Mueller Report Imminent

What’s fascinating is to watch the liberals try and say Barr is the one stopping them from getting Trump . The reports in , DOJ said nah not going to charge Trump . You now have two choices , Impeach or whine and cry about it all. It’s pretty simple and there’s only two choices left .
I honestly don't understand why they are not going forward with impeachment hearings. They believe the report says there are impeachable offenses by Trump, so even though the DOJ is passing on charging anything why is the House not pushing the letter? All of this grandstanding and political floor exercises are dumb, they have the numbers and they believe they have the report supporting, so why not do what you feel needs to be done?
What’s fascinating is to watch the liberals try and say Barr is the one stopping them from getting Trump . The reports in , DOJ said nah not going to charge Trump . You now have two choices , Impeach or whine and cry about it all. It’s pretty simple and there’s only two choices left .

Your dichotomy is asinine.

I can easily compartmentalize the fact that Trump didn't 'collude with Russia' from the fact that Barr was and is being used to mislead America from Muellers findings.

See how that works?
What's wrong with looking closely at the report? What's wrong with congress asking to see the un-redacted version? What's wrong with questioning the AG's loyalties? What's wrong with hearing from Mueller?
Looking closely, huh? Barr provided Congress with a version of the report with less than 1% redaction, and that redaction is legally required because it has to do with ongoing investigations.

Have you ever thoght that there may be TWO reasons the democrats are screaming about the redactions? Because they can claim some Trump guilt is hiding behind that black highlighter? And because there are so many Democrats scared to death and wanting to see if they are under investigation?
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I honestly don't understand why they are not going forward with impeachment hearings. They believe the report says there are impeachable offenses by Trump, so even though the DOJ is passing on charging anything why is the House not pushing the letter? All of this grandstanding and political floor exercises are dumb, they have the numbers and they believe they have the report supporting, so why not do what you feel needs to be done?
I believe Lindsey Graham explained it best when they ( GOP) tried it with Slick Willie he said ... we were stupid to have done it and it got him re-elected .
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Loretta Lynch. F&F heat had already used up Holder by that time.

But we can agree that Holder didn't bring charges, right? This is the 'barr' for pointing at the scoreboard now according to the post I cited.
Your dichotomy is asinine.

I can easily compartmentalize the fact that Trump didn't 'collude with Russia' from the fact that Barr was and is being used to mislead America from Muellers findings.

See how that works?

You still only have two choices , see how this works ?
The findings are in and it's over, anyone without a far left wing agenda has moved on. You all couldn't accept the 2016 election and now can't accept the results of the investigation.
You are so right. THe left is stil screaming at the sky. Meanwhile:

Jobs report
Luther is the king of distraction. He accused of adding a half year to the Trump investigation. When you accounted for that, he casually changed the goal posts.
Follow closely. I didn't accuse him of adding a half year to the Trump investigation, I accused him of adding a half year to the MUELLER investigation.
He accused me of overstating the length of the Starr investigation in the very same post he overstated the length of the Mueller investigation.
I'm shocked you didn't call him out.
Compare either way. Starr vs. Mueller. Or Whitewater vs. collusion.
Either way Starr/Whitewater was far more than twice as lengthy........which was my original point.
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But we can agree that Holder didn't bring charges, right? This is the 'barr' for pointing at the scoreboard now according to the post I cited.
Lynch not Holder! I’m not sure there was any opportunity to charge Hills on anything under Holder’s rule. Perhaps Benghazi? Not sure on actual dates. And yes no charges were leveled by either, regardless.
I honestly don't understand why they are not going forward with impeachment hearings. They believe the report says there are impeachable offenses by Trump, so even though the DOJ is passing on charging anything why is the House not pushing the letter? All of this grandstanding and political floor exercises are dumb, they have the numbers and they believe they have the report supporting, so why not do what you feel needs to be done?
Because they are smart enough to know that impeachment largely hinges on public perception, which Trump and Barr also obviously know which is why Barr's handling of the release is such an issue.
They don't like low unemployment and higher wages, they have to have double digit unemployment to keep people thinking they need democrats/socialists to take care of them
Yep. And unfortunately, 'educated' people buy into that crap.

Right luth? What can you possibly run on policy wise in 2020? Put 'em back in chains and back on the plantation?

Free ****?

OH... Trump says mean things.
I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that you'd view the notation of pertinent facts to an argument as 'whining.'

And it doesn’t surprise me that you can’t see that the liberals are out of options . When Barr said no , it required the Dems to now put skin in the game , no more running around complaining the DOJ must do something . You have only 2 choices lefts . It’s a really simple concept . I had high hopes even you could understand it .
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Because they are smart enough to know that impeachment largely hinges on public perception, which Trump and Barr also obviously know which is why Barr's handling of the release is such an issue.
Then what's the issue? I thought that most of the country thinks that Barr is covering for Trump and Trump is guilty as sin?
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If this statement gets backed up people well up into the WH will fry. Not Barry of course but cabinet members are exposed.

The FISA court has been looking into abuses of the FISA system and has communicated with the Justice Department about its findings. Their chief judge has already determined that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation (yes, spying — and, yes, illegal) going on by four FBI contractors to break the law to steal personal electronic information about American citizens and to use it against the Republican Party.

Also says the work by Adm Rogers and the head FISA Judge have already been briefed to AG Barr. Might be the basis of his “yes spying did occur” position?
Because they are smart enough to know that impeachment largely hinges on public perception, which Trump and Barr also obviously know which is why Barr's handling of the release is such an issue.
It's because they know they've got nothing. The House bringing articles of impeachment will fail in the Senate and then the Democrats will be running in 2020 with that albatross around their necks. And they know it. So all this Kabuki theater is just a battle to sway public opinion that they are not winning.
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If this statement gets backed up people well up into the WH will fry. Not Barry of course but cabinet members are exposed.

Also says the work by Adm Rogers and the head FISA Judge have already been briefed to AG Barr. Might be the basis of his “yes spying did occur” position?
Yep. He testified that it did happen illegally
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