Mueller Report Imminent

lulz. It was the Fascists 'ace in the hole' just in case Hillary lost. They never in a million years imagined it was one they would have to play. Probably the greatest political overestimation/blunder since Dewey/Truman. Eh SHOULD have exposed the whole thing, but why since it would never be used. LMAO

Thank you God.
Thank you god What? Trump wasn't exposed as the man he is? It has nothing to do with Hillary.
Camerota: "I guess my point, John, and I’m sorry if I sound like they’ve broken my spirit," Camerota said, "I think I am channeling many members of the American public who feel these past two years have been disheartening for people who believe in justice. The reason that I say that is because, you see in the Mueller report ample evidence laid out of obstruction, of what Robert Mueller considered obstruction, but nothing happens. You see violations of the emoluments clause but nothing happens. You see nepotism, but nothing happens.”

Sounds like she believes Trump at least obstructed justice numerous times, and is disheartened that he will get away with it. I don't think this is a big deal.
Dang, I clicked a Fox News link; now I have to clean my browser history.
Camerota: "I guess my point, John, and I’m sorry if I sound like they’ve broken my spirit," Camerota said, "I think I am channeling many members of the American public who feel these past two years have been disheartening for people who believe in Rainbows and Unicorns. The reason that I say that is because, you see in the Mueller report ample evidence laid out of obstruction, of what Robert Mueller considered obstruction, but nothing happens. You see violations of the emoluments clause but nothing happens. You see nepotism, but nothing happens.”

Sounds like she believes Trump at least obstructed justice numerous times, and is disheartened that he will get away with it. I don't think this is a big deal.
Dang, I clicked a Fox News link; now I have to clean my browser history.
Camerota: "I guess my point, John, and I’m sorry if I sound like they’ve broken my spirit," Camerota said, "I think I am channeling many members of the American public who feel these past two years have been disheartening for people who believe in justice. The reason that I say that is because, you see in the Mueller report ample evidence laid out of obstruction, of what Robert Mueller considered obstruction, but nothing happens. You see violations of the emoluments clause but nothing happens. You see nepotism, but nothing happens.”

Sounds like she believes Trump at least obstructed justice numerous times, and is disheartened that he will get away with it. I don't think this is a big deal.
Dang, I clicked a Fox News link; now I have to clean my browser history.
Doesn't it feel just a little that first centerfold....
The fact that he’s said spying did occur (his words, not mine), I think we are going to see some real charges. I imagine they’re treading carefully because it goes all the way up to Hillary and Obama and they know if they charge them it could wreak havoc on our country. They’re most likely deciding how far up the food chain do they want to attempt prosecution.
As much as I wish it would go all the way I don’t see it happening. Lower level people are definitely screwed.
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What are those charges going to be and who is going to be charged? What law was broken?
According to the Democratic Party and media collusion with a foreign entity to impact an election is treason, you know like what was referred to in the email Chalupa sent to the DNC regarding her efforts with foreign entities to obtain dirt on Manafort and Trump.
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Like Hillary wouldn't have been impeached in her first year. Yep you are quite naive.
There is some truth to the TDS notion, but it falls way short of the hatred and triggered outrage the Right has about Hilldog. They've been screeching about her and trying to take her down since before I was born. She absolutely would have been impeached right out of the gate, or at least censured, with a Republican Congress, for probably far less reasons or accusations.
I always find it humorous that we on the Left get the TDS triggered Snowflake treatment, but it seems everything for them goes back to Hillary and "lock her up".
There is some truth to the TDS notion, but it falls way short of the hatred and triggered outrage the Right has about Hilldog. They've been screeching about her and trying to take her down since before I was born. She absolutely would have been impeached right out of the gate, or at least censured, with a Republican Congress, for probably far less reasons or accusations.
I always find it humorous that we on the Left get the TDS triggered Snowflake treatment, but it seems everything for them goes back to Hillary and "lock her up".
If you want to stretch back the whole Benghazi investigation, it was the result of wanting to pin something on Hillary, even though congress knew full and well what the secret mission in Benghazi was. To aid a faction at a black ops site where interrogations were probably being conducted. Not sending in the calvary was her crime.

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