Mueller Report Imminent

It’s pretty black and white. But consider this: the same people who droned on and on about collusion are the same ones still carrying water on this Barr smear.

Conclusion: these people are either immoral or ignorant.

Dim supporters are like bama fans ... just like your conclusion says. However, I do think the average bama fan is likely better educated and more intelligent ... although still ignorant.
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Hmmm. First scan on that ... when you take in the whole thing before reading the actual words. I got "politicians chasing goats." Like watching TV with the sound off, I like my version better.
I'd watch that..but only if they are fainting goats and it's like a game of red light green light..
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The Democratic partisans don’t seem to understand what is happening here. They think they are sticking it to Trump.

Most normal people see a nasty bunch of immoral politicians harassing a president who is looking out for the country.

NOBODY in my office even talks about the Trump Russia stuff anymore. Why? Because these are intelligent people. Regardless of their political leanings, they see a hoax as a hoax.

The ignorant amongst us haven’t figured it out yet. And the immoral are facts be damned let’s get Trump.

The average American knows all too well what has transpired. Going to make for a really tough go in 2020.
And to provide the opposition equal time

Nikki Haley joins Boeing board
It's wrong, and another example of political corruption. Haley appears to be both intelligent and effective ... highly desirable in a leadership position, but this is all about Boeing's problems, the SC (plant) connection, and politics. Another shining example of politics, graft, and revolving doors.
Even though they would never admit it, maybe some of the left are pissed about being lied to for 2.5 years about a fake collusion story

Similar to the way they pulled our string on Benghazi and IRS, not commenting about the validity, only the press saying convictions were imminent, then nothing happened. I don't like having my string pulled and you are correct, I am sure some Dems are feeling the same.
Now that the collusion narrative is debunked, a narrative CNN has been pushing for 2 years, they're suffering for it.

The only thing they can do is take away that which is causing them to slide and go back to reporting real news.

I remember CNN being the ONLY network worth watching during Desert Storm. If they could find their way back to their roots like that, they'd be able to get their viewership back.
The only thing they can do is take away that which is causing them to slide and go back to reporting real news.

I remember CNN being the ONLY network worth watching during Desert Storm. If they could find their way back to their roots like that, they'd be able to get their viewership back.

Back before Fox News and it's anti-Democrat propaganda machine. CNN didn't change, you did.
You definitely cannot say that about Fox news now can you?
What is it with your obsession with Fox News?

Let me just say this, none of the news networks currently on TV report the news with no bias.

However, CNN and MSNBC peddled a phony narrative for years to try to bring down Trump.

If it's a choice between two evils (CNN,MSNBC and Fox), Fox is the lesser evil.
What is it with your obsession with Fox News?

Let me just say this, none of the news networks currently on TV report the news with no bias.

However, CNN and MSNBC peddled a phony narrative for years to try to bring down Trump.

If it's a choice between two evils (CNN,MSNBC and Fox), Fox is the lesser evil.
They can't handle having one damn network not falling in line with the far left
The only thing they can do is take away that which is causing them to slide and go back to reporting real news.

I remember CNN being the ONLY network worth watching during Desert Storm. If they could find their way back to their roots like that, they'd be able to get their viewership back.

To accomplish this, a complete overhaul of each broadcast team and some within the executive ranks will be required. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening.

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