Mueller Report Imminent

Because they are smart enough to know that impeachment largely hinges on public perception, which Trump and Barr also obviously know which is why Barr's handling of the release is such an issue.

Not all of them are , Pelosi is . I still see others saying .. Im peach fody fiv . Saw her last night saying impeach Barr LOL
So should every Presidential candidate be subjected to mandatory FBI investigations, even before any actual proof of a crime exists? I could go along with that as long as it includes all candidates regardless of party. Hell, I say let's do it with Congress too. No reason to limit it to just Presidential candidates. I'm willing to bet actual investigation would uncover a multitude of crimes from both Republicans and Democrats.

JMO, but I sincerely doubt there are too many "innocent" people in DC.

I know how you meant that; but on the other hand, while I absolutely agree with innocent until proven guilty, with politicians, or wannabe politicians, and especially with career politicians, it only makes sense to consider them guilty until proven innocent because most of them prove their duplicity day in and day out. I do think all politicians and wannabes should be investigated by the FBI (actually before being allowed to run for office) to see if they are qualified for a security clearance commensurate with the position.
It's because they know they've got nothing. The House bringing orders of impeachment will fail in the Senate and then the Democrats will be running in 2020 with that albatross around their necks. And they know it. So all this Kabuki theater is just a battle to sway public opinion that they are not winning.
Trump is the master at swaying public opinion. Of course his target audience is a little easier to sway. Congressional Dems. know the Senate will not support impeachment, that's why they are waiting to see what comes out in the other ongoing investigations.
Trump is the master at swaying public opinion. Of course his target audience is a little easier to sway. Congressional Dems. know the Senate will not support impeachment, that's why they are waiting to see what comes out in the other ongoing investigations.
lulz. You are so pathetically desperate.
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Not all of them are , Pelosi is . I still see others saying .. Im peach fody fiv . Saw her last night saying impeach Barr LOL
I think the plan would be to have some continue to publicly call for impeachment but not impeach....yet.
Trump is the master at swaying public opinion. Of course his target audience is a little easier to sway. Congressional Dems. know the Senate will not support impeachment, that's why they are waiting to see what comes out in the other ongoing investigations.
Too bad the other ongoing investigations to which you pin your hopes on will not find anything that 2 years, an army of investigators and $30 million + did not find.

However the ongoing investigations to which AG Barr referred plus the OIG's will have discoveries that come out that will not be pleasing to you.
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"Russia Didn't Back Trump", huh? I have never heard of the site "" before, but that is a ridiculously incorrect statement based on the conclusions reached by multiple professional investigative bodies including the Senate panel (which is under Republican control) and the United States Intelligence Community. Whatever valid points the site might have made about the media are completely lost when you begin a column with such a mischaracterization of established fact.

Face it, Russia was the Soviet Union; and just because it's not the Soviet Union or "communist" any longer, there's no reason to believe the same old leaders don't still apply the same old tricks. Russia has always been about fomenting revolution ... sowing discord anyplace it can find a place to plant the seeds, because an unhappy world is a place of opportunity for them. They aren't at all beyond co-opting a real revolution in place ... like Cuba. But, yes, messing with both political bases during an election is precisely Russia's style and always has been since the czars were disappeared.
I think the plan would be to have some continue to publicly call for impeachment but not impeach....yet.

So knowing you can’t impeach you’re down to the only other option , crying and whining . So we are going to play politics hoping Trump won’t use that against you in his 2020 messages ? You guys just can’t keep from shooting yourselves in the foot .
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Too bad the other ongoing investigations to which you pin your hopes on will not find anything that 2 years, an army of investigators and $30 million + did not find.

However the ongoing investigations to which AG Barr referred plus the OIG's will have discoveries that come out that will not be pleasing to you.
Will have to wait and see on your first point.
So be it....if they're guilty, fry them, on your second point.
Will have to wait and see on your first point.
So be it....if they're guilty, fry them, on your second point.
Your hope is a flicker in a rain storm. Don't be surprised when the flicker goes out. I'm sure you will find some other slim sliver of silver lining to cling to, as you have demonstrated over and over again your choice to deny what is really happening around you (Willfully Ignorant) and instead concoct a fantasy world to live in like Marwen without the happy ending.

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