80 % of the country immediately believes McGahn and thinks Trump is lying. Again.

Fact is, that would be an impeachable offense. By itself, it just would be. Add it to the rest, and its an easy call.

The Dems may not think it politically wise to do so, which is fine with me. But just theoretically speaking, its easily enough to toss his fat azz out of the WH.
You literally just confirmed my point. You’ve got your girl Nancy screaming AG Barr “committed a crime” yet I’ll bet you money she doesn’t act on a criminal referral. This is all just idiot lib theater to obstruct AG Barr from doing his job.

If a crime was committed then indict and convict. Or STFU and move on. And with regards to indicting AG Barr, Eric Holder cannot stop laughing at that notion.

We’re beyond Trump. He’s not going anywhere. Now you idiots are on defense against AG Barr. Tick tock
When are you democrats gonna stop wasting my tax dollars to fund witch hunts and grandstanding committee hearings?

Once they're having their asses handed to them after the next election, maybe they'll wake up and begin focusing on issues that involve the lives of all US citizens. Until then, we have this constant circus in DC.
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The reason that does not apply is that because it is a political question for Congress, the issue is not guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The Republicans laughably (but predictably) want to have it both ways. You want to hide behind the point that Trump cannot be charged with a crime while in office, then you want to apply the criminal burden of proof to what he did.

McGahn says that Trump called him and tried to get Mueller removed over the bogus conflict of interest claim, McGahn threatened to resign, then Trump told him not to tell anyone he had asked for that.

Trump says that is not true.

I'd venture a guess right now that, even if you included Trump supporters, about 80 % of the country immediately believes McGahn and thinks Trump is lying. Again.

Fact is, that would be an impeachable offense. By itself, it just would be. Add it to the rest, and its an easy call.

The Dems may not think it politically wise to do so, which is fine with me. But just theoretically speaking, its easily enough to toss his fat azz out of the WH.

He said, she said. I guess if Trump used the phone, then somebody is probably trying to figure out how to conjure up a FISA warrant so that they can "legally" use the illegally recorded conversation.
Once they're having their asses handed to them after the next election, maybe they'll wake up and begin focusing on issues that involve the lives of all US citizens. Until then, we have this constant circus in DC.

The bigger issue is whether most of the electorate is paying any attention or just accepting liberally biased news ... the stuff that gets progressively worse by the day. We don't get better representatives until we get a better electorate.
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The bigger issue is whether most of the electorate is paying any attention or just accepting liberally biased news ... the stuff that gets progressively worse by the day. We don't get better representatives until we get a better electorate.


Some will make a decision based upon all of the information provided to them. Some will just take what is spoon fed to them from the MSM and vote how they're told to by their representatives.
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