Mueller Report Imminent

4 - 2.5 = 1.5

Why add 2 years?
Mueller started in May '17 and finished April '19 - less than 2 years. Why add more than half a year?
The Whitewater investigation actually ran about 8.5 years. March '92 to Sep. 2000.
You can manipulate the numbers any way you wish, but you always come out with Whitewater/Starr being far more than twice as lengthy.
Mueller stated in May '17 and finished April '19 - less than 2 years. Why add more than half a year?
The Whitewater investigation actually ran about 8.5 years. March '92 to Sep. 2000.
You can manipulate the numbers any way you wish, but you always come out with Whitewater/Starr being far more than twice as lengthy.
What about the FBI investigation into Trump-Russia collusion led by Peter Strzok that supposedly started in July 2016?
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They should have started sooner.

They couldn’t until he announced he was running for POTUS . Hillary , Barry and the DNC didn’t think they would need the dossier until Hills showed she wasn’t willing to do her part .
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Trump not going to let staffers testify. Blocking report. Barr ducking the House.

So much for not acting guilty.
I think that was a setup by Mueller. He probably notified members of Congress the moment he sent that letter. That being said, I don’t know that Barr mislead anyone because Mueller appears to be playing word games that leave him non-committal to any direction. He’s intentionally muddying the waters.

Of course you do, it's simply not possible that Trump or any of his associates could be remotely culpable of partisan fuqery. Only the 'dims'.

It's fascinating to watch you folks spin this, no one was holding a gun to Billy's head when he falsely answered Crist's question. That bed shtting belongs solely to Barr and now he's rightfully getting destroyed due to it.

Blaming Mueller for Billy's inability to discharge objective justice is about par for the course for you trump nuthuggers. Mueller handed Barr the noose and Barr and is so ****** awful at his job proceeded to put the thing around his own neck. Dude's a bigger clown than Donny. Mueller playing word games? I haven't heard from Mueller at all outside of his report. He certainly hasn't tried to mislead anyone with "his words", especially not the congressional judiciary committee.
you all are so consumed with past investigations, you all have a very hard time staying on topic
I'm not concerned at all about them. I will just always point out the lunacy when someone goes on about the length of the Mueller investigation. It was fast and professional; I don't know why everyone isn't happy about that.
Now we are in the process of reviewing the findings and deciding what action(s), if any, are warranted. That's actually the way it is supposed to work.
I'm not concerned at all about them. I will just always point out the lunacy when someone goes on about the length of the Mueller investigation. It was fast and professional; I don't know why everyone isn't happy about that.
Now we are in the process of reviewing the findings and deciding what action(s), if any, are warranted. That's actually the way it is supposed to work.
The findings are in and it's over, anyone without a far left wing agenda has moved on. You all couldn't accept the 2016 election and now can't accept the results of the investigation.
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Mueller started in May '17 and finished April '19 - less than 2 years. Why add more than half a year?
The Whitewater investigation actually ran about 8.5 years. March '92 to Sep. 2000.
You can manipulate the numbers any way you wish, but you always come out with Whitewater/Starr being far more than twice as lengthy.

Whitewater was investigating supposed 10 year old financial crimes that turned out just a bad investment.
Of course you do, it's simply not possible that Trump or any of his associates could be remotely culpable of partisan fuqery. Only the 'dims'.

It's fascinating to watch you folks spin this, no one was holding a gun to Billy's head when he falsely answered Crist's question. That bed shtting belongs solely to Barr and now he's rightfully getting destroyed due to it.

Blaming Mueller for Billy's inability to discharge objective justice is about par for the course for you trump nuthuggers. Mueller handed Barr the noose and Barr and is so ****** awful at his job proceeded to put the thing around his own neck. Dude's a bigger clown than Donny. Mueller playing word games? I haven't heard from Mueller at all outside of his report. He certainly hasn't tried to mislead anyone with "his words", especially not the congressional judiciary committee.

What’s fascinating is to watch the liberals try and say Barr is the one stopping them from getting Trump . The reports in , DOJ said nah not going to charge Trump . You now have two choices , Impeach or whine and cry about it all. It’s pretty simple and there’s only two choices left .
The findings are in and it's over, anyone without a far left wing agenda has moved on. You all couldn't accept the 2016 election and now can't accept the results of the investigation.
What's wrong with looking closely at the report? What's wrong with congress asking to see the un-redacted version? What's wrong with questioning the AG's loyalties? What's wrong with hearing from Mueller?
Trump not going to let staffers testify. Blocking report. Barr ducking the House.

So much for not acting guilty.
If the GOP tried to march Greg Craig out into their circus you’d still be screeching over it.

Oh wait he has been charged and thus indeed is gonna be testifying 😈
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What’s fascinating is to watch the liberals try and say Barr is the one stopping them from getting Trump . The reports in , DOJ said nah not going to charge Trump . You now have two choices , Impeach or whine and cry about it all. It’s pretty simple and there’s only two choices left .
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